crep ← {tabs csep←4} ##.refmt crep          ⍝ Reformat dfn/op representation.

Reformats  the (possibly nested) canonical representation of D-function or oper-
ator [crep]. The optional left argument (default 4) specifies:

    [tabs] the indentation width for nested inner functions and
    [csep] the number of blank columns to separate code from comment lines.

A  previous version of this function, which took and returned the name of a fun-
ction to be reformatted, can be composed:

    old_refmt ← ⎕fx∘refmt∘⎕cr

NB:  If  [AutoFormat functions]  is  checked in the session's Options→Configure→
Trace/Edit tab, the system will reimpose its own canonical formatting style when
functions  are fixed. To preserve "non-standard" formatting, uncheck the box and
try again.


      display ⎕cr'refmt'                ⍝ unformatted dfn.
↓refmt←{⎕IO←0                    ⍝ Reformat dfn/op.                   │
│    ⍺←4 ⋄ dent csep←⍺             ⍝ default indents and ⍝-separation.│
│   ⎕FX{                          ⍝ refix function.                   │
│   unqt←{~≠\⍵=''''}            ⍝ mask of unquoted tokens.            │
│    code coms←↓⍉↑{              ⍝ code and comment vectors.          │
│      umsk←unqt ⍵               ⍝ unquoted chars.                    │
│    cmsk←∨\umsk∧⍵='⍝'         ⍝ comment mask.                        │
│      code coms←(0 1=⊂cmsk)/¨⊂⍵ ⍝ code / comments.                   │
│      rlb←{(∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}         ⍝ remove leading blanks.             │
│    clean←⌽rlb⌽rlb code       ⍝ cleaned code.                        │
│      clean coms                ⍝ clean code / comment.              │
│    }¨⍵                         ⍝ for each line.                     │
│    dents←{                     ⍝ indentation for each line          │
│       toks←(unqt ⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵     ⍝ unquoted code characters.         │
│       dvec←-⌿0 1⌽+\'{}'∘.=toks  ⍝ brace-depth of each token.        │
│     lmask←toks='·'            ⍝ start of each line.                 │
│      (dent×lmask/dvec)/¨' '    ⍝ indentation for each line.         │
│    }↑,/'·',¨code               ⍝ collected code vector.             │
│     scoms←(⊂csep⍴' '),¨coms     ⍝ separated comments.               │
│     icode←↓↑dents,¨code         ⍝ indented code lines.              │
│    icode,¨scoms                ⍝ reunited code and comments.        │
│  }⎕NR ⍵                        ⍝ lines of function.                 │
│}                                                                    │

      display 4 refmt ⎕cr'refmt'        ⍝ generous formatting.
↓refmt←{⎕IO←0                             ⍝ Reformat dfn/op.                 │
│    ⍺←4 ⋄ dent csep←⍺                    ⍝ default indents and ⍝-separation.│
│    ⎕FX{                                 ⍝ refix function.                  │
│        unqt←{~≠\⍵=''''}                 ⍝ mask of unquoted tokens.         │
│        code coms←↓⍉↑{                   ⍝ code and comment vectors.        │
│            umsk←unqt ⍵                  ⍝ unquoted chars.                  │
│            cmsk←∨\umsk∧⍵='⍝'            ⍝ comment mask.                    │
│            code coms←(0 1=⊂cmsk)/¨⊂⍵    ⍝ code / comments.                 │
│            rlb←{(∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}            ⍝ remove leading blanks.           │
│            clean←⌽rlb⌽rlb code          ⍝ cleaned code.                    │
│            clean coms                   ⍝ clean code / comment.            │
│        }¨⍵                              ⍝ for each line.                   │
│        dents←{                          ⍝ indentation for each line        │
│            toks←(unqt ⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵        ⍝ unquoted code characters.        │
│            dvec←-⌿0 1⌽+\'{}'∘.=toks     ⍝ brace-depth of each token.       │
│            lmask←toks='·'               ⍝ start of each line.              │
│            (dent×lmask/dvec)/¨' '       ⍝ indentation for each line.       │
│        }↑,/'·',¨code                    ⍝ collected code vector.           │
│        scoms←(⊂csep⍴' '),¨coms          ⍝ separated comments.              │
│        icode←↓↑dents,¨code              ⍝ indented code lines.             │
│        icode,¨scoms                     ⍝ reunited code and comments.      │
│    }⎕NR ⍵                               ⍝ lines of function.               │
│}                                                                           │

      display 2 1 refmt ⎕cr'refmt'      ⍝ frugal formatting.
↓refmt←{⎕IO←0                    ⍝ Reformat dfn/op.                 │
│  ⍺←4 ⋄ dent csep←⍺             ⍝ default indents and ⍝-separation.│
│  ⎕FX{                          ⍝ refix function.                  │
│    unqt←{~≠\⍵=''''}            ⍝ mask of unquoted tokens.         │
│    code coms←↓⍉↑{              ⍝ code and comment vectors.        │
│      umsk←unqt ⍵               ⍝ unquoted chars.                  │
│      cmsk←∨\umsk∧⍵='⍝'         ⍝ comment mask.                    │
│      code coms←(0 1=⊂cmsk)/¨⊂⍵ ⍝ code / comments.                 │
│      rlb←{(∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}         ⍝ remove leading blanks.           │
│      clean←⌽rlb⌽rlb code       ⍝ cleaned code.                    │
│      clean coms                ⍝ clean code / comment.            │
│    }¨⍵                         ⍝ for each line.                   │
│    dents←{                     ⍝ indentation for each line        │
│      toks←(unqt ⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵     ⍝ unquoted code characters.        │
│      dvec←-⌿0 1⌽+\'{}'∘.=toks  ⍝ brace-depth of each token.       │
│      lmask←toks='·'            ⍝ start of each line.              │
│      (dent×lmask/dvec)/¨' '    ⍝ indentation for each line.       │
│    }↑,/'·',¨code               ⍝ collected code vector.           │
│    scoms←(⊂csep⍴' '),¨coms     ⍝ separated comments.              │
│    icode←↓↑dents,¨code         ⍝ indented code lines.             │
│    icode,¨scoms                ⍝ reunited code and comments.      │
│  }⎕NR ⍵                        ⍝ lines of function.               │
│}                                                                  │

See also: wrapnote dots

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