nvec ← ##.roots triple                      ⍝ Real roots of quadratic.

An illustration of a 'typical' D-function:

    roots←{                         ⍝ Real roots of quadratic.
        a b c←⍵                     ⍝ Coefficients.
        d←(b*2)-4×a×c               ⍝ Discriminant.

        d<0:⍬                       ⍝ No roots
        d=0:-b÷2×a                  ⍝ One root
        d>0:(-b+¯1 1×d*0.5)÷2×a     ⍝ Two roots

NB:  This function could be recoded so that it always returns two roots, each of
which may be complex:

        roots←{                     ⍝ Roots of quadratic.
            a b c←⍵                 ⍝ coefficients.
            d←(b*2)-4×a×c           ⍝ discriminant.
            (-b+¯1 1×d*0.5)÷2×a     ⍝ both roots.
        roots 1 2 3
    ¯1J1.414213562 ¯1J¯1.414213562


      roots 2 1 ¯3
1 ¯1.5

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