rslt ← indx ##.from array                   ⍝ Select (1↓⍴⍵)-cells from array ⍵.

Gianluigi  Quario  suggests [from], an alternative to "square-bracket" indexing:

[indx]  is  a vector of simple indices, each item of which selects along an axis
of [array]. In other words:

    (inx1 inx2 ···) from array  ←→  array[inx1;inx2;···]

The number of items in [indx] must equal the rank of [array]:

    (⍴indx) ≡ ⍴⍴array

The shape of [rslt] is the concatenation of the shapes of the items of [indx]:

    (⍴rslt) ≡ ↑,/⍴¨indx

A  special short-hand "null": (,⊂⍬) may be used for any item of the index vector
to  mean "all items along this axis". It is equivalent to an elided subscript ;;
in conventional square-bracket indexing.

Technical notes:

Apart from the expansion of null indices, this function could be coded succinct-
ly  by  converting to "choose" indexing, using an outer product reduction of the
index arrays:


As  selecting  from a scalar array requires a zero-length index, we must pad the
reduction's argument with a dummy item to avoid a domain error:

    }     │ │     ││
          ├─┘     ├┘
          │       └──── prefix dummy item.
          └──────────── remove dummy items.

    ⍬ from 42           ⍝ null select from scalar.

Purists  who find square bracket indexing offensive (gnomoparenthiphobes? tetra-
claustrophobes?), might prefer to use the "pick each enclose" (chipmunk) idiom:


We could extend our function  to accommodate null indices  by borrowing from the
→select← function, although this would complicate and slow down the coding, con-

    }                 ├────────┘ ├───────┘│ ├──┘
                      │          │        │ └──── full index vector per axis.
                      │          │        └────── supplied index vector.
                      │          └─────────────── select expanded nulls.
                      └────────────────────────── nulls in index vector.


    _←,⊂⍬                       ⍝ special value: select all items along axis.

    ⎕←a3←⍉10⊥⍉↑⍳3 4 5           ⍝ a3 is a rank-3 array.
111 112 113 114 115
121 122 123 124 125
131 132 133 134 135
141 142 143 144 145

211 212 213 214 215
221 222 223 224 225
231 232 233 234 235
241 242 243 244 245

311 312 313 314 315
321 322 323 324 325
331 332 333 334 335
341 342 343 344 345

      1 2 3 from a3             ⍝ a3[1;2;3]

      1 2 _ from a3             ⍝ a3[1;2;]
121 122 123 124 125

      1 _ _ from a3             ⍝ a3[1;;]
111 112 113 114 115
121 122 123 124 125
131 132 133 134 135
141 142 143 144 145

      _ 2 _ from a3             ⍝ a3[;2;]
121 122 123 124 125
221 222 223 224 225
321 322 323 324 325

      (2 1)_ _ from a3          ⍝ a3[2 1;;]
211 212 213 214 215
221 222 223 224 225
231 232 233 234 235
241 242 243 244 245

111 112 113 114 115
121 122 123 124 125
131 132 133 134 135
141 142 143 144 145

      (2 2⍴2 1)_ _from a3       ⍝ a3[2 2⍴2 1;;]
211 212 213 214 215
221 222 223 224 225
231 232 233 234 235
241 242 243 244 245

111 112 113 114 115
121 122 123 124 125
131 132 133 134 135
141 142 143 144 145

211 212 213 214 215
221 222 223 224 225
231 232 233 234 235
241 242 243 244 245

111 112 113 114 115
121 122 123 124 125
131 132 133 134 135
141 142 143 144 145

      _ 2 _ from a3             ⍝ a3[;2;]
121 122 123 124 125
221 222 223 224 225
321 322 323 324 325

      _ _ 2 from a3             ⍝ a3[;;2]
112 122 132 142
212 222 232 242
312 322 332 342

      _ _ (2 2⍴2 1)from a3      ⍝ a3[;;2 2⍴2 1]
112 111
112 111

122 121
122 121

132 131
132 131

142 141
142 141

212 211
212 211

222 221
222 221

232 231
232 231

242 241
242 241

312 311
312 311

322 321
322 321

332 331
332 331

342 341
342 341

      ⍴(,1)(,2)(,3) from a3             ⍝ rank-3 result.
1 1 1
      ⍴(,1)( 2)(,3) from a3             ⍝ rank-2 result.
1 1
      ⍴( 1)( 2)(,3) from a3             ⍝ rank-1 result.
      ⍴( 1)( 2)( 3) from a3             ⍝ rank-0 result.

      (⊂2 2⍴2 1 1)from'hello' 'world'   ⍝ works for nested arg.
 world  hello
 hello  world

See also: select

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