cnos ← file ##.filefind string          ⍝ Find 'string' ⍵ in component file ⍺.

Returns  a  vector of the indices of components in [file] that contain [string].
[string] may be an array of any shape or depth. [file] may be a character string
file name or the tie number of an already tied file.

If a file _name_ is presented as left argument, the file is tied, then searched,
then untied.

If  a  file  _tie number_  is  presented as left argument, the file remains tied
after the search has completed.


      tie←'temp'⎕fcreate 0                      ⍝ Create temp file.
      app←⎕fappend∘tie                          ⍝ Append to file.

      app'hello'                                ⍝ component 1.
      app'world'                                ⍝ component 2.
      app'hello' 'world'                        ⍝ component 3.
      app'bonjour' 'monde'                      ⍝ component 4.
      app('hello' 'world')('bonjour' 'monde')   ⍝ component 5.

      tie filefind'hello'                       ⍝ components with 'hello'
1 3 5
      tie filefind'bonjour'                     ⍝ etc.
4 5
      tie filefind'hello' 'world'
3 5
      tie filefind'o'
1 2 3 4 5
      tie filefind'e'
1 3 4 5

      ⎕funtie tie                               ⍝ release file tie.

      'temp'filefind'monde'                     ⍝ after using file [name],
4 5
      ⎕fnums                                    ⍝ no residual file tie.

      'temp'⎕ferase'temp'⎕ftie 0                ⍝ remove temp file.

See also: find

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