graph ← graph ##.gperm perm             ⍝ ⍵-permutation of vertices of graph ⍺.

Returns  a new graph with vertices rearranged according to permutation vector ⍵.
The new graph is functionally identical (isomorphic) to the original.


    g                                   ⍝ graph "g"
│2 3│3│2 4│1 5│3│

    g gperm 2 1 3 4 5                   ⍝ first two vertices reversed
│3│1 3│1 4│2 5│3│

    g gperm ⌽⍳⍴g                        ⍝ all vertices reversed
│3│5 1│4 2│3│4 3│

See also: Graphs insnode remnode

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