rslt ← (func ##.acc) argt               ⍝ Accumulating reduction.

Phil Last's  operator applies its function operand cumulatively between pairs of
items in its vector argument.

Technical note:

For  a  side-effect-free  associative operand function, this operator _could_ be
coded  in  terms  of primitive scan. However, this scan would be evaluated using
(0.5××/0 ¯1+⍴⍵) reductions, resulting in an O(n*2) algorithm.

    acc←{⌽⍺⍺⍨\⌽⍵}           ⍝ slow O(n*2) coding.

Gianluigi Quario adds this nice surprise:

    A few months ago I received some helpful suggestions about polynomial evalu-
    ation when the polynomial P(Y) is represented (in ascending order) by a vec-
    tor "poly".

        P(Y) :  poly[0] + Y×poly[1]  + Y×poly[2] + ..... +Y×poly[N]

    I was impressed by this idiom:

        value ← point {⍺+⍺⍺×⍵}/poly

    which  calculates  the value of a real polynomial "poly" at point "point" by
    means of Ruffini's rule and Horner's  {⍺+⍺⍺×⍵}/  algorithm.

    I  think  that  this idiom has a greater semantic clarity than the primitive
    "base value":

        value ← point ⊥ ⌽poly

    which internally uses <but externally hides> Horner's algorithm.

    Over  and  above it can easily be extended to rectangular arrays by means of
    the following D-fn:

        PolyEval ← {⊃⍵{⍺+⍺⍺×⍵}/⍺}

    In fact we can play:

        values ← poly PolyEval points

    even when "points" is an array .

    But I had another surprise when I matched the Horner's algorithm with [acc].

    If we write:

        point {⍺+⍺⍺×⍵} acc poly

    instead of

        point {⍺+⍺⍺×⍵} / poly

    we  obtain  not  only the value of the polynomial at point "point", i.e. the
    remainder  of  division of poly with monomial "Y-point" , but also the quot-
    ient polynomial according to Ruffini's rule, which we studied at school.

    If  P(Y)  is  a  polynomial  and  "Y - point" a monomial,  then substituting
    "{⍺+⍺⍺×⍵}/" with "{⍺+⍺⍺×⍵} acc" returns the quotient polynomial Q(Y) and the
    remainder polynomial  R(Y) of the polynomial division.

    By  means  of the simple idiom {⍺+⍺⍺×⍵} and operator "acc" it is possible to
    implement  the Ruffini simple_division_rule between a polynomial and a mono-
    mial with neither iterations nor recursions.

    The use of operator "acc" is performing something similar to:

        ⎕←poly[0] + point×⎕←poly[1]  +point×⎕←poly[2] + ..... + point×⎕←poly[N]

    Now  we  are  the  masters of a holistic window on Ruffini's rule for simple

        "** APL is an actual tool for supporting the chains of reasoning and
         creating knowledge **" - Gianluigi Quario.



    ,acc ⍳4
│1 2 3 4│2 3 4│3 4│4│

    slow←{⌽⍺⍺⍨\⌽⍵}          ⍝ O(n*2) coding.

    disp ,slow ⍳4           ⍝ slow coding concurs for associative operand fn.
│1 2 3 4│2 3 4│3 4│4│

    ⍲acc 1 0 0              ⍝ ⍲ is non-associative (although it is commutative).
0 1 0

    ⍲slow 1 0 0             ⍝ slow coding differs for non-associative operand.
1 1 0

See also: pred scan traj while foldl trav

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