expr ← vars ##.unify expr expr ···          ⍝ Unification of expressions.

Returns  the  unification  of a vector of expressions, with respect to variables
listed in its left argument.

For example, if (1×2)+y and x+(3×4) represent the same expression, then it foll-
ows that x = 1×2 and y = 3×4, and both expressions must be equal to (1×2)+(3×4).

The new expression is said to be the "unification" of the previous ones with re-
spect to variables x and y.

Technical notes:

Unify takes a _vector_ of expressions to be unified and uses primitive reduction
to apply Robinson's algorithm cumulatively, two expressions at a time.

The  algorithm  examines  the two expressions in parallel, looking for the first
pair of terms that "disagree". For example, in expressions:

 (1+2) ×   y   ÷ 3 - (z + 5)

   u   × (6+7) ÷ 3 - (z + w)

the disagreement pairs are:

    (1+2)  u
    y      (6+7)
    5      w

If just one of the items in the pair is a variable, it is substituted in both of
the original expressions with the corresponding value of the pair, and the whole
process repeated until the expressions match. If neither of the items is a vari-
able, then unification fails and a: "Can't unify" error is generated.

A small complication arises with repeated variables. The expressions:

    z   ×   z

  (1+y) × (x+2)

yield two disagreement pairs:

    z (1+y)
    z (x+2)

In  this  case, the _values_ of the two disagreement pairs (1+y) (x+2) are them-
selves  unified  recursively  to (1+2), before being substituted for z, yielding
(1+2)×(1+2) as the unified expression.

This coding  includes  an "occurs check" to guard against non-termination caused
by  an  attempt to substitute for a variable with a value containing one or more
occurrences  of  that variable. Using the notation: [⍺/⍵]∊ to mean "substitute ⍺
for  occurrences of ⍵ in expression ∊" or more succinctly "⍺ for ⍵ in ∊". An ex-
ample of such non-termination might be:

    [(x+1)/x] 2+x
=>  [(x+1)/x] 2+(x+1)
=>  [(x+1)/x] 2+((x+1)+1)
=>  [(x+1)/x] 2+(((x+1)+1)+1)
=>  ...

If the process that generates the expressions to be unified can guarantee that
such cases do not occur, this check may be omitted.


Robinson,  J.A.  "A  machine-oriented  logic based on the resolution principle",
Journal of the ACM, 12:23-41, 1965.

Brown,  J.A. and Guerreiro, R. "APL2 Implementations of Unification", Conference
Proceedings APL87. APL Quote Quad, V17.4, 1987.

A  slightly different version of unify is used by max.dws for the unification of
type  expressions  during  type inference. For a discussion of polymorphic types
and some more references, see max.dws/Implementation.


⍝ Here is a parser for simple parenthesised expressions.

    px←{                        ⍝ Single char token parser.
        1=⍴⍵:⊃⍵                 ⍝ atom: return scalar.
        depth←ׯ1⌽-⌿+\'()'∘.=⍵  ⍝ within parens.
        lpars←0 1⍷depth         ⍝ left parens.
        smask←lpars≥depth       ⍝ segmentation mask.
        drops←1 ¯1×⊂smask/lpars ⍝ parens drop.
        ∇¨↑↓¨/drops,⊂smask⊂⍵    ⍝ process each segment.

⍝ and a corresponding de-parser:

    fx←{                ⍝ Format parse tree.
        0=≡⍵:⍕⍵         ⍝ atom: done.
        ↑,/{            ⍝ join branches.
            0=≡⍵:⍵      ⍝ atom: done.
            '(',⍵,')'   ⍝ parenthesise.
        }∘∇¨⍵           ⍝ each branch.

⍝ Expressions in x and y:

    lex rex←px¨ '(1×2)+y' 'x+(3×4)'

    ⍕disp¨ lex rex
 ┌───┬─┬─┐  ┌─┬─┬───┐
 │1×2│+│y│  │x│+│3×4│
 └───┴─┴─┘  └─┴─┴───┘

⍝ Unification of expressions:

    'xy'unify lex rex

⍝ ... formatted.

    fx 'xy'unify lex rex

⍝ More complex expressions:

    xa←' a    + (b÷n) - (b × a) + a    '
    xb←'(1-c) + (c÷2) -  d      + e    '
    xc←' f    +  g    -  h      + (i-3)'

    vars←lcase ⎕a       ⍝ vars: a b ··· z

    fx vars unify px¨xa xb xc~¨' '

⍝ Unify can be used to resolve "logical syllogisms", such as:
⍝   Socrates is a man; all men are mortal; ergo, Socrates is mortal.

    s1←'Socrates' 'is' 'man'

    s2←'Man' 'is' 'mortal'

    'man' 'Man'unify s1 s2

⍝ If both items in the disagreement pair are variables, the (lexically)
⍝ higher is mapped to the lower. In this example, M→C, M→D, C→A, D→B→A:

    ⎕a unify 'A+B' 'C+D' 'M+M'      ⍝ matching variables.

⍝ Unify works on any conformable arrays, including those of higher rank.
⍝ In the following matrices, constant '*' propogates through all variables
⍝ A-Z:

    a←2 13⍴2/13↑⎕a
    b←2 13⍴13↓⎕a

    a b

⍝ * matches M matches Y matches F matches X ...

    ⎕a unify a b

⍝ Expression unification is used to infer type in some functional languages.
⍝ Here is the BNF for a tiny right-associative type expression:
⍝   texp := func | atom
⍝   func := atom→texp | (texp)→texp
⍝   atom := tcon | tvar
⍝   tcon := #
⍝   tvar := ⍺ | ∆ | ∊ | ⍳ | ⍵
⍝ Type variables are ⍺ ∆ ∊ ⍳ ⍵,
⍝ # is the only type constant and
⍝ → is the only type operator.

⍝ Examples of expressions:
⍝   #, ⍺, ⍺→⍵, (⍺→∆)→∊→#

⍝ Parser for such expressions:

    pt←{                                ⍝ Parse type expression.
        ⊃⍬{                             ⍝ Parse tree and remainder.
            0=⍴⍵:⍺ ⍵                    ⍝ done: parse tree and remainder.
            hd tl←(⊃⍵)(1↓⍵)             ⍝ head and tail of expr.
            '('=hd:↑∇/⍬ ∇ tl            ⍝ parenthesised sub-expr:
            ')'=hd:⍺ tl                 ⍝ complete sub-expression:
            '→'=hd:⌽⍺{⍺⍺ hd ⍵}\⌽⍬ ∇ tl  ⍝ function:
            hd ∇ tl                     ⍝ atom:
        }⍵~' '                          ⍝ ignoring blanks.

⍝ and a corresponding de-parser:

    ft←{                        ⍝ Format parse tree.
        0=≡⍵:⍕⍵                 ⍝ atom: done.
        0=≡⊃⍵:∊∇¨⍵              ⍝ atomic left branch: no parens.
        '(',(∇⊃⍵),')',∊∇¨1↓⍵    ⍝ parenthesised left branch.

⍝ Parse trees for type expressions:

│ │ ││∊│→│⍳→⍵││
│ │ │└─┴─┴───┘│


⍝ Formatted parse tree. Note how redundant parentheses are ignored:

    ft pt'(⍺→∊)→(⍳→⍵)'

⍝ Vars: ⍺ ∆ ∊ ⍳ ⍵


⍝ Some type expressions:

    xa←'(⍺→⍺)→∊    '
    xb←'    ∆→∆    '
    xc←'    ⍳→(⍵→#)'

⍝ Unified type expressions:

    ft vars unify pt¨xa xb xc

⍝ The following expressions can't be unified:

    clash←pt¨ '(⍺→⍺)→⍵' '⍺→(⍵→⍵)'

    ft vars unify clash
Can't unify
    ft vars unify clash
⍝ However, if the intention is that the variables
⍝ in the expressions are independent, they can be
⍝ distinguished by:

    dv←{                        ⍝ Distinguish Variables ⍺ in exprs ⍵.
        vlft vrgt←⍺∘∩∘∊¨⍵       ⍝ vars in left and right exprs
        (vlft∩vrgt){            ⍝ duplicate vars.
            (⊂⍵)∊⍺⍺:(⍺⍺⍳⊂⍵)⊃⍵⍵  ⍝ var in old: subs new.
            0=≡⍵:⍵              ⍝ atom: pass through.
            ∇¨⍵                 ⍝ tree: traverse.
        }(⍺~vlft)\⍵             ⍝ translated right expr.

⍝ The left argument of dv is the "pool" of
⍝ variables, available for substitution.

 (⍺→⍺)→⍵  ⍺→⍵→⍵

⍝ Distinguish variables:

    ft¨vars dv clash
 (⍺→⍺)→⍵  ∆→∊→∊

⍝ Unify succeeds:

    ft vars unify vars dv clash

See max.dws/Implementation.

See also: tokens parse

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