rslt ← {guess←1+⎕ct} (fn ##.invr) argt      ⍝ Inverse of real-valued function.

Suggested  by Mike Day, operator [invr] uses the Newton-Raphson method to find a
[rslt], such that:

    argt ≡ fn rslt

where  operand [fn] is a monadic continuous real-valued function and [argt] is a
numeric array.

The  left  argument (default 1+⎕ct), is a starting point for the iteration. Some
functions,  such  as  sin←1∘○,  are  "many-to-one", which means that the inverse
could  be  any  of  a number of values. In this case the left argument should be
chosen to be close to the desired one. See the "ArcSin" example below.

The  choice  of ⎕ct as a default starting point is arbitrary. 0, 1 or ⍵ would be
just  as good. 1+⎕ct has the small advantage that it tends to avoid the discont-
inuity at 0, of primitive functions ⍟ and ÷.


With an unfortunate choice of starting value, [invr] may generate a "no inverse"
error or may even fail to terminate.


      ○invr ○ 2 3⍴⍳6                ⍝ inverse of primitive function pi-times.
1 2 3
4 5 6

      {⍵+⍵}invr 2 4 6               ⍝ inverse of doubling function.
1 2 3

      {2*⍵}invr 16                  ⍝ inverse of 2-exp is 2-log
      {⍵*2}invr 49                  ⍝ inverse of square is sqrt.

      c2f←{32+⍵×1.8}                ⍝ define Celsius to Fahrenheit

      f2c←c2f invr                  ⍝ derive Fahrenheit to Celsius

      c2f (0 100) (¯40 ¯273.15)     ⍝ convert nested array of temperatures.
│32 212│¯40 ¯459.67│

      f2c (32 212) (¯40 ¯459.67)    ⍝ convert using inverse function.
│0 100│¯40 ¯273.15│

      sin←1∘○                       ⍝ Sin(⍵)

      sin 10

      arcs←sin invr                 ⍝ ArcSin(⍵)

      arcs sin 10                   ⍝ ArcSin(Sin(10)).

      9 arcs sin 10                 ⍝ ArcSin(Sin(10)) near 9.

See also: limit pow

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