cmat ← {h v t←⍬ ⍬ 0} text            ⍝ Box the simple text array ⍵.

From Veli-Matti Jantunen, [box] applies borders and horizontal and vertical div-
iders to simple character matrix [text].

Optional  left  argument  (default ⍬ ⍬ 0) determines whether to draw borders and
where to draw dividers.

 ⍺: [1] = horizontal lines
    [2] = vertical lines

An optional 3rd item specifies line type:

    [3] = type: 0 = box drawing chars, 1 = raw boxing

For example:

      box 6 10⍴⎕a           ⍝ Borders but no dividers, by default.

       ┌──────────────────── Horizontal dividers after 2nd and 4th row.
       │    ┌─────────────── Vertical dividers after 3rd, 6th and 7th column.
       │    │
      (2 4)(3 6 7)box 6 10⍴⎕a

      ┌───────────────────── No horizontal dividers.
      │  ┌────────────────── Vertical dividers after each column.
      │  │
      ⍬(⍳5) box 5 5⍴⎕a

The  horizontal  or  vertical  border may be switched off by prefixing ¯1 to the
first or second control item, respectively.

       ┌──────────────────── Horizontal dividers after 2nd and 3rd rows.
       │    ┌─────────────── Vertical dividers after 1st and 4th cols.
       │    │
      (2 3)(1 4) box 5 5⍴⎕a

        ┌─────────────────── Same again but with no horizontal border.
      (¯1 2 3)(1 4) box 5 5⍴⎕a

             ┌────────────── Same again but with no vertical border.
      (2 3)(¯1 1 4) box 5 5⍴⎕a

        ┌───────┬─────────── Same again but with no borders.
        │       │
      (¯1 2 3)(¯1 1 4) box 5 5⍴⎕a

A divider index of 0 or the number of rows or columns is interpreted as specify-
ing the border and so overrides a ¯1 border supressor.

       ┌──────────────────── Dividers after 1st and 2nd row.
      (1 2)⍬ box 3 10⍴⎕a

        ┌─────────────────── Same again, with horizontal borders supressed.
      (¯1 1 2)⍬ box 3 10⍴⎕a

          ┌───────────────── Same again, with explicit upper border (divider
          │                  after 0th row).
      (¯1 0 1 2)⍬ box 3 10⍴⎕a

              ┌───────────── Same again, with explicit lower border (divider
              │              after 3rd row).
      (¯1 1 2 3)⍬ box 3 10⍴⎕a

Finally,  a  third item of the left argument may be given to specify the type of
the border and divider lines:

0 (default) "smooth" box drawing characters
1   ·   ·   "raw" characters, which are more suitable for printing.


      a←3 10⍴⎕a                 ⍝ Simple array.

      box a                     ⍝ simple case

      1 box a                   ⍝ draw a row..

      ⍬ (⍳5) box a              ⍝ ..and columns

      (1 2) (2+⍳3) box a        ⍝ both

      2 ⍬ 1  box a              ⍝ raw case

      (¯1) (2+⍳5)    box a      ⍝ no horiz lines

      (¯1 1 3) (2+⍳5)    box a  ⍝ draw bottom

      (¯1 0 1) (¯1 9 10) box a  ⍝ variant

      (¯1 1 2) (¯1 1 2)  box ↑'OOX' 'OXO' 'XX '     ⍝ I won!

See also: dsp disp display draw

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