nested ← {left} ##.eis right                ⍝ enclose-if-simple / link

Suggested by Adám Brudzewsky, a model for enclose-if-simple and link, approximat-
ely as per ';' in SHARP APL and J.

Monadic case: enclose if simple
NB: From Dyalog V16, this function is monadic primitive ⊆.

It is often convenient to allow a function to take either one or many items as
argument. Perhaps we have an editing function:

    edit 'this'             ⍝ edit of single item
    edit 'this' 'that'      ⍝ edit of two items

Such functions often choose to enclose a simple (one item) argument and then pro-
ceed as in the multiple-argument case:

    1=≡⍵:∇⊂⍵                ⍝ single item: enclose and try again
    ed¨⍵                    ⍝ edit each name
    ed¨{1=≡⍵:⊂⍵ ⋄ ⍵}⍵       ⍝ edit each name
    ed¨⊂⍣(1=≡⍵)⊢⍵           ⍝ edit each name

Monadic [eis] encapsulates this idea as:

    ed¨eis ⍵                ⍝ edit one or more names

Dyadic case: link
The dyadic case provides an (approximate) explicit equivalent of the implicit
"vector" (stranding) notation:

    A eis B eis C ... ←~→ A B C ...

Simple Scalars
In Dyalog, the enclose of a simple scalar is itself. What should [eis] do with a
simple scalar? There are two main contenders:

    eis0 0 ←→ 0             ⍝ no enclosure
    eis1 0 ←→ ⊂,0           ⍝ enclose of _ravel_ of

[eis0] is fine for the sort of example above (ed¨eis ⍵) but (dyadic) link fares
less well in more abstract cases, such as reduction:

        display ⊃eis1/⍳6            ⍝ eis1: simple scalar ravel-enclosed
    │ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ │
    │ │1│ │2│ │3│ │4│ │5│ │6│ │
    │ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ │
        display ⊃eis0/⍳6            ⍝ eis0: simple scalar not ravel-enclosed
    │         ┌→──┐ │
    │ 1 2 3 4 │5 6│ │
    │         └~──┘ │

For this reason the behaviour of eis1, which ravels a simple scalar argument, is
chosen for this model.


    ⍝ Monadic case: enclose if simple ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝

    display eis 'hello'             ⍝ simple array enclosed
│ ┌→────┐ │
│ │hello│ │
│ └─────┘ │
    display eis 'hello' 'world'     ⍝ nested array: no-op
│ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │hello│ │world│ │
│ └─────┘ └─────┘ │
    display eis 'h'                 ⍝ simple scalar: ravel-enclosed
│ ┌→┐ │
│ │h│ │
│ └─┘ │
    display eis ↑'hello' 'world'    ⍝ simple matrix: enclosed
│ ┌→────┐ │
│ ↓hello│ │
│ │world│ │
│ └─────┘ │

    ⍝ Dyadic case: link ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝

    display 'this' eis 'and' eis 'that'             ⍝ simple vectors sequence
│ ┌→───┐ ┌→──┐ ┌→───┐ │
│ │this│ │and│ │that│ │
│ └────┘ └───┘ └────┘ │
    display 'aa' 'bb' eis 'cc' 'dd' eis 'ee' 'ff'   ⍝ nested vectors sequence
│ ┌→─┐ ┌→─┐ ┌→─┐ ┌→─┐ ┌→─┐ ┌→─┐ │
│ │aa│ │bb│ │cc│ │dd│ │ee│ │ff│ │
│ └──┘ └──┘ └──┘ └──┘ └──┘ └──┘ │
    display ⊃ eis/ 1 2 3 4                          ⍝ link-reduction
│ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ ┌→┐ │
│ │1│ │2│ │3│ │4│ │
│ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ └~┘ │
    display ⊃ ,/ 1 2 3 4                            ⍝ cf join-reduction
│1 2 3 4│
    display ⊃ {⍺ ⍵}/ 1 2 3 4                        ⍝ cf pair-reduction
│   ┌→────────┐ │
│ 1 │   ┌→──┐ │ │
│   │ 2 │3 4│ │ │
│   │   └~──┘ │ │
│   └∊────────┘ │

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