cvex ←    {width} ##.hex nums               ⍝ Hexadecimal from decimal.
nums ← {signed←0} ##.dec cvex               ⍝ Decimal from hexadecimal.

[hex] and [dec] convert between arrays of decimal numbers and their  hexadecimal

Hex's optional left argument {width} specifies the number of  hexadecimal digits
required. Width defaults to 2, 4, 8 or 16 depending on the magnitude of the arg-

Dec's optional left argument {signed} determines whether  a  hexadecimal  number
whose first digit is in the range 8..f is to  be interpreted as a signed or  un-
signed (default) number.

Restriction: [hex] will not accept numbers whose magnitude means  that  adding 1
will make no difference: a maximum of around 2*53 for a number of ⎕DR-type 645.


    hex 12 34 56                            ⍝ (result is nested).

    hex 100×⍳6                              ⍝ larger numbers.

    hex 100000×⍳4                           ⍝ even larger numbers.

    hex 4 5⍴⍳20                             ⍝ array of numbers.

    4 hex 4 5⍴⍳20                           ⍝ specify width.

    dec 'ace' 'ACE'                         ⍝ upper and lower case accepted
2766 2766

    dec hex 2 4 5⍴⍳40                       ⍝ convert both ways.
 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40

    hex saw(1 2 3)(100 200 300)             ⍝ nested array.

    dec hex (1 2 3)(100 200 300)            ⍝ full circle.
│1 2 3│100 200 300│

⍝ hex of negative integers returns 2's complement or "unsigned" hex number:

    hex ¯3 to 3                             ⍝ hex of negative numbers.

    1 dec hex ¯3 to 3                       ⍝ round trip if signed.
¯3 ¯2 ¯1 0 1 2 3

    0 dec hex ¯3 to 3                       ⍝ non-round trip if unsigned.
253 254 255 0 1 2 3

    hex 2*53                                ⍝ number too big.
Too big
    hex 2*53

See also: int saw hexf
See also: ary phinary bt

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