graph ← graph ##.inslink (from to)          ⍝ Insert edge ⍵ in graph ⍺.

[inslink]  takes  an  unweighted  graph as left argument and returns a new graph
with an extra edge defined by the right argument pair.


    a                                   ⍝ graph "a".
│2 3│3│2 4│1 5│3│

    a inslink 5 1                       ⍝ ··· with new link 5→1
│2 3│3│2 4│1 5│3 1│

    a inslink foldl (5 1) (3 5)         ⍝ insert links: 5→1, 3→5.
│2 3│3│2 4 5│1 5│3 1│

See also: Graphs remlink insnode

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