seq ← ##.k6174 nnnn                         ⍝ Kaprekar's operation.

Take any 4-digit number in which not all of the digits are the  same. Re-arrange
the digits into descending and ascending order and subtract. Repeat.

In 1949  D.R.Kaprekar pointed out that this sequence always results in an infin-
ite repetition of the number 6174.

For example:

    1223 → 3221 - 1223
→   1998 → 9981 - 1899
→   8082 → 8820 - 0288
→   8532 → 8532 - 2358
→   6174 → 7641 - 1467
→   6174 → ...



    ↑{1↓⍕1e4+⍵}¨∘k6174¨ ⍳20                 ⍝ First 20 Kaprekar sequences.
 0001  0999  8991  8082  8532  6174
 0002  1998  8082  8532  6174
 0003  2997  7173  6354  3087  8352  6174
 0004  3996  6264  4176  6174
 0005  4995  5355  1998  8082  8532  6174
 0006  5994  5355  1998  8082  8532  6174
 0007  6993  6264  4176  6174
 0008  7992  7173  6354  3087  8352  6174
 0009  8991  8082  8532  6174
 0010  0999  8991  8082  8532  6174
 0011  1089  9621  8352  6174
 0012  2088  8532  6174
 0013  3087  8352  6174
 0014  4086  8172  7443  3996  6264  4176  6174
 0015  5085  7992  7173  6354  3087  8352  6174
 0016  6084  8172  7443  3996  6264  4176  6174
 0017  7083  8352  6174
 0018  8082  8532  6174
 0019  9081  9621  8352  6174
 0020  1998  8082  8532  6174

⍝ The following expression shows, of all 9990 possibilities, the number of
⍝ sequences of lengths 1 2 .. 8:

    {+⌿⍵∘.=⍳⌈/⍵} ≢∘k6174¨ (⍳9999)~1111×⍳9           ⍝ histogram.
1 383 576 2400 1272 1518 1656 2184

See also: osc m91

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