kinds ← ##.kind namelist                    ⍝ Parse-category of name(s) ⍵.

A necessary and sufficient prerequisite for parsing an APL expression is to cat-
egorise any _names_ into one of four "kinds" depending on their referent values:

    1: Nilad (array, namespace or niladic function),
    2: Function (non-niladic),
    3: Monadic-operator,
    4: Dyadic-operator.

A value of 0 is returned for an undefined name.

The expression (X Y Z) could be parsed in several ways depending on the kinds of
X, Y and Z. Here are just two possibilities:

    X Y Z  →  ┌┴─┐      ⍝ X:function Y:dyadic-operator Z:nilad      cf: +∘1
    2 4 1     X ┌┴┐                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯
                Y Z

    X Y Z  →   ┌┴─┐     ⍝ X:function Y:monadic-operator Z:nilad     cf: ⍴¨2
    2 3 1     ┌┴┐ Z                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
              X Y

Function →parse← illustrates the syntax trees:

        scripts._dyalog parse'+∘1'      ⍝ +∘1 → +(∘1)  right-operand currying
    + ┌┴┐
      ∘ 1
        scripts._dyalog parse'⍴¨1'      ⍝ ⍴¨1 → (⍴¨)1  app of derived fn to arg
    ┌┴┐ 1
    ⍴ ¨

Dyalog's four hybrid tokens: / ⌿ \ ⍀  may be assigned a name.  [kind] classifies
such  names as 2.5 though their effective kind will be determined dynamically at

      slash ← /         ⍝ naming of hybrid token

      1 2 slash¨ 3 4    ⍝ slash interpreted as function:2
│3│4 4│
      +slash 1 2 3 4    ⍝ slash interpreted as operator:3
      kind'slash'       ⍝ [kind] categorises slash as hybrid:2.5


    (kind,⊢) 'qqq' 'notes' 'gcd' 'saw' 'at'     ⍝ names from this ws
0 qqq
1 notes
2 gcd
3 saw
4 at

    (↑ ⍋ ⊃¨∘⊂ ↓) ,∘≢⌸ kind ⎕nl ⍳10  ⍝ number of nilads, fns, mops and dops in ws
1   2
2 200
3  40
4  21

    kind ⎕fx'nilfn' ''              ⍝ niladic function parsed as nilad
    slash←/ ⋄ kind'slash'           ⍝ kind of hybrid

See also: kk
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