cvec ← {path←⎕path} ##.ncpath names         ⍝ ⎕path-aware ⎕nc.

Suggested  by Mark Johns, this function searches namespaces in its left argument
(default ⎕PATH) for functions and operators named in its right argument.

Right  argument [names] is a simple character matrix, vector or scalar, suitable
as a right argument for ⎕NC.

For  each name found along the [path], [ncpath] reports:

    3 for a function,
    4 for an operator and
    0 otherwise.

Note that this function ignores names with a class other than 3 or 4.

This  rather  simple coding of the function does not cope with the special ⎕path
entry:  '↑'.  We could arrange to have it substitute occurrences of '↑' in ⎕path
with  an  appropriate sequence '## ##.## ##.##.## ···'. The following expression
returns such a sequence:


    Remember  that operators may take arrays, as well as functions, as operands.
    We  could  choose  to extend primitive operator each (¨) to "apply" an array
    operand  to  each  item  of  its argument. Then sub-expression {'##'}¨ above
    could be replaced with just '##'¨.

        '##'¨ '...'

        0¨⍳2 3
    0 0 0
    0 0 0


    ncpath'display'                     ⍝ display is a function.
    notes.⎕nc'display'                  ⍝ display is a variable in notes.
    notes ncpath'display'               ⍝ no display function in notes.
    ncpath↑'display' 'rows'             ⍝ rows is an operator.
3 4

    ⎕path←'⎕se'                         ⍝ set ⎕path for utility fns.

    ⎕se.dup←{⍵ ⍵}                       ⍝ make a duplicator fn in ⎕se.

    dup 33                              ⍝ function reference using ⎕path.
33 33

    ⎕nc'dup'                            ⍝ no dup in current space.
    ncpath'dup'                         ⍝ dup is a fn somewhere on ⎕path.

See also: refs

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