z ← l (fn ##.bags) r                        ⍝ Multisets/bags.

Operator [bags] models the Parks-Smith proposal for a  $  operator,  which  adds
Multisets to APL.

A "Multiset" or "bag" has attributes of both a vector and a set in that,  like a
vector, it may have duplicate items and,  like a set,  the order of its items is
not significant.

[bags] is an operator, which treats its arguments as if they were multisets.

        1 2 2 3  ≡bags  2 1 3 2     ⍝ multiset item-order is not significant.
        1 2 2 3  ≡bags  1 2 3 3     ⍝ multiset duplicate count is significant.

Given two vectors, which we want to view as multisets:

        A ← 2 1 2 1 3 2 5
        B ← 3 4 2 1 2 3

By permuting the vector items and indenting the second one,  we can arrange that
all coincident items (if any) are aligned:

                     ┌───────── ⍝ coincident items 1 2 2 3
        A ← 1 2 5 1 2 2 3       ⍝ permutation of 1st vector.
        B ←       1 2 2 3 4 3   ⍝       ..       2nd    ..

now various multiset functions can be illustrated so:

              ┌───────────────── A ~bags B  →  1 2 5    ⍝ asymmetric difference.
              │      ┌────────── A ∩bags B  →  1 2 2 3  ⍝ intersection.
            ┌─┴─┐ ┌──┴──┐  ┌──── B ~bags A  →  4 3      ⍝ asymmetric difference.
        A ← 1 2 5 1 2 2 3 ┌┴┐
        B ← │   │ 1 2 2 3 4 3
            └─┬─┘ └─────┘ └┬┘
            │ └────────────┴── A('§'bags)B  →  1 2 5 4 3 ⍝ symmetric difference.
                    └─────────── A ∪bags B  →  1 2 5 1 2 2 3 4 3    ⍝ union.

Searching functions ⍳ and ∊ take account of duplicate items in multisets:

        8 7 8 ⍳bags 8 8 8 8
    1 3 4 4

        8 8 8 8 ∊bags 8 7 8
    1 1 0 0

In all, bags is defined for operands:

    ≡    match.
    ≢    natch.
    ~    multiset asymmetric difference (MAD)
   '§'   multiset symmetric difference (MSD)¹
    ∪    unique/union.
    ∩    intersection.
    ∊    progressive membership.        Smith [2]
    ⍳    progressive dyadic iota.       FinnAPL Idiom List [3]

¹ Operand § must be enclosed in quotes, see example below.  Note also that the
  derived function ('§'bags) must be parenthesised in order to prevent operand
  '§' from  binding with the left argument: larg('§'bags)rarg.  Alternatively,
  we might prefer to name '§'bags:

          1 2 3 ('§'bags) 2 3 4
    1 4
          msd ← '§'bags

          1 2 3 msd 2 3 4
    1 4

To allow for extending this operand set in the future, operands not in this list
generate a NONCE ERROR.

    [0] Parks-Smith paper "Proposal for Multiset Features in APL"
    [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset
    [2] http://www.sudleyplace.com/APL/AnatomyOfAnIdiom.ahtml
    [3] http://nsg.upor.net/jpage/finnapl.pdf


      1 2 3 1 2 3 ~bags 1 1 3 1         ⍝ multiset asymmetric difference (MAD)
2 2 3

    1 1 1 2 2 3 ('§'bags) 1 2 2 3 3 3   ⍝ multiset symmetric difference (MSD)
1 1 3 3

      1 2 3 1 2 3 ⍳bags 1 1 3 1         ⍝ progressive dyadic iota (PDI)
1 4 3 7

    3 1 3 ∊bags 3 1 1 2                 ⍝ progressive dyadic epsilon (PDE)
1 1 0

    (⊂1 2 2) ≡bags¨ (1 2)(2 2 1)(1 1 2) ⍝ match
0 1 0

    (⊂1 2 2) ≢bags¨ (1 2)(2 2 1)(1 1 2) ⍝ natch
1 0 1

    1 2 2 3 ∪bags 2 3 3                 ⍝ union
1 2 2 3 3

    ∪bags 1 1 2 2                       ⍝ unique is a no-op
1 1 2 2

    1 2 2 3 ∩bags 2 3 3 2               ⍝ intersection
2 2 3

    1 2 3 3 1 2 3 ,bags 3 1 3           ⍝ non-multiset function
1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 3

    'tick' 'tock' ≡bags 'tock' 'tick'   ⍝ nested args.
    A←?10/5  ⋄  B←?10/5                 ⍝ vectors with repeated items.

    (A ∪bags B) ≡bags (B ∪bags A)       ⍝ multiset-union is commutative.
    (A ∩bags B) ≡bags (B ∩bags A)       ⍝ multiset-intersection is commutative.
    msd←'§'bags ⋄ (A msd B) ≡bags (B msd A)     ⍝ MSD is commutative.
    (⍳⍴A) ≡ A ⍳bags A                   ⍝ progressive dyadic iota.

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