New and Recently changed: 2022-07-06 dec ⍝ Decimal from hexadecimal 2022-06-14 xtimes ⍝ Fast multi-digit product using FFT. 2022-06-14 big ⍝ Arithmetic on large integers. 2022-06-14 dft ⍝ Display of function tree. 2019-11-12 at ⍝ Prefix-friendly @. 2019-10-01 kk ⍝ Kind Koloring of dfn/op named ⍵. 2019-01-17 refmatch ⍝ Space reference match. 2018-10-30 joy ⍝ Subset of the Joy language. 2018-10-18 wsdiff ⍝ Workspace differences. 2018-09-20 mns ⍝ Make NS from association list ⍵. 2018-06-26 test ⍝ Run test script: no news => good news. 2018-06-13 mac ⍝ Simple macro processor. 2018-06-07 morse ⍝ Conversion to/from Morse code. 2018-06-03 pco ⍝ Prime numbers. 2018-05-23 alpop ⍝ Leftmost value for key ⍵ from list ⍺ 2018-05-22 alset ⍝ Assoc list ⍺ with (key value) pair ⍵ replaced. 2018-05-22 alget ⍝ Value for key ⍵ in association list ⍺. 2018-05-22 alpush ⍝ Association list ⍺ prefixed with (key value) pair ⍵. 2018-05-09 find ⍝ Lines containing string(s) ⍵. 2018-03-03 externs ⍝ External names referenced by fn ⍵. 2018-02-09 defs ⍝ ]defs with names. 2018-02-06 profile ⍝ Performance profiling. 2018-01-31 alt ⍝ Alternant. 2017-12-25 fnrefs ⍝ External refs from function ⍵. 2017-12-10 le ⍝ Total array ordering (TAO) comparison. 2017-11-18 refmt ⍝ Reformat dfn/op. 2017-11-08 in ⍝ Locations of item ⍺ in array ⍵. 2017-10-31 Depth ⍝ Apply fn ⍺⍺ at depths ⍵⍵. 2017-09-02 baby ⍝ The Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine. 2017-08-30 span ⍝ Breadth-first spanning tree for graph ⍺. 2017-08-30 path ⍝ Shortest path from/to ⍵ in graph ⍺. 2017-08-18 nspack ⍝ Share arrays across space tree. 2017-08-18 wrapnote ⍝ Wrap text paragraphs in note vector. 2017-08-18 hexdump ⍝ Hex dump of native file. 2017-08-18 fndiff ⍝ Defined function differences. 2017-07-24 ambiv ⍝ Ambivalize traditional functions. 2017-07-24 wpath ⍝ Quickest path fm/to ⍵ in weighted graph ⍺. 2017-07-24 wspan ⍝ Spanning tree for weighted graph ⍺ from ⍵. 2017-07-23 parse ⍝ Bunda-Gerth parsing. 2017-07-20 wmst ⍝ Minimum Spanning Tree for wu-graph ⍺. 2017-07-06 subs ⍝ Vector substitution. 2017-06-25 repl ⍝ Read-eval-print loop. 2017-05-03 turtle ⍝ Flying-turtle graphics. 2017-05-03 segs ⍝ ⍺-separated segments of vector ⍵. 2017-04-26 dfspan ⍝ Depth-first spanning tree: graph ⍺ from vertex ⍵. 2017-04-26 mdf ⍝ Line hits for function ⍺⍺. 2017-04-26 quzzle ⍝ A hard, simple puzzle. 2017-04-26 mp3 ⍝| Create playlist(s) for mp3 directories ⍵. 2017-04-25 stdists ⍝ Spanning-tree path lengths. 2017-04-25 wsreq ⍝ WS required to execute expression ⍵. 2017-04-25 von ⍝ Capitalise first letters of names, 2017-04-25 packH ⍝ Huffman packing. 2017-04-25 cmpx ⍝ Approx expression timings. 2017-04-25 packR ⍝ Run Length Encoding (RLE packing). 2017-04-25 packB ⍝ Pack a simple array. 2017-04-25 draw ⍝ Draw over '*'s. 2017-04-25 sudoku ⍝ Solution vector for Sudoku problem ⍵. 2017-04-21 stpaths ⍝ Spanning tree paths. 2017-04-21 gauss_jordan ⍝ Gauss-Jordan elimination. 2017-04-21 justify ⍝ Justify line-vector to width ⍺. 2017-04-21 getfile ⍝ Get text file ⍵ as nested vector. 2017-04-21 esh ⍝ Shell for Eide-number sums. 2017-04-21 wrap ⍝ Wrap word vector at ⍺ cols. 2017-04-21 xtabs ⍝ Expand/compress HT chars. 2017-04-21 efract ⍝ Egyptian fractions: Fibonacci-Sylvester algorithm 2017-04-21 kball ⍝ Relationship between point and k-ball. 2017-04-21 fnrepl ⍝ Function string replacement. 2017-04-21 words ⍝ Split vector into words. 2017-04-21 packX ⍝ TeXt packer. 2017-04-21 filefind ⍝ Find 'string' ⍵ in component file ⍺. 2017-04-21 ssword ⍝ Approx alternative to xutils' ss. 2017-04-21 pred ⍝ Partitioned reduction. 2017-04-20 packT ⍝ Simple text vector packager. 2017-04-20 packZ ⍝ Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression. 2017-04-20 dots ⍝ Show dfn with "white dots". 2017-04-20 scc ⍝ Strongly connected components. 2017-04-20 inslink ⍝ Graph ⍺ with new edge ⍵. 2017-04-20 remlink ⍝ Graph ⍺ without edge ⍵. 2017-03-29 rational ⍝ Rational approximation to real ⍵. 2017-01-25 bt ⍝ Balanced Ternary Arithmetic. 2017-01-22 din ⍝ Input of multi-line D-expression. 2017-01-15 int ⍝ Signed from unsigned integer. 2016-11-24 tokens ⍝ Lex of APL src line. 2016-11-06 maze ⍝ Kidz maze. 2016-10-31 UndoRedo ⍝ Derive undo/redo function. 2016-10-21 lsys ⍝ Lindenmayer L-system expansion. 2016-10-19 H ⍝ Quaternion arithmetic 2016-09-07 cols ⍝ Multi-column display. 2016-08-17 cxdraw ⍝ Complex function drawing. 2016-08-16 phinary ⍝ Phinary representation of numbers ⍵. 2016-08-16 det ⍝ Determinant of square matrix. 2016-08-16 kcell ⍝ Relationship between point and k-cell. 2016-07-15 exit ⍝ Return to calling environment. 2016-07-15 putfile ⍝ Put rows to text-file. 2016-07-15 unwrap ⍝ Replace <LF> with blanks. 2016-07-15 vtrim ⍝ Trim trailing blanks from line-vector. 2016-07-15 vtol ⍝ Nested vector to lines. 2016-07-05 tc ⍝ Trace of function application. 2016-06-23 perv ⍝ Scalar pervasion 2016-06-23 rows ⍝ Operand function applied to argument rows. 2016-05-25 polar ⍝ Polar from/to cartesian coordinates. 2016-04-05 bayes ⍝ Bayes' formula. 2016-04-05 eis ⍝ enclose-if-simple / link 2016-03-30 dsp ⍝ Reduced version of disp. 2016-02-20 ltrav ⍝ List traversal. 2016-02-20 kind ⍝ Parse-category of name(s) ⍵. 2015-10-27 f32 ⍝ Conversion to 32-bit floats as ⎕DR 83. 2015-10-26 disp ⍝ Boxed sketch of nested array. 2015-10-25 from ⍝ Select (1↓⍴⍵)-cells from array ⍵. 2015-10-25 days ⍝ Days since 1899-12-31 (Meeus). 2015-10-25 match ⍝ Wildcard match. 2015-10-25 date ⍝ ⎕TS format from day number (Meeus). 2015-10-25 logic ⍝ Logical function array. 2015-10-20 wcost ⍝ Cost vector for path ⍵ through weighted graph ⍺. 2015-10-20 vof ⍝ Vector of functions. 2015-10-20 tnest ⍝ Array from TreeView style tree. 2015-10-20 packS ⍝ Shannon-Fano packing 2015-10-20 cal ⍝ Calendar. 2015-10-20 refs ⍝ Vector of sub-space references for ⍵. 2015-10-20 ratsum ⍝ ⍺⍺-rational sum of ⍺ and ⍵. 2015-10-17 display ⍝ Boxed display of array. 2015-10-15 displays ⍝ Boxed display of array. 2015-10-15 displayr ⍝ Boxed display of array 2015-10-09 bf ⍝ Brainfuck. 2015-10-09 gperm ⍝ ⍵-permutation of vertices of graph ⍺. 2015-10-07 ltov ⍝ Lines to nested vector. 2015-10-07 chksum ⍝ Simple ⍺-digit checksum. 2015-10-07 Cut ⍝ Model of cut. Works in either index-origin. 2015-09-12 shannon ⍝ Shannon entropy of message ⍵. 2015-06-16 lisp ⍝ Evaluator for a subset of Scheme. 2015-06-16 apportion ⍝ Huntington-Hill apportionment. 2015-06-16 Cholesky ⍝ decomposition of a Hermitian positive-definite matrix. 2015-03-16 m91 ⍝ McCarthy's M91 function. 2014-08-29 tree ⍝ Display of namespace tree. 2014-08-29 file ⍝ Apply operand function to native file tie. 2014-08-06 ary ⍝ ⍺-ary representation of rational ⍵. 2014-08-06 splay ⍝ Splay trees. 2014-08-06 redblack ⍝ Red-black trees. 2014-08-06 rats ⍝ Rational arithmetic. 2014-08-06 k6174 ⍝ Kaprekar's operation. 2014-08-06 avl ⍝ Adelson-Velskii, Landis trees. 2014-08-06 sbst ⍝ Simple Binary Search Trees. 2014-07-28 NormRand ⍝ Random numbers with a normal distribution 2014-07-15 ticks ⍝ Sample Dfn execution clock ticks. 2014-07-12 utf8put ⍝ Char vector ⍺ to UTF-8 file ⍵. 2014-07-12 utf8get ⍝ Char vector from UTF-8 file ⍵. 2014-07-08 rmcm ⍝ APL source with comments removed. 2014-05-20 up ⍝ Ref to ⍵-parent of space ⍺. 2014-05-20 time ⍝ Time function application. 2014-05-20 saw ⍝ Function operand applied Simple-Array-Wise. 2014-05-20 sam ⍝ Select and modify. 2014-05-20 memo ⍝ Function memoization. 2014-05-20 lof ⍝ List of functions. 2014-05-20 hex ⍝ Hexadecimal from decimal. 2014-05-20 fk_ ⍝ Fork right. 2014-05-20 cond ⍝ proposition : consequence : alternative 2014-05-20 cf ⍝ Ratio of operand timings. 2014-05-20 _fk ⍝ Fork left. 2014-04-27 index ⍝ ⍵-index of notes in space ⍺. 2013-10-02 refpath ⍝ Refs path from root to ⍵. 2013-08-20 xrefs ⍝ Extract refs vector from array ⍵. 2013-08-12 birthday ⍝ probability of same birthday. 2013-05-22 unify ⍝ Unification of expressions. 2013-05-22 tview ⍝ TreeView style tree from nested array. 2013-05-22 tfmt ⍝ Char matrix from tree. 2013-05-22 refws ⍝ Ref to saved ws ⍵. 2013-05-22 queens ⍝ The N-queens problem. 2013-05-22 pmat ⍝ Permutation matrix of ⍳⍵. 2013-05-22 pack4 ⍝ Quad-tree packing. 2013-05-22 pack ⍝ Save WS by sharing sub-arrays. 2013-05-22 ncpath ⍝ ⎕path-aware ⎕nc. 2013-05-22 nats ⍝ Natural number arithmetic. 2013-05-22 kt ⍝ Knight's Tour Chess Problem. 2013-05-22 htx ⍝ Extract html segments. 2013-05-22 hexf ⍝ IEEE 754/854 floating point. 2013-05-22 foldl ⍝ Fold (reduce) from the left. 2013-05-22 enlist ⍝ List ⍺-leaves of nested array. 2013-05-22 dist ⍝ Levenshtein distance. 2013-05-22 cache ⍝ Ref to space containing initialised cache. 2013-05-22 base64 ⍝ Base64 encoding and decoding as used in MIME. 2013-05-22 assign ⍝ Hungarian method cost assignment. 2013-05-22 ascana ⍝ Higher rank asscociative scan. 2013-05-22 ascan ⍝ Associative scan. 2013-02-21 X ⍝ Exact cover: Knuth's Algorithm X. 2012-12-27 mayan ⍝ Mayan numbers. 2012-08-13 ucase ⍝ Upper-casification, 2012-08-13 lcase ⍝ Lower-casification, 2012-08-08 rr ⍝ Round-robin tournament. 2012-03-30 compidn ⍝ Component timestamp in IDN format. 2012-02-05 trav ⍝ Generic depth-first tree traversal. 2012-02-05 ravt ⍝ Generic depth-first tree traversal. 2011-11-06 for ⍝ Multiple selection of function list. 2011-10-30 to ⍝ Sequence ⍺ .. ⍵ 2011-08-19 fk ⍝ Fork 2011-07-30 xpower ⍝ Fast multi-digit power using FFT. 2010-09-25 bags ⍝ Multisets / bags. 2010-08-15 select ⍝ ⍺-selection of items of vector ⍵. 2010-07-24 nlines ⍝ Number of display lines for simple array. 2010-06-29 adic ⍝ Bijective base-⍺ numeration. 2010-05-21 each ⍝ Fast each for pure operand function. 2010-04-03 cfract ⍝ Continued fraction approximation of real ⍵. 2009-12-15 ksphere ⍝ Surface area of k-sphere. 2009-11-17 isdfn ⍝ Test for D function. 2009-11-17 pow ⍝ Explicit function power. 2009-11-14 colsum ⍝ Sum of (default decimal) columns. 2009-11-14 type ⍝ Widen ⍵ to type ⍺. 2009-11-10 of ⍝ Pick of F of G of H ... arg. 2009-10-31 or ⍝ Sequential test. 2009-10-31 and ⍝ Sequential test. 2009-03-28 nicediv ⍝ ⍵ similar integers with sum ⍺. 2008-01-21 do ⍝ Apply no-result function "en passant". 2007-09-23 stamps ⍝ Postage stamps to the value of ⍵. 2007-07-23 iotag ⍝ Generalized ⍳. 2007-05-12 sieve ⍝ Sieve of Eratosthenes. 2007-04-29 uns ⍝ Unsigned from signed integer. 2007-03-05 ripple ⍝ Perfect Ripple Shuffle. 2007-01-08 subvec ⍝ Is ⍺ a subvector of ⍵? 2006-05-16 gcd ⍝ Greatest common divisor. 2005-10-25 list ⍝ List from vector ⍵. 2005-05-16 acc ⍝ Accumulating reduction. 2005-04-26 dmb ⍝ Drop Multiple Blanks. 2005-01-12 invr ⍝ Approx inverse of real-valued function. 2004-11-25 packD ⍝ Pack char array to boolean vector. 2004-08-12 packQ ⍝ Assorted uniQues packer. 2004-04-13 search ⍝ Breadth-first search of graph ⍺. 2004-03-26 stpath ⍝ Path through spanning tree ⍺ to vertex ⍵. 2004-03-03 easter ⍝ Easter Sunday in year ⍵. 2004-02-24 box ⍝ Box the simple text array ⍵. 2004-01-05 dtb ⍝ Drop Trailing Blanks. 2004-01-05 dlb ⍝ Drop Leading Blanks. 2003-12-29 range ⍝ Numeric range classification. 2003-12-29 just ⍝ Justify text array. 2003-10-20 ss ⍝ Approx alternative to xutils' ss. 2003-09-14 fnarray ⍝ Array of functions. 2003-09-13 vwise ⍝ Variable-wise: apply ⍺⍺ to each var in space ⍵. 2003-09-08 dscan ⍝ Divide scan 2003-09-08 mscan ⍝ Minus scan. 2003-06-20 roman ⍝ Roman numeral arithmetic. 2003-04-17 mmind ⍝ Mastermind or "cows and bulls". 2002-10-31 attrib ⍝ Function/operator attributes. 2002-10-25 wsmerge ⍝ {protected} merge from saved ws. 2002-05-30 rep ⍝ Encapsulate function/operator. 2002-05-30 fix ⍝ Fix function/operator rep. 2002-02-21 packU ⍝ Unique packer. 2002-02-21 packN ⍝ Null packing. 2001-09-24 remnode ⍝ Remove vertex ⍵ from graph ⍺. 2001-09-23 insnode ⍝ Insert vertex ⍵ in graph ⍺. 2001-07-19 mean ⍝ Arithmetic mean. 2001-07-19 fibonacci ⍝ Tail-recursive Fibonacci. 2001-06-14 factors ⍝ Prime factors of ⍵. 2001-06-09 limit ⍝ Function power limit (fixpoint). 2001-05-26 case ⍝ Select statement 2001-05-11 dab ⍝ Drop All Blanks. 2001-05-11 dxb ⍝ Drop eXtraneous Blanks. 2001-05-11 deb ⍝ Drop Ending Blanks. 2001-05-05 while ⍝ Conditional function power. 2001-05-04 until ⍝ Conditional function power. 2001-02-12 cmat ⍝ ⍺-combination matrix of ⍳⍵. 2000-12-18 mtrim ⍝ Trim off trailing blank cols, 2000-11-09 timestamp ⍝ Time-stamped message. 2000-11-06 factorial ⍝ Tail recursive factorial. 2000-11-02 squeeze ⍝ Compress multiple blanks. 2000-10-20 bsearch ⍝ Binary search: least n in range ⍵ with ⍺⍺ n. 2000-10-13 ssmat ⍝ Matrix search/replace. 2000-10-01 osc ⍝ Oscillate - probably returns 1. 2000-08-10 traj ⍝ Function limit 'trajectory'. 2000-07-06 life ⍝ John Conway's "Game of Life". 2000-05-22 root ⍝ ⍺'th root. 1998-04-16 dice ⍝ Interpret a throw of dice. 1998-03-05 roots ⍝ Real roots of quadratic. 1998-03-05 else ⍝ Condition f else g ... 00-00-00 class Back to: Workspaces