rslt ← {larg} (fn ##.rats) rarg             ⍝ Rational arithmetic.
rslt ← (land      ##.rats) rarg             ⍝ Rational number.

[rats]  provides  accurate  conversion  and arithmetic for non-negative rational

NB: [rats] deals only in single (scalar) numbers, rather than whole arrays.

Called with a natural number left operand, rats converts [land] and [rarg] to an
internal form.

        r ← 16 rats 9           ⍝ internal form of rational number 16r9.
        s ←  1 rats 2           ⍝   ..      ..      ..      ..      1r2.

Otherwise, the operand is a function chosen from monadic ⍕ or ⍎:

        rfmt ← ⍕rats            ⍝ ⍕ r-format.
        real ← ⍎rats            ⍝ ⍎ approx real equivalent.

        rfmt¨ r s               ⍝ r-format of rational numbers.
     16r9  1r2

        real¨ r s               ⍝ approx real equivalent of rational numbers.
    1.7778 0.5

or from one of the dyadic functions + - × ÷ * ∨ ∧:

        rfmt r +rats s          ⍝ + sum of rational numbers 16r9 + 1r2

        rfmt r -rats s          ⍝ - difference  ·   ·   ·   16r9 - 1r2

        rfmt r ×rats s          ⍝ × product ·   ·   ·   ·   16r9 × 1r2

        rfmt r ÷rats s          ⍝ ÷ quotient    ·   ·   ·   16r9 ÷ 1r2

        rfmt r *rats s          ⍝ * power       ·   ·   ·   16r9 * 1r2

        rfmt r ∨rats s          ⍝ ∨ gcd ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   16r9 ∨ 1r2

        rfmt r ∧rats s          ⍝ ∧ lcm ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   16r9 ∧ 1r2

[rats]  assumes the presence of function →factors←, which it calls when it needs
to  determine the prime factors of an argument. In practice, this happens relat-
ively infrequently.

Technical notes
A rational  number ⍺r⍵ is conveniently represented as a pair [P Q] of vectors of
prime  factors  and corresponding powers. Within [rats] these vectors are stored
as a 2-row simple integer matrix.

For example: the rational number 28r75 has P≡(2 7 3 5) and Q≡(2 1 ¯1 ¯2):

        28 rats 75              ⍝ internal form of 28r75.
    2 7  3  5
    2 1 ¯1 ¯2

Positive  powers contribute to the numerator and negative ones to the denominat-
or. The approximate real equivalent of [P Q] is thus: P×.*Q.

        28÷75                   ⍝ approx real 28r75

        ×/*⌿ 28 rats 75         ⍝   ..      ..

This  representation  makes  arithmetic particularly straightforward. Almost all
operations  are  expressed in terms of factor matrices and even sums and differ-
ences  are  applied only to what remains after common factors have been removed.
This  means that the relatively expensive factoring of large numbers into primes
is reduced to a minimum.

Normal Form
Subfunction  [norm] normalises its argument by collecting like factors and summ-
ing  their  powers.  The sum of powers with differing signs is equivalent to the
cancelling operation, when dealing with fractions.

In  addition,  [norm]  removes  factors-of-power-0, and powers-of-factor-1. This
means that the structure for rational number 1r1 is a 0-column matrix:

        display 1 rats 1                ⍝ 1r1 - 0-column matrix.

Finally, as 0r1, 0r2, ·· 0r<anything> are equivalent, [norm] chooses 0r1.

NB: [norm] does not arrange factor-power columns in any particular order, so the
following are equivalent normal forms:

        r35 r53                         ⍝ equivalent expressions of 15r1
    │3 5│5 3│
    │1 1│1 1│

        ⍕rats¨ r35 r53                  ⍝ r-formats are identical.
     15r1  15r1

Product ×
The product of two rational structures is just the normalisation of their caten-

        mul ← {norm ⍺,⍵}                ⍝ ⍺×⍵   (⍺ and ⍵ are rational numbers).
Quotient ÷
The integer power of a rational number [P Q]*⍵ = [P Q×1 ⍵].

        expn ← {↑1 ⍵×↓⍺}                ⍝ ⍺*⍵   (⍺ is rational, ⍵ is integer).
        expn ← {1 ⍵×[⎕io]⍺}             ⍝ ... according to taste.
        (28 rats 75)∘expn¨1 2 3         ⍝ 28r75 * 1 2 3
    │2 7  3  5│2 7  3  5│2 7  3  5│
    │2 1 ¯1 ¯2│4 2 ¯2 ¯4│6 3 ¯3 ¯6│

In particular, expn∘¯1 returns the _reciprocal_ of its rational argument:

        {⍵∘expn¨1 ¯1} 28 rats 75        ⍝ 28r75 * 1 ¯1
    │2 7  3  5│ 2  7 3 5│
    │2 1 ¯1 ¯2│¯2 ¯1 1 2│

so we can use expn to implement division:

        div ← {norm ⍺,⍵ expn ¯1}        ⍝ ⍺÷⍵   (⍺ and ⍵ rational).
Next, notice that function 0∘⌈ returns the (un-normalised) numerator:

          0∘⌈ 28 rats 75                ⍝ 28r1
    2 7 3 5
    2 1 0 0

        real 0∘⌈ 28 rats 75             ⍝ 28r1

and applied to the reciprocal, reveals the denominator:

        {0⌈⍵∘expn¨1 ¯1} 28 rats 75     ⍝ 28r75 → 28 75
    │2 7 3 5│2 7 3 5│
    │2 1 0 0│0 0 1 2│

        sepr ← {0⌈⍵∘expn¨1 ¯1}          ⍝ separate numerator/denominator.

        real¨ sepr 28 rats 75           ⍝ round trip: (28 75) → 28r75 → (28 75)
    28 75

Power *
The _rational_ power of a rational number:
    [P Q]*[R S] = [P X],
        where X = Q×R×.*S,
            as long as X≡⌊X,
                otherwise, error "irrational".
    4r9 * 3r2 → 8r27
    2r1 * 1r2 → irrational    (square root of 2).

GCD ∨  /  LCM ∧
We  can  extract greatest-common-divisor and least-common-multiple directly from
the factors of a pair of normalised rational numbers.

If  two  _whole_ numbers have normal rational forms [P Q] and [R S] (which means
that vectors Q and S have no negative items) then:

    [P Q] ∨ [R S]  =  [PiR QnS],                ⍝ ∨ ----------------------gcd[1]

        PiR is the intersection of factor vectors P and R and
        QnS is the minimum of power vectors Q and S within the intersection.
                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
    [P Q] ∧ [R S]  =  [PuR QxS],                ⍝ ∧ ----------------------lcm[1]

        PuR is the union of factor vectors P and R and
        QxS is the maximum of power vectors Q and S within the union.
                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
For example:

          90 rats 1                             ⍝ [(2 3 5)(1 2 1)]
    2 3 5
    1 2 1

          84 rats 1                             ⍝ [(2 3 7)(2 1 1)]
    2 3 7
    2 1 1

          (90 rats 1)∨rats 84 rats 1            ⍝ gcd ∨: intersection / minimum.
    2 3
    1 1

          (90 rats 1)∧rats 84 rats 1            ⍝ lcm ∧: union / maximum.
    2 3 5 7
    2 2 1 1

Secondly, if a, b, c and d are whole numbers, then in general:

    (a÷b) ∨ (c÷d)  =  (a∨c) ÷ (b∧c)             ⍝ ∨ ----------------------gcd[2]

    (a÷b) ∧ (c÷d)  =  (a∧c) ÷ (b∨c)             ⍝ ∧ ----------------------lcm[2]

Let ⌈P Q] and ⌊P Q] be notation for the numerator and denominator of [P Q]

    ⌈P Q]  =  num ← {norm 0⌈⍵}                  ⍝ numerator.
    ⌊P Q]  =  den ← {norm 0⌈⍵ expn ¯1}          ⍝ denominator.

For example:

        [P Q] = [(2 3 5 7)(¯1 2 1 ¯3)]
        ⌈P Q]  =  [(3 5)(2 1)]                  ⍝ numerator.

        ⌊P Q]  =  [(2 7)(1 3)]                  ⍝ denominator.
        [P Q]  = ⌈P Q] × ⌊P Q] * ¯1             ⍝ numerator × ÷ denominator.

    [P Q] ∨ [R S]

    ⌈P Q]   ⌈R S]                               ⍝ defn of ⌈...] and ⌊...]
=>  ----- ∨ -----
    ⌊P Q] ¯ ⌊R S]

    ⌈P Q]∨⌈R S]                                 ⍝ from gcd[2] above.
=>  -----------
    ⌊P Q]∧⌊R S]

    [PiR QnS]                                   ⍝ from gcd[1] above.
=>  ---------
    [PuR QxS]

=>  [PiR QnS], [PuR QxS] * ¯1                   ⍝ as in the quotient case.

Similarly, for lcm (∧):

    [P Q] ∧ [R S]

    ⌈P Q]   ⌈R S]                               ⍝ defn of ⌈...] and ⌊...]
=>  ----- ∧ -----
    ⌊P Q] ¯ ⌊R S]

    ⌈P Q]∧⌈R S]                                 ⍝ from lcm[2] above.
=>  -----------
    ⌊P Q]∨⌊R S]

    [PuR QxS]                                   ⍝ from lcm[1] above.
=>  ---------
    [PiR QnS]

=>  [PuR QxS], [PiR QnS] * ¯1                   ⍝ as in the quotient case.

Sum / difference
In general, for numbers A and B and any N≠0:

                  ┌  A     B  ┐
    A + B  =  N × │ --- + --- │
      ¯           └  N  ¯  N  ┘

If  we  choose N = A∨B (greatest common divisor of A and B), then both (A÷N) and
(B÷N)  are  whole numbers and may be added (resp. subtracted) directly. Further,
(A÷N)  and  (B÷N)  are the smallest whole numbers for which this holds, so their
sum (resp. difference) is as small as possible and so easiest to re-factorise.


    sum/difference deals separately with zero arguments.  Zero seems (to JMS) to
    be, let's say, an uneasy member of the set of rational numbers.

    sum←{                           ⍝ sum (difference).
        0∊⍵:⍺                       ⍝ ⍺+0 → ⍺, ⍺-0 → ⍺
        0∊⍺:⍵×nchk ⍺⍺ 1             ⍝ 0+⍵ → ⍵, 0-⍵ → error
        mul←⍺ gcd ⍵                 ⍝ gcd multiplier


    factors¨28 75                       ⍝ prime factors.
│2 2 7│3 5 5│

    28 rats 75                          ⍝ rational representation.
2 7  3  5
2 1 ¯1 ¯2

    ⍕rats 28 rats 75                    ⍝ r-format.

    ⍎rats 28 rats 75                    ⍝ approx real number equivalent.

    ⍝ We can make a translator for simple expressions of rational scalars:

    rexp←{⍺←'r'                         ⍝ simple r-expression translator.
        rat←{')',⍵,'rats('}             ⍝ ⍵ → )⍵rats(
        svec←rat\¨2/¨'+-×÷*∧^∨⍎⍕'       ⍝ subs pair for each op fn.
        src←↑subs/(svec,⊂⍺' rats '),⊂⍵  ⍝ translated source. See →subs←.
        '(',src,')'                     ⍝ source for apl expression.

    rexp'2r3 + 3r4'                     ⍝ r-expression translation.
(2 rats 3 )+rats( 3 rats 4)

    eval ← ⍕rats∘⍎∘rexp                 ⍝ r-expression evaluation.

    eval ' 36r140 '                     ⍝ simplify.

    eval '1r2 + 1r3'                    ⍝ sum.

    eval '1r2 - 1r3'                    ⍝ difference.

    eval '3r4 × 2r3'                    ⍝ product.

    eval '2r3 ÷ 2r3'                    ⍝ quotient.

    eval '4r9 * 3r2'                    ⍝ power

    eval '2r5 ∨ 3r5'                    ⍝ gcd.

    eval '2r5 ∧ 3r5'                    ⍝ lcm.

    eval ' (1r2 × 3r4) + 1r8 '          ⍝ more complex expression.

See also: numbers pco factors rational subs gcd nats bt ary

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