rslt ← {x} (u ##.Cut case) y                ⍝ Cut operator.

From Roger Hui:

Monadic Cases:
u Cut 0 ⊢y applies u to y after reversing y along each axis; it is equivalent to
(⍉⎕io,⍪-⍴y) u Cut 0 ⊢y .

The "fret" 1⌷y (the leading major cell of y) marks the start of an  interval  of
major cells of y ; the phrase  u Cut 1 ⊢y  applies u to each such interval.  The
phrase  u Cut ¯1 ⊢y  differs only in that frets are excluded from the result. In
u Cut 2  and  u Cut ¯2  the fret is the  last major cell,  and marks the ends of

The monads  u Cut 3 and  u Cut ¯3 apply u to tessellation by maximal cubes, that
is, they are defined by their dyadic cases using the left argument (⍴⍴y)⍴⌊/⍴y.

Dyadic Cases:
x u Cut 0 ⊢y  applies u to a rectangle or cuboid of y with  one  vertex  at  the
point in y indexed by  v←1⌷x and with the opposite vertex determined as follows:
the dimension is  |2⌷x ,  but the rectangle extends back from v along any axis j
for which the index j⌷v is negative. Finally, the order of the selected cells is
reversed along each axis k for which k⌷2⌷x is negative. If x is a vector or
scalar, it is treated as the matrix ⍉⎕io,⍪x .

The frets in the dyadic cases 1, ¯1, 2, and ¯2 are determined by the 1s in bool-
ean vector x ; an empty vector x and non-zero  ≢y indicates the entire of y.  If
x is the scalar 0 or 1 it is treated as (≢y)⍴x .  In general, boolean vector j⊃x
specifies how axis j is to be cut, with a scalar treated as (j⌷⍴y)⍴j⊃x.

u Cut 3  and  u Cut ¯3  yield (possibly overlapping) tessellations.  x Cut ¯3 ⊢y
applies u to each complete rectangle of size |2⌷x beginning at integer multiples
of (each scalar of) the movement vector  1⌷x .  As in u Cut 0 ,  reversal occurs
along each axis for which the size  2⌷x  is negative.  The case of a  vector  or
scalar x is equivalent to ⍉1,⍪x , and therefore provides a complete tessellation
of size x . The case u Cut 3 differs in that shards of length less than |2⌷x are


Iverson, K.E., Rationalized APL, 1983, Section K.:
Hui, R.K.W., Some Uses of { and }, 1987, Section 3.2.:
Iverson, K.E., A Dictionary of APL, 1987, m⍤v.:
Hui, R.K.W., and K.E. Iverson, J Introduction and Dictionary, 2011, Cut (;.):


⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ 0-Cut

⍝ The 0-cut selects rectangular subarrays, reversing each axis for which the
⍝ specified length is negative.

    ⎕←x←4 10⍴⍳40
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

⍝ cut at indices 2 3 with sizes 3 4:

    (⍉2 3,⍪3 4) ⊂Cut 0 ⊢x
│13 14 15 16│
│23 24 25 26│
│33 34 35 36│

⍝ cut at indices 2 3 with sizes 3 ¯4 (the ¯4 indicates reversal of axis 2):

    (⍉2 3,⍪3 ¯4) ⊂Cut 0 ⊢x
│16 15 14 13│
│26 25 24 23│
│36 35 34 33│

⍝ cut at indices 1 1 (default) with sizes 3 ¯4 (the ¯4 indicates reversal of
⍝ axis 2):

    3 ¯4 ⊂Cut 0 ⊢x
│ 4  3  2  1│
│14 13 12 11│
│24 23 22 21│

⍝ reverse each axis:

    ⊢Cut 0 ⊢x
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

⍝ cut at indices 2 ¯2 with sizes 3 6 (the ¯2 indicates negative indexing):

    (⍉2 ¯2,⍪3 6) ⊢Cut 0 ⊢x
14 15 16 17 18 19
24 25 26 27 28 29
34 35 36 37 38 39

⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ 1 ¯1-Cut and 2 ¯2-Cut

⍝ The 1- and 2-cut partition according a "fret", 1s in a boolean left argument
⍝ in the dyadic case or the leading major cell of the right argument in the
⍝ monadic case. Frets specify the starts of partitions in the 1-cut and the ends
⍝ in the 2-cut. The ¯1- and ¯2-cuts differ in excluding the frets.

⍝ cut on leading blanks; apply ⊂ to each cut:

    ⊂Cut 1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'
│ Cogito,│ ergo│ sum.│

⍝ cut on leading blanks; apply {⊂⌽⍵} to each cut:

    {⊂⌽⍵}Cut 1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'
│,otigoC │ogre │.mus │

⍝ cut on leading blanks; apply ⊂ to each cut, excluding the leading cell:

    ⊂Cut ¯1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'

⍝ cut on leading 1s in the left argument; apply ⊂ to each cut:

    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ⊂Cut 1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'
│ Cogito,│ ergo│ sum.│

⍝ cut on leading blanks; apply ⊂ to each cut:

    ⊢Cut 1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'

⍝ cut on leading blanks; apply ⊢ to each cut, excluding the leading cell (the
⍝ common vtom (vector to matrix) utility):

    ⊢Cut ¯1 ⊢' Cogito, ergo sum.'

⍝ cut on leading 1s in the left argument (←→ right argument because of the ⍨);
⍝ apply ≢ to each cut:

    ≢Cut  1⍨ 1 0 1 0 0
2 3

⍝ cut on leading 1s in the left argument; apply ≢ to each cut, excluding the
⍝ leading cell:

    ≢Cut ¯1⍨ 1 0 1 0 0
1 2

⍝ cut on trailing /; apply ⊂ to each cut:

    ⊂Cut 2 ⊢'Cogito,/ergo/sum./'

⍝ cut on trailing 1s in the left argument (which specify the _ends_ of the cuts)
⍝ apply ⊂ to each cut:

    1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ⊂Cut 2 ⊢'chthonic'

⍝ cut on trailing 1s in the left argument (which specify the _ends_ of the cuts)
⍝ apply +⌿ to each cut:

    1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 +⌿Cut 2 ⊢8 3⍴⍳24
 1  2  3
11 13 15
39 42 45

⍝ cut on leading 1s in the left argument; apply ⊂ to each cut:

    x←5 3⍴⍳15
    1 0 1 0 0 ⊂Cut 1 ⊢x
│1 2 3│ 7  8  9│
│4 5 6│10 11 12│
│     │13 14 15│

⍝ cut using 1 0 1 0 0 on axis 0 and 1 1 0 on axis 1 (not yet implemented by the
⍝ model):

    (1 0 1 0 0) (1 1 0) ⊂Cut 1 ⊢x
│1 │2 3  │
│4 │5 6  │
│ 7│ 8  9│
│10│11 12│
│13│14 15│

⍝ cut using ⍬ on axis 0 and 1 1 0 on axis 1 (not yet implemented by the model):

    ⍬ (1 1 0) ⊂Cut 1 ⊢x
│ 1│ 2  3│
│ 4│ 5  6│
│ 7│ 8  9│
│10│11 12│
│13│14 15│

⍝ cut using ⍬ on axis 0 (not yet implemented by the model):

    ⍬ ⊂Cut 1 ⊢x
│ 1  2  3│
│ 4  5  6│
│ 7  8  9│
│10 11 12│
│13 14 15│

⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ 3 ¯3-Cut

⍝ The 3-cut provides tessellation.
⍝ The ¯3-cut differs in excluding shards, cells less than the full size.

    ⎕←x←5 7⍴⍳35
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35

⍝ tessellate using movements 2 1 and sizes 3 2:

    (2 2⍴2 1 3 2) ⊂Cut 3 ⊢x
│ 1  2│ 2  3│ 3  4│ 4  5│ 5  6│ 6  7│ 7│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│14│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│28│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│

⍝ tessellate using movements 2 1 and sizes ¯3 2
⍝ (¯3 indicates reversal of axis 1 of each cut):

    (2 2⍴2 1 ¯3 2) ⊂Cut 3 ⊢x
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│14│
│ 1  2│ 2  3│ 3  4│ 4  5│ 5  6│ 6  7│ 7│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│28│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│

⍝ tessellate using movements 2 1 and sizes 3 ¯2
⍝ (¯2 indicates reversal of axis 2 of each cut):

    (2 2⍴2 1 3 ¯2) ⊂Cut 3 ⊢x
│ 2  1│ 3  2│ 4  3│ 5  4│ 6  5│ 7  6│ 7│
│ 9  8│10  9│11 10│12 11│13 12│14 13│14│
│16 15│17 16│18 17│19 18│20 19│21 20│21│
│16 15│17 16│18 17│19 18│20 19│21 20│21│
│23 22│24 23│25 24│26 25│27 26│28 27│28│
│30 29│31 30│32 31│33 32│34 33│35 34│35│
│30 29│31 30│32 31│33 32│34 33│35 34│35│

⍝ tessellate using movements 1 1 (default) and sizes ¯3 2:

    ¯3 2 ⊂Cut 3 ⊢x
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│14│
│ 1  2│ 2  3│ 3  4│ 4  5│ 5  6│ 6  7│ 7│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│28│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│14│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│28│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│28│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│35│

⍝ tessellate using movements 1 1 (default) and sizes ¯3 2, excluding shards:

    ¯3 2 ⊂Cut ¯3 ⊢x
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│
│ 1  2│ 2  3│ 3  4│ 4  5│ 5  6│ 6  7│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│
│29 30│30 31│31 32│32 33│33 34│34 35│
│22 23│23 24│24 25│25 26│26 27│27 28│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│

⍝ movements 1 1 (default) and sizes 3 3, excluding shards; apply , to each cut:

    life←{1⊖1⌽(-⍴⍵)↑5 6 7∊⍨(3 3 ,Cut ¯3⊢⍵)+.×9⍴1,⍨4⍴2}

    b←10 10⍴0 ⋄ b[2;3]←b[3;4]←b[4;2 3 4]←1  ⍝ "glider"

    {'.x'[1+life⍣⍵⊢b]}¨¯1+⍳10               ⍝ game of life for 10 generations

See also: life

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