precedes ← this ##.le that          ⍝ Total array ordering (TAO) comparison.

Inspired by Roger Hui,  [le]  "less than or equal"  defines a Total Order on APL
arrays. For any arrays A, B and C:

    (A le B) ∧ (B le A) : A eq B    ⍝ antisymmetry
    (A le B) ∧ (B le C) : A le C    ⍝ transitivity
    (A le B) ∨ (B le A)             ⍝ totality.


Given any two arrays, [le]  tells  us which "precedes or is equal to" the other.
In particular it may be used to compare arrays of:

    differing type:     '6' le 6
    differing rank:     3 le ,3
    differing shape:    5 4 le 5 4 3
    differing depth:    (⊂⍳2)le ⊂⊂⍳2
    complex numbers:    7j8 le 8j7
    namespaces:         # le ⎕SE
    objects:            le/{⎕new'Form'(⊂'Caption'⍵)}¨'Hello' 'World'

The comparison proceeds in the following order:

- If the ranks differ, the lesser array is extended with leading 1-axes.
  If the resulting arrays match, the original ranks are used as a tie-breaker.
- If the shapes differ, the arrays are extended to conform with (⎕UCS 0) items.
  If the resulting arrays match, the original shapes are used as a tie-breaker.
- The resulting arrays are compared item-wise in ravel order. Empty arrays are
  compared on their prototypical items.

- "Atomic" items are compared by type: <char> le <number> le <ref> le <⎕OR>,
  where "atomic" implies having depth=0 or being the ⎕OR of a function, operator
  or namespace, which has depth=1 (and rank=0).

- Otherwise, if the types match:

    Characters are compared using ⍋,
    Numbers are compared on their real part, followed by their imaginary part,
    Namespaces are compared recursively in order of their:
        Type property,
        Vector of symbol table (name class value) triples, where:
            the value of an array is itself,
            the value of a function or operator is its ⎕NR,
            the value of the ⎕OR of a function or operator is its ⎕NR∘⎕FX,
            the value of the ⎕OR of a namespace is its ⎕NS,
        The values of namespace-scope system variables,
        Property names and values.

Regarding the antisymmetry condition:

    (A le B) ∧ (B le A) : A eq B    ⍝ antisymmetry

When comparing refs, "eq" is not the  same as primitive function match (≡):  two
refs match _only_ if they reference the _same_ namespace, while [le] would judge
them equal if their contents and properties match:

    A B ← ⎕ns¨ '' ''        ⍝ two namespaces.

    (A le B) ∧ (B le A)     ⍝ A eq B
    A ≡ B                   ⍝ A ≢ B


The order that [le] imposes on arrays is to some extent arbitrary but is intend-
ed to be intuitive. Here are the choices implicit in the coding:

[1] Item value is more significant than shape. For example:
    'abc   ' le 'xyz'       ⍝ even though (⍴⍺)>⍴⍵
    'abc' le 'z'            ⍝ even though (⍴⍴⍺)>⍴⍴⍵
    (1 3⍴'abc') le 'xyz'    ⍝   ..      ..      ..

[2] Characters sort before
    numbers, which sort before
    refs, which sort before

[3] When comparing complex numbers, real part is more significant than imaginary

[4] Within a namespace,
        user-specified names and values are more significant than
        system variable values, which are more significant than
        property values.

[5] Within a namespace, (name class value) triples are compared with each other,
    rather than having names, classes and values compared consecutively:

        x y←⎕ns¨'' ''           ⍝ new namespaces

        x.a←8                   ⍝ variables in x
        y.a←3 ⋄ y.b←4           ⍝ and y

        x le y                  ⍝ because (⊂'a'2 8) (~le) ('a'2 3)('b'2 4)
        x.(⎕nl 2) le y.(⎕nl 2)  ⍝ notwithstanding the order of namelists.

Namespace Reference Cycles
Namespaces structures may contain reference cycles as in x.p←x or (x y).q←(y x).
Apart from avoiding infinite recursion problems when processing such structures,
we need to bestow a relative order upon them. What is (x le y) in the second ex-
ample above? The approach taken in [le] comes from a suggestion by Nick Nikolov.

The depth-first search [acmp] of left and right argument graphs keeps a note (in
⍺⍺) of namespaces already visited. The search continues to follow any cycles un-
til [a], a "regular"  difference is discovered between the two arguments or [b],
previously visited vertices are encountered in both graphs.  In the latter case,
the one with the shorter cycle (∇ ⍺⍺⍳¨⍺⍺) is deemed the lesser.

                                                ⍝ ┌x────┐←┐
    (x←⎕ns ⍬).(x←⎕ns ⍬).(x←##)                  ⍝ │┌x──┐│ │
                                                ⍝ ││ x→───┘
                                                ⍝ │└───┘│
                                                ⍝ └─────┘

                                                ⍝ ┌y──────┐←┐
    (y←⎕ns ⍬).(y←⎕ns ⍬).(y←⎕ns ⍬).(y←##.##)     ⍝ │┌y────┐│ │
                                                ⍝ ││┌y──┐││ │
                                                ⍝ │││ y→────┘
                                                ⍝ ││└───┘││
                                                ⍝ │└─────┘│
                                                ⍝ └───────┘

    x y ≡ x.x.x  y.y.y.y                        ⍝ 3- and 4-cycles
    x y ∘.le x y                                ⍝ Total ordering
1 1
0 1


    4 le 5                  ⍝ simple scalar comparison: 4≤5.
    'ab' le 'abc'           ⍝ differing shape: prefix precedes suffix (AB)
    3 le ,2                 ⍝ differing rank: compare items.
    (,3) le 3               ⍝ matching items: compare rank.
    '3' le 3                ⍝ chars precede numbers.
    3j4 le 4j3              ⍝ real-part trumps imaginary-part
    # le ⎕se                ⍝ #.Type ≤ ⎕se.Type
    'xy'⎕ns¨⊂''             ⍝ two namespaces.

    x.(a c)←1 3             ⍝ with names a c
    y.(a b)←1 4             ⍝ ... and a b
    x le y                  ⍝ (a c ...) supersedes (a b ...)
    x.b←2                   ⍝ new name b in x
    x le y                  ⍝ (a:1 b:2 ...) precedes (a:1 b:4 ...)

    Q ← {1≥≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ s←⍵ ⍺⍺ ⍵⌷⍨⊂?≢⍵ ⋄ (∇ ⍵⌿⍨0>s)⍪(⍵⌿⍨0=s)⍪(∇ ⍵⌿⍨0<s)}      ⍝ (RKWH)
    qsort ← {⍺⍺{(⍵ ⍺⍺ ⍺)-(⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵)}⍤¯1 999 Q ⍵}

    display le qsort 3(,3)'3'(,'3')     ⍝ char << num; scalar << vector
│   ┌→┐   ┌→┐ │
│ 3 │3│ 3 │3│ │
│ - └─┘   └~┘ │

    ip←+.×                                      ⍝ named function.

    stuff ← ⎕SE ⍬ # (⎕or'ip') '' ⍬              ⍝ assorted stuff.

    display le qsort stuff                      ⍝   sorted stuff.
│ ┌⊖┐ ┌⊖┐ ┌⊖┐       ┌───┐ │
│ │ │ │0│ │0│ # ⎕SE │+.×│ │
│ └─┘ └~┘ └~┘       └∇──┘ │

⍝ Other relationships can be derived from le:

    cmp ← {⍺⍺/le/¨1 0⌽¨⊂⍺ ⍵}                    ⍝ comparison

    ge ← ≥cmp                                   ⍝ greater or equal
    eq ← =cmp                                   ⍝ equal
    ne ← ≠cmp                                   ⍝ not equal
    lt ← <cmp                                   ⍝ less than
    gt ← >cmp                                   ⍝ greater than

    (⎕ns'')  ≡ ⎕ns''                            ⍝ distinct spaces don't match.
    (⎕ns'') eq ⎕ns''                            ⍝ distinct spaces deemed equal.
    0 1 ∘.ge 0 1                                ⍝ truth-table for ge.
1 0
1 1
    grade←{| ⊢/↑ ⍺⍺ qsort ⍵ {⍺ ⍵}¨ ⍵⍵ ⍳⍴⍵}      ⍝ grade up/down.

    gu ← le grade +                             ⍝ grade-up   ⍋
    gd ← ge grade -                             ⍝ grade-down ⍒

    gu 3 1 4 1 5                                ⍝ grade-up of numeric vector.
2 4 1 3 5

    gd 3 1 4 1 5                                ⍝ grade-down of numeric vector.
5 3 1 2 4

    gu 3j5 3j4 4j3 3j4                          ⍝ complex number grade-up.
2 4 1 3

    display stuff                               ⍝ assorted stuff.
│     ┌⊖┐   ┌───┐ ┌⊖┐ ┌⊖┐ │
│ ⎕SE │0│ # │+.×│ │ │ │0│ │
│     └~┘   └∇──┘ └─┘ └~┘ │

    gu stuff                                    ⍝ grade-up of stuff.
5 2 6 3 1 4

    gd stuff                                    ⍝ grade-down of stuff.
4 1 3 2 6 5

    q ← 'to' 'be' 'or' 'not' 'to' 'be'          ⍝ that is the question.

    gu q                                        ⍝ grade-up of char vectors ...
2 6 4 3 1 5

    ⍋∘↑ q                                       ⍝ ... concurs with ⍋∘↑
2 6 4 3 1 5

    nvs ← (1 1) (2 3 4) (1 1) (3 1) (1 2)       ⍝ numeric vectors.

    gd  nvs                                     ⍝ grade-down ...
4 2 5 1 3

    ⍒∘↑ nvs                                     ⍝ ... concurs with ⍒∘↑
4 2 5 1 3

See also: refmatch logic truth_tables

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