line ← ##.rmcm line                         ⍝ APL source with comments removed.

Removes  comments  from  a vector or matrix of APL, by identifying the first un-
quoted "⍝" on each line character  and  stripping  it  and all characters to its

Note that the function doesn't  remove  any resulting trailing blank columns but
if the result is to be passed to ⎕FX, this will make no difference.

VMJ supplies this alternative, named after a Finnish  Prime Minister whose init-
ials  were  HHH,  and whose most memorable remark was "No comments, I'm drinking
coffee now".

        ((∨\(⍵='⍝')∧=\⍵≠'''')/q)←' '
        (-+/∧\' '=⌽q)↓q

Another alternative using the @ operator might be:

    rmcm←' '@{∨\(⍵='⍝')∧=\⍵≠''''}


    rmcm 'a←b  ⍝ copy'                  ⍝ comment removed.

    rmcm 'cm←''⍝''  ⍝ comment'          ⍝ '⍝' character preserved.

    clean_fn←{⎕fx(rmcm¨⎕nr ⍵)~⊂''}      ⍝ function with white space removed.

    display ⎕cr'dup'                    ⍝ commented function.
↓dup←{                    │
│            ⍝ blah, blah,│
│                         │
│    ⍵ ⍵     ⍝ blah, blah,│
│                         │
│            ⍝ blah, blah.│
│                         │
│            ⍝ © C-A.S.   │
│}                        │

    clean_fn'dup'                       ⍝ remove comments and blank lines.

    display ⎕cr'dup'                    ⍝ uncommented function.
↓dup←{  │
│    ⍵ ⍵│
│}      │

    one_liner←{                         ⍝ Turn function into 1-liner.
        ⎕FX↑,↓{                         ⍝ fix:
            bd←'{⋄' '{'                 ⍝ brace-diamond → brace
            db←'⋄}' '}'                 ⍝ diamond-brace → brace
            bds←'{ ⋄' '{'               ⍝ brace diamond → brace
            dbs←'⋄ }' '}'               ⍝ diamond brace → brace
            ↑subs/bd db bds dbs ⍵       ⍝ substitution in
        }↑{⍺,'⋄',⍵}/⎕NR ⍵               ⍝ diamond-joined lines.

    ⎕cr one_liner'dup'                  ⍝ turn dup into 1-liner.
dup←{⍵ ⍵}

    one_liner clean_fn'display'         ⍝ turn display fn into 1-liner.

display←{⎕IO←0 ⋄ ⍺←1 ⋄ chars←⍺⊃'..''''|-' '┌┐└┘│─' ⋄ tl tr bl br vt hz←chars ⋄ box←{vrt hrz←(¯1+⍴⍵)⍴¨vt hz ⋄ top←(hz,'⊖→')[¯1↑⍺],hrz ⋄ bot←(⊃⍺),hrz ⋄ rgt←tr,vt,vrt,br ⋄ lax←(vt,'⌽↓')[¯1↓1↓⍺],¨⊂vrt ⋄ lft←⍉tl,(↑lax),bl ⋄ lft,(top⍪⍵⍪bot),rgt ⋄ } ⋄ deco←{⍺←type open ⍵ ⋄ ⍺,axes ⍵} ⋄ axes←{(-2⌈⍴⍴⍵)↑1+×⍴⍵} ⋄ open←{(1⌈⍴⍵)⍴⍵} ⋄ trim←{(~1 1⍷∧⌿⍵=' ')/⍵} ⋄ type←{{(1=⍴⍵)⊃'+'⍵}∪,char¨⍵} ⋄ char←{⍬≡⍴⍵:hz ⋄ (⊃⍵∊'¯',⎕D)⊃'#~'}∘⍕ ⋄ {0=≡⍵:' '⍪(⎕FMT ⍵)⍪(⊃⍵ ⍵∊⎕AV)⊃' -' ⋄ 1 ⍬≡(≡⍵)(⍴⍵):'∇' 0 0 box ⎕FMT ⍵ ⋄ 1=≡⍵:(deco ⍵)box open ⎕FMT open ⍵ ⋄ ('∊'deco ⍵)box trim ⎕FMT ∇¨open ⍵ ⋄ }⍵}

    display ⍳2 2                        ⍝ still works!
↓ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │
│ │1 1│ │1 2│ │
│ └~──┘ └~──┘ │
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │
│ │2 1│ │2 2│ │
│ └~──┘ └~──┘ │

    ⎕cr one_liner clean_fn 'one_liner'
one_liner←{⎕FX↑,↓{bd←'{' '{' ⋄ db←'}' '}' ⋄ bds←'{' '{' ⋄ dbs←'}' '}' ⋄ ↑subs/bd db bds dbs ⍵ ⋄ }↑{⍺,'⋄',⍵}/⎕NR ⍵}

⍝ This expression, with improvements from JoHo, removes comments from all
⍝ functions and operators in all namespaces:

    rmcm(refs ⎕this).{⍺⍺{0=⍴⍵: ⋄ ⎕fx∘⍺⍺∘⎕cr¨⍵}⎕nl-,⍵∘.+0.1 0.2}⊂3 4

See also: tokens refs

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