cmat ← {dec←0 {cen←0}} ##.disp array        ⍝ Boxed sketch of nested array.

A compact alternative to the →display← function for nested  arrays.  By default,
subarrays are shown in plain boxes.  With optional left argument [dec] set to 1,
the shape of the containing array is shown in its top-left corner  and  for each
subarray, item type is shown lower-left and shape is shown lower-right.

NB: The default display of nested arrays can be boxed by default, using user-
    command: ]boxing.

      ⍳2 2      ⍝ unboxed display
 1 1  1 2
 2 1  2 2

    ]boxing ON

      ⍳2 2      ⍝ boxed output
│1 1│1 2│
│2 1│2 2│

The optional left argument of 1 or 2 boolean flags (default 0 0) controls:

    ┌───── dec: type and shape decoration:  decorated (otherwise, plain)
    │ ┌─── cen: items within boxes aligned: centred   (otherwise, top-left)
    │ │
    0 0 disp ..

With decoration turned off, the function can be used to format simple tables for
display in the session; see example below.

With decoration on, _all_ of the information provided by →display←  is  present,
except for  the case of a single digit number, whose type (~) may be obscured by
its shape (─/→) decoration.

    1 disp 8 (,8) 88 (,88)      ⍝ type (~) obscured in first two cells.


    ditty ← 2 2⍴'Tea'(2 1⍴4 2)'&'(2 40)         ⍝ nested array

    vs←{(⍺⍺ ⍵)(⍵⍵ ⍵)}                           ⍝ comparison operator

    disp vs display ditty                       ⍝ comparison disp vs display
 ┌───┬────┐  ┌→─────────────┐
 │Tea│4   │  ↓ ┌→──┐ ┌→┐    │
 │   │2   │  │ │Tea│ ↓4│    │
 ├───┼────┤  │ └───┘ │2│    │
 │&  │2 40│  │       └~┘    │
 └───┴────┘  │       ┌→───┐ │
             │ &     │2 40│ │
             │ -     └~───┘ │

      1∘disp vs display ditty                   ⍝ ... with decoration
 ┌→──┬────┐  ┌→─────────────┐
 ↓Tea│4   │  ↓ ┌→──┐ ┌→┐    │
 │   │2   ↓  │ │Tea│ ↓4│    │
 ├──→┼~──→┤  │ └───┘ │2│    │
 │&  │2 40│  │       └~┘    │
 └───┴~──→┘  │       ┌→───┐ │
             │ &     │2 40│ │
             │ -     └~───┘ │

    +/∘∊¨ ∊∘'→↓~'¨ 1∘disp vs display ditty      ⍝ same no of →↓~ present in both
8 8

      1 disp array                              ⍝ [disp] sketch of array.
↓3.1│ Vector  │ Matrix  ↓ Array  ⍒
││0│││Q 8│K 9││⌽0 0│0 0││⍒ #  # ││

      display array                             ⍝ Compare with full [display].
↓         ┌→─────┐        ┌→─────┐        ┌┌→────┐      │
│ 3.1     │Vector│        ↓Matrix│        ↓↓Array│      │
│         └──────┘        └──────┘        └└─────┘      │
│ ┌─────┐ ┌→────────────┐ ┌→────────────┐ ┌┌→─────────┐ │
│ │ ┌⊖┐ │ │ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │ ⌽ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ │ ↓↓ ┌→─────┐ │ │
│ │ │0│ │ │ │Q 8│ │K 9│ │ │ │0 0│ │0 0│ │ ││ │ #  # │ │ │
│ │ └~┘ │ │ └+──┘ └+──┘ │ │ └~──┘ └~──┘ │ ││ └#─────┘ │ │
│ └∊────┘ └∊────────────┘ └∊────────────┘ └└∊─────────┘ │

⍝ Simple table in session:

      disp'%' 'Eye Poke' 'Kumquat'⍪↑('Guys' 60 40)('Gals' 20 80)
│ %  │Eye Poke│Kumquat│
│Guys│60      │40     │
│Gals│20      │80     │

⍝ The following example shows the effect of permutations of left-argument
⍝ options:
⍝   dec: type and shape border decorations off/on,
⍝   cen: centre-alignment within box off/on.

    opts ← ⎕io<⍳2 2                 ⍝ all option permutations

    labs ← 'decorated, ' 'centred'  ⍝ option labels with:

    un←{∊((~⍺)/¨⊂'un'),¨⍵}          ⍝ un- prefix where appropriate

    stuff ← '' 'like this'(3 0⍴'')  ⍝ content of all but top left cell

    opts {⍺ disp 2 2⍴(⊂⍺ un ⍵),stuff}¨ ⊂labs
 ┌──────────────────────┬┐  ┌────────────────────┬┐
 │undecorated, uncentred││  │undecorated, centred││
 ├──────────────────────┼┤  ├────────────────────┼┤
 │like this             ││  │                    ││
 │                      ││  │     like this      ││
 │                      ││  │                    ││
 └──────────────────────┴┘  └────────────────────┴┘
 ┌→───────────────────┬─┐   ┌→─────────────────┬─┐
 ↓decorated, uncentred│ │   ↓decorated, centred│ │
 ├───────────────────→┼⊖┤   ├─────────────────→┼⊖┤
 │like this           │ │   │                  │ │
 │                    │ │   │    like this     │ │
 │                    │ ↓   │                  │ ↓
 └───────────────────→┴⊖┘   └─────────────────→┴⊖┘

See also: display dsp box

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