dates ← {g←¯53799} daynos           ⍝ ⎕TS format from day number.

The argument is an array of day numbers since 1899-12-31 00:00:00. The resulting
array has rank one greater than [daynos] where 7-vectors along the new last axis
are ⎕TS-style date and time: (↓date ⍵)≡date¨⍵.

Optional  left argument {g} specifies the day number of the →Gregorian_calendar←
reform  (default ¯53799 ←→ 1752-09-02).  This is of interest only when exploring
historical dates.

    Bug: Although [date] accounts for the "removal" of 11 days in September 1752
    for  the  change to the Gregorian calendar, it does not accommodate the att-
    endant  change  to  New  Year's  Day.  Prior  to  the  implementation of the
    →British_Calendar_Act_1751←  the year changed at midnight on the 24th March,
    making  25th  March  New  Year's Day. The following pairs of dates should be
    contiguous in the British calendar:

    1750-03-24  1751-03-25      ⍝ Julian year change in March 1750.
    1751-12-31  1752-01-01 *    ⍝ Calendar Act year change on Dec 31 in 1751.
    1752-03-24  1752-03-25      ⍝ no Julian year change March 1752.
    1752-09-02  1752-09-14      ⍝ change to Gregorian calendar.
    1752-12-31  1753-01-01      ⍝ normal Gregorian year change 1752-1753.

  * "...  according  to  which the Year of our Lord beginneth on the 25th Day of
     March,  shall  not  be  made use of from and after the last Day of December
     1751; and that the first Day of January next following the said last Day of
     December shall be reckoned, taken, deemed and accounted to be the first Day
     of the Year of our Lord 1752; ..."

Ref: Jean Meeus, "Astronomical Algorithms", p59. ISBN 0-943396-61-1, 1998.

Peter-Michael  Hager  suggests this nifty one-liner, which is good for dates be-
tween 1752-09-14 and 2400-02-28:

    n_date←{y,m,1+d-(m←m+.≤d)⊃m←+\0 31,(29-×4|1⊃y d←⌊0 365.25⊤694035+⌊(36525×⍵-60.5+0.5××⍵-36584)÷36524),9⍴5⍴31 30}


    date 12791                              ⍝ Whole number of days.
1935 1 8 0 0 0 0

    date 12791.51388889                     ⍝ Part way through day.
1935 1 8 12 20 0 0

     show←timestamp∘''                      ⍝ Format ⎕TS vector.

     show date 1e5÷3                        ⍝ Fractional number of days.
1991-04-06 08:00:00

     show date ¯7596.520833                 ⍝ Negative days before 1899 12 31.
1879-03-14 11:30:00

     date 2 2⍴14892 15509 15761 14798       ⍝ (⍴date ⍵) ≡ (⍴⍵),7.
1940 10  9 0 0 0 0
1942  6 18 0 0 0 0

1943  2 25 0 0 0 0
1940  7  7 0 0 0 0

    date ¯53799 + 0 1                       ⍝ 1752 calendar reform
1752 9  2 0 0 0 0
1752 9 14 0 0 0 0

    ⎕ts≡date days ⎕ts                       ⍝ Full circle.
    eudate←¯115860∘date                     ⍝ European calendar reform:

    eudate ¯115860+0 1                      ⍝ 1582: Oct 4th and 15th contiguous.
1582 10  4 0 0 0 0
1582 10 15 0 0 0 0

See also: Dates days cal timestamp
See also: Gregorian_calendar British_Calendar_Act_1751

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