dvec ← ##.stdists tree                      ⍝ Spanning-tree path lengths.

Returns  vector [dvec] of distances from the root to each vertex in the spanning


⍝      Graph "a".
⍝    ┌─────1←────┐   5 vertices: 1 2 3 4 5
⍝    │     │     │
⍝    ↓     ↓     │   8 edges:    1→2  1→3
⍝    2←───→3────→4               2→3
⍝          ↑     │               3→2  3→4
⍝          │     ↓               4→1  4→5
⍝          └─────5               5→3

      a←(2 3)(3)(2 4)(1 5)(3)       ⍝ simple origin-1 graph.

      a span 1                      ⍝ spanning tree for graph a from vertex 1.
¯1 1 1 3 4

      stdists a span 1              ⍝ distances from vertex 1.
0 1 1 2 3

See also: span stpath stpaths Graphs

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