rslt ← pick ##.of F of G of H ... arg       ⍝ Pick'th fn applied to arg.

[pick] is a ⎕IO-sensitive index into the "vector of" monadic functions": F G ··.
The  [pick]th function is applied to [arg]. If [pick] is out-of-bounds, [arg] is
returned unmodified.

Technical note:

The operator code looks like this:

    of←{                            ⍝ pick of F of G of H ... arg.
        indx rslt←⍺⍺{               ⍝ 'countdown' and received result.
            2=⎕NC'⍺⍺':⍺⍺ ⍵          ⍝ left leaf of tree: pick-index and arg.
            'int'⍺⍺ ⍵               ⍝ intermediate level: recur left.

        next←(⍵⍵⍣(⎕IO=indx))rslt    ⍝ apply ⍵⍵ if at right level.

        ⍺←'top'                     ⍝ missing ⍺ => top level.
        ⍺≡'top':next                ⍝ top level: return result.
        (indx-1)next                ⍝ otherwise: index and rslt.

As  with  the →case← operator, although the sequence: (p of F of G of H ··· arg)
might look linear, in fact it represents a derived function _tree_:

           ┌─··· arg
       ┌─of─┐ H
     ┌─of─┐ G
    pick  F

[of]  traverses the left "spine" of this tree until it finds a left operand that
is  not  a  function and so must be the [pick] index. It returns this [indx] and
the value of the argument ⍵, as the "current" result.

[indx]  is  decremented  as,  together with the result, it is passed back up the
tree.  When and if [indx] matches ⎕IO, the target level has been reached and the
[next] result passed back is: ⍵⍵ ⍵.

A  final  twist is that, at the top of the derived function tree, [indx] must be
discarded  from  the (index next) pair. This is achieved by using ⍺ to signal an
intermediate depth in the tree and defaulting it to 'top'.


      1 of + of - of × of ÷ 10      ⍝ +10
      2 of + of - of × of ÷ 10      ⍝ -10
      3 of + of - of × of ÷ 10      ⍝ ×10
      4 of + of - of × of ÷ 10      ⍝ ÷10
      5 of + of - of × of ÷ 10      ⍝  10 (out of range index returns arg).

See also: case Function_arrays pow case co_ops

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