rslt ← {eval←1} ##.lisp expr                ⍝ Evaluator for a subset of Scheme.

From Nick Nikolov, this function evaluates character vector [expr], which is an
expression written in a subset of the Scheme language.

Special forms:

    lambda  (alias \)
    cond    else

A small set of primitive functions is provided. This can be easily extended:

    +   sum
    -   difference
    *   product
    =   equal
write   display using ⎕←

If optional left argument [eval] is set to 0, [lisp] returns the parse tree
prior to evaluation.

Technical note:

Roughly,  it follows the structure of the metacircular evaluator from SICP.
See Gerald Jay Sussman's lecture:

Lisp structures are represented as follows:

    Lisp   APL
    ----   ---
    123    123
    atom   'atom'
    (x y)  (x y)
    'x     ('quote' x)

Procedures are represented as 4-vectors of:

    'closure' environment parameters body

Environments are two-column matrices of names and values.


    lisp '(+ 1 2 3)'                    ⍝ expression evaluation
    lisp '((lambda(m n)(+ m n))3 4)'    ⍝ lambda application
    0 lisp '((\(m n)(+ m n))3 4)'       ⍝ parse tree (AST)
││\│┌─┬─┐│┌─┬─┬─┐││ │ │
││ ││m│n│││+│m│n│││ │ │
││ │└─┴─┘│└─┴─┴─┘││ │ │
│└─┴─────┴───────┘│ │ │

      lisp repl '→'                     ⍝ mini session using →repl← operator.

    (* 2 3 4)
    ((\(m n)(* m n))3 4)                ⍝ using "\" shorthand for "lambda"
    (quote (+ 1 2))                     ⍝ quoted list
+ 1 2
    '(* 4 5)                            ⍝ using "'" shorthand
* 4 5
                                        ⍝ Nick's example:
    s ← ' ((lambda (cons car cdr)                            '
    s,← '          (car  (cons 123 456)))                    '
    s,← '                                                    '
    s,← '  (lambda (x y) (lambda (i) (cond (i x) (else y)))) '
    s,← '  (lambda (xy) (xy 0))                              '
    s,← '  (lambda (xy) (xy 1)))                             '

    lisp s
      ⍝ Applicative-order Y combinator:

      Y←'(\(f)((\(x)(x x))(\(x)(f(\(y)((x x)y))))))'

      fac←'(\(f)(\(n)(cond((= n 0)1)(else(* n(f(- n 1)))))))'   ⍝ factorial

      lisp '((',Y,fac,')4)'             ⍝ !4
      ⍝ Fibonacci:
      fib ← '(\(f)(\(n)(cond((= n 0)0)((= n 1)1)(else(+(f(- n 1))(f(- n 2)))))))'

      lisp '((',Y,fib,')8)'
      ⍝ Ackermann:
      ack  ← '(\(a)(\(m)(\(n)(cond((= m 0)(+ n 1))'
      ack ,← '                    ((= n 0)((a(- m 1))1))'
      ack ,← '                    (else((a(- m 1))((a m)(- n 1))))))))'
      rec←Y{'((',⍺⍺,⍺,')',⍵,')'}        ⍝ Y applicator

      lisp¨ fib∘rec¨ ⎕D                 ⍝ fib¨ 0..9
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

      pchk←{0 ¯1↓1 0⌽' ',⍕↑⍵(+\1 ¯1 0['()'⍳⍵])}

      pchk Y                            ⍝ handy parenthesis depth checker
( \ ( f ) ( ( \ ( x ) ( x   x ) ) ( \ ( x ) ( f ( \ ( y ) ( ( x   x ) y ) ) ) ) ) )
 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1

See also: repl parse bf baby joy

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