bool ← ##.isdfn name                        ⍝ Test for D function.

[isdfn] takes a character vector argument [name] and returns 1 if it refers to a
D function or operator.

NB: With Dyalog V11,  this  function became trivial.  ⎕NC with a nested argument
now returns sub-classes, which distinguish various types of functions, including
D-fns. Prior to V11, the task was more challenging ...

Technical notes:

The  many  ways  to write this function seem to split into two broad categories:
"honest" and "sneaky". The "honest" solutions attempt to analyse the source code
of  the  function,  whereas  the  "sneaky" ones try to detect differences in the
effect  of various system operations. This is not to say that an honest solution
is any "better" than a sneaky one.

The  main difficulty with looking at the source code, is that the header line of
an _ambivalent_ traditional function in Dyalog contains braces:

    rslt←{larg} func rarg

... which rules out testing for the string '←{' in the header. Checking that the
_last_  character in the function is a '}' also comes unstuck, because a trad-fn
could finish by defining a D-fn:

    rslt←{larg} func rarg
    dup←{⍵ ⍵}

The  water  is further muddied because Dyalog header lines may contain comments,
which could make a trad-fn resemble a D-fn.

    rslt←{larg} func rarg ⍝ {}

and  the first line in a D-fn might contain character literals, which could make
it look a little like an ambivalent trad-fn.

    dfn←{larg'}' func rarg

The "honest" approach seems to boil down to:

    It's a D-fn iff:
    the ⎕CR is a matrix,
    whose first line,
    (ignoring comments and character literals)
    contains a '{' and
    nothing follows any matching '}'.

Examples of this approach include:

Phil Last's:

    isdfn←{                             ⍝ is fn/op named in (⍵) a dfn/dop?
         {1=⍴⍴⍵:0                       ⍝ vector ⎕CR - derived function
             {('}'=⊃⌽⍵)∨≠/+⌿⍵∘.='{}'    ⍝ where do braces balance?
             }{⍵/⍨∧\⍵≠'⍝'           ⍝ remove remarks
             }{⍵/⍨~≠\⍵=''''     ⍝ remove literals
             }⍵[?1;]~' '    ⍝ first line
         }⎕CR ⍵         ⍝ foreign needs qualified name

Reima Naumanen's "one-liner" (broken up a bit to show what's happening):

        }⎕IO⊃⎕NR ⍵)~' '

Veli-Matti Jantunen produced a whole suite of functions!

    ⍝| Add comment column to the function body,
    ⍝| fix the fn in an unnamed namespace and check for the
    ⍝| last non-blank - dfn doesn't have the last lamp!

        c←⎕CR ⍵ ⋄ '}'≠¯1↑(,c)~' ':0
        n←⎕NS'' ⋄ '}'=⍬⍴¯1↑n.(,⎕CR ⎕FX ##.c,'⍝')~' '

    ⍝| Add blank column to the function body,
    ⍝| fix the fn in an unnamed namespace and check for the
    ⍝| header - dfn starts with "dfn←{"

        f←⍵~' ' ⋄ c←⎕CR f ⋄ (f,'←{')≢(2+⍴f)⍴c:0
        n←⎕NS'' ⋄ (f,'←{')≡(2+⍴f)⍴n.(⎕CR ⎕FX' ',##.c)

    ⍝| Count the brace balance in the function body.
    ⍝| If the balance is fulfilled only with the last
    ⍝| right brace which ends the function body -> dfn!

        f←⍵~' ' ⋄ c←⎕CR f ⋄ (f,'←{')≢(2+⍴f)⍴c:0
        ⎕ML←3 ⋄ g←{(~≠\⍵='''')/⍵}¨↓c
        s←{(+\⍵='{')-+\⍵='}'}(1+⍴f)↓r~' '

    ⍝| A variant of brace balance algorithm.
    ⍝| This time only the header is checked.

        f←⍵~' ' ⋄ c←⎕CR f ⋄ (f,'←{')≢(2+⍴f)⍴c:0
        1≥+/0={(+\⍵='{')-+\⍵='}'}(1+⍴f)↓h~' '

    ⍝| If  a) the body starts with fun←{, and
    ⍝|     b) the following part between braces is a valid name
    ⍝| => the header is that of a trad fn/operator.
    ⍝| Alas, we have to check for the D function df←{variable}, too :(

        f←⍵~' ' ⋄ v←¯7↓6↓⎕VR f
        (⎕IO+(∨/⎕TC∊v)<'}'=¯1↑v)⊃0 1

    ⍝| This time we'll just check the header:
    ⍝| If the brace balance is met, the fn is traditional...
    ⍝| but we must take care for the one-line dfns, too (with drop).

        n←⎕NR f ⋄ 0∊⍴n:0
        2|+/'{}'∊⍨{(~≠\⍵='''')/⍵}{(⍵⍳'⍝')↑⍵}(-1=⍴n)↓(⎕IO⊃n)~' '

    ⍝| A slightly different variant from isdfn_W4

        v←¯7↓6↓⎕VR ⍵ ⋄ '}'≠¯1↑v:0      ⍝ dfn _must_ end with }
        f←⍵~' ' ⋄ (f,'←{')≢(2+⍴f)⍴v:0  ⍝  ..and start with dfn←{

    ⍝ now we have a dfn OR trad fn with a header like
    ⍝     fun←{left}   fun    right..
    ⍝     mop←{left}(  mop R) right..
    ⍝     dop←{left}(L dop R) right..

        ¯1=⎕NC(2+⍴f)↓(¯1+v⍳'}')↑v:1    ⍝ not {left} ?
        ~∨/⎕TC∊v                       ⍝ dfn←{variable} case

The  alternative  is  to discover a "dark little corner" in the interpreter that
behaves in a different way for D- and trad- functions. For example:

- If auto-format is on, the ⎕CR of a trad-fn starts with a blank.
- ⎕REFS of a D-fn bombs with a DOMAIN ERROR.
- Dyadic ⎕STOP on a D-fn has no effect.

These  all  seem to work; are in general simpler and quicker than the honest way
but are dangerous in that the behaviour on which they rely is susceptible to be-
ing  "fixed".  Some (slightly amended to make them ⎕io- proof) examples are:

Jim Ryan's:

    isdfn←{' '≠⍬⍴⎕CR ⍵}

Ray Cannon's:

        0⊣⎕REFS ⍵


        0∊⍴⎕VR ⍵:0 ⋄ ~0∊⍴⎕MONITOR ⍵:0
        ~0∊⍴0 ⎕MONITOR ⍵:0⊣⍬ ⎕MONITOR ⍵
        1 2≡2⍴1 ⎕AT ⍵

and this from someone who, understandably, prefers to remain anonymous:

    isdfn←{⎕STOP∘⍵{(⍺⍺ ⍵)⊢⍬≡⍺⍺ 0}⎕STOP·⍵}

John  Daintree  notes  that ⎕fx is intolerant of unbalanced braces when fixing a
dfn. He exploits this by appending an extra brace and attempting a re-fix, which
fails for a dfn and succeeds for a trad-fn. In order to avoid damaging an exist-
ing traditional function, the ⎕fx is applied in a temporary namespace. Note that
this  version  classifies  a named derived function (sum←+/), or even a variable
(pi←3.142),  as a dfn. It is safe therefore, only in a context where the subject
is known to be either a trad-fn or a d-fn.

    isdfn←{⍬≡0⍴(⎕ns'').⎕fx'}',⍨⎕nr ⍵}

Paul  Mansour's  solution seems to be "sneaky but safe" as it relies on a behav-
ioural difference that is there by design, rather than accident:

If  a  D-fn  is  assigned  a name, the ⎕CR/⎕NR/⎕VR of the function reflects that
name. In particular, if a second name is assigned, the ⎕CR/.. using the new name
reflects that new name. This is not the case with a trad-fn where the ⎕CR remem-
bers its "original" name:

    d1←{⍵ ⍵}  ⋄         d2←d1  ⋄  ⎕cr'd2' ⋄ ≡/⎕cr¨'d1' 'd2'         ⍝ D-fn.
d2←{⍵ ⍵}

    ⎕fx,⊂'zz←t1 zz'  ⋄  t2←t1  ⋄  ⎕cr't2' ⋄ ≡/⎕cr¨'t1' 't2'         ⍝ Trad-fn.
rg←t1 rg

Paul's solution exploits this distinction in the following way:

    isdfn←{                 ⍝ Test for D function.
        1 ¯2 0≢⎕IO⊃⎕AT ⍵:0  ⍝ No exp result, Not ambivalent, can't be D
        ⍙←⍎⍵                ⍝ Give it a new name
        ≢/⎕VR¨'⍙'⍵          ⍝ Compare

There  is  one  small  problem  with  the approach. What if the subject function
happens  to be called '⍙'? In this case, whatever the function type of the argu-
ment, the ⎕VR's will match and [isdfn] will return 0. We need to find a new name
that  is  guaranteed  to  be distinct from ⍵. One solution is to use a temporary
name whose pedigree is known. "isdfn" fits the bill!

    isdfn←{                 ⍝ Test for D function.
        1 ¯2 0≢⎕IO⊃⎕AT ⍵:0  ⍝ No exp result, Not ambivalent, can't be D.
        'isdfn'≡⍵~' ':1     ⍝ I'm a D-fn!
        isdfn←⍎⍵            ⍝ Give it a new name.
        ≢/⎕VR¨'isdfn'⍵      ⍝ Compare.

This solution works in all cases but is slightly precarious. If we wanted to re-
name  the function: IsDfn←isdfn, we would have to remember to make corresponding
changes  to  both  occurrences  of  the  string 'isdfn' in the code body. A more
robust  but more complex solution would be to have an alternative temporary name
in reserve in case there's a clash. VMJ suggests:

    isdfn←{                         ⍝ Test for D function.
        0∊⍴⎕VR ⍵:0                  ⍝ Irrepresentable: not a dfn.
        1 ¯2 0≢⎕IO⊃⎕AT ⍵:0          ⍝ No exp rslt, not ambiv, can't be D.
        f0←f1←⍎⍵                    ⍝ Choose new names and
        (⎕VR ⍵)≢⎕VR'f',⍕'f1'≢⍵~' '  ⍝ compare.

Choosing  names  'f0'  and  'f1' ensures that a name clash is impossible. If the
subject function is one of these, it can't be the other one.

Notice that these latter solutions, correctly or incorrectly, fail to classify a
D _operator_ as a 'dfn'. This version of ##.isdfn includes operators:

    isdfn←{         ⍝ Test for Dfns/Dops.

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