rslt ← {cmp←1} ##.pack4 image               ⍝ Quad-tree packing.

Quad-trees  are normally used to compress 2-dimensional data such as bitmaps (or
digital television images?). However, the technique generalises nicely to arrays
of any rank. For compression, the function takes, as right argument, an array to
be compressed and returns an encoded quad-tree as result.

Left argument [cmp] specifies:

⍺=1: [default] Full-precision compression of array right argument "image".
⍺=0: Expansion of right argument to reconstitute the original image.
⍺>1: Part-precision compression, stops when array has only ⍺ distinct items.

The underlying idea is simple: the compression is:

    If all items of the array are identical, then that item.
    Otherwise, the recursive compression of 2*⍴⍴⍵ subarray "quadrants".

For roughly "square" arrays, such as TV screen  images,  this  quartering  works
well but in general, where axes may be of very different lengths, a better  sec-
ond rule is:

    Otherwise, the  recursive  compression of each of the pair of subarrays that
    result from splitting the array along its longest axis.

Quad-tree packing works best for arrays that contain significant regions of  id-
entical adjacent values.  For more irregular arrays, the technique is poor owing
to the overhead of keeping track of small regions.  A good bet for Rothko; a bad
bet for Pollock.

Technical notes:

The compressed form is the triple:

    uniq:  A vector of the unique items of array ⍵.
    shape: Shape of the subject array.
    subs:  A sequence of "sub" records, where a sub is either:
           - an atom representing a subarray of identical items or
           - a pair of subs, introduced by a ¯1 marker: (¯1, sub, sub)

The result is further compressed by replacing ¯1 ¯1 .. ¯1 with ¯⍵.

Notice that it is not necessary to encode the _shapes_ of  compressed  subarrays
in the compression stream. This is because the array-splitting is completely de-
termined by the shape of the original subject array and so can  be  inferred  at
each stage of decompression. The only  additional packing overhead is a ¯1 mark-
er, which distinguishes a "sub" from an "atom".

Note the technique ↑{⍺ ⍵}/ of converting the stream vector to a push-down "list"
for decompression. This makes reading the stream, one item at  a  time,  quicker
and more pleasant. See →list← for more on this technique.


    ⎕←vec←10 20/'ab'            ⍝ vector of a's and b's.

    0 pack4 pack4 10 20/'ab'    ⍝ round-trip

    pack4 10 20/'ab'            ⍝ packed structure.
│ab│30│¯2 0 ¯2 0 ¯1 0 1 1 1│

    chk←{⍵≡0 pack4 pack4 ⍵}     ⍝ check round-trip

    chk 10 20/'ab'
    ⎕←image←⌊0.5×∘.⌊⍨0 to 7     ⍝ 2D image
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3

    pack4 image
│0 1 2 3│8 8│¯3 0 ¯1 0 1 ¯1 0 1 ¯3 0 1 ¯1 0 1 ¯1 2 ¯1 2 3│

    mm←⎕fmt notes.Marilyn       ⍝ larger 2D ASCII-image →Marilyn←

    chk mm                      ⍝ check round-trip.
    size←{⎕size'⍵'}             ⍝ byte-size of ⍵.

    size mm                     ⍝ size of unpacked array.
    size pack4 mm               ⍝ size of full-precision packed array.
    size 2 pack4 mm             ⍝ size of reduced-resolution packed array.

    ⍝ diminishing sizes of decreasing-resolution packings:

    {pk←⍵ pack4 mm ⋄ ⍬⍴⎕size'pk'}¨ 1 to 16
9176 3556 2068 1252 844 624 432 324 260 216 188 140 128 124 108 100

⍝ This little function shows the effect of successively refined packing. After
⍝ popping up a blank-screen edit window, there is a delay of a couple of seconds
⍝ to give you time to maximise the window before the show starts:

    movie←{                         ⍝ Increasingly refined image ⍵.
        show←{screen∘←(pk dl 1)⍵}   ⍝ show image.
        pk←{0 pack4 ⍵ pack4 image}  ⍝ ⍵-resolution image.
        dl←{(⎕DL ⍵⍵)⊢⍺⍺ ⍵}          ⍝ apply ⍺⍺ ⍵ then delay ⍵⍵.
        screen←{'·'}¨image←⍵        ⍝ blank screen.
        _←(⎕ED dl 2)'screen'        ⍝ window on image.
        1:_←(show¨dl 4)⌽⍳⍴∪,⍵       ⍝ show movie.

    movie ⎕fmt notes.Marilyn        ⍝ show movie.

⍝ It works best if you reduce the session font size so that the whole
⍝ image is visible in the edit window:

    pix←{                   ⍝ Apply ⍺⍺ ⍵ with font-size ⍵⍵.
        save←⎕SE.FontObj    ⍝ save current font settings.
        (2⊃⎕SE.FontObj)←⍵⍵  ⍝ set font size.
        rslt←⍺⍺ ⍵           ⍝ apply function.
        ⎕SE.FontObj←save    ⍝ restore font settings.
        1:_←rslt            ⍝ shy result of ⍺⍺ ⍵.

    movie pix 10 ⎕fmt notes.Marilyn     ⍝ show movie in 10-pixel font.

See also: Data_compression list Marilyn

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