⍝ Derive undo/redo function:

    commit←(⎕ns'')UndoRedo              ⍝ derive a commit function

    '!'commit 0                         ⍝ initialise history stacks.

    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ both stacks empty.
0 0
    A B C D←'now' 'is' 'the' 'time'     ⍝ initial application state.
    commit A B C D                      ⍝ commit application state.

    A B←'then' 'was'                    ⍝ change state,
    commit A B C D                      ⍝ commit changes.

    A C←'that' 'a'                      ⍝ change state,
    commit A B C D                      ⍝ commit changes.

    B D←'took' 'while'                  ⍝ change state,

    ⍕A B C D                            ⍝ show current state
 that  took a while 

    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ undo stack present.
0 3
    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ Undo last change,
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state
 that  was a time 

    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ items on both stacks.
1 2
    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ and previous change,
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state
 then  was  the  time 
    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ and change before that.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 now  is  the  time 

    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ undo stack empty.
3 0

    A B C D← '>'commit A B C D          ⍝ Redo last undo.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 then  was  the  time 

    A B C D← '>'commit A B C D          ⍝ Redo previous undo.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 that  was a time 
    A B C D← '>'commit A B C D          ⍝ Redo undo before that.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 that  took a while 

    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ Undo last Redo.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 that  was a time 
    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ Undo previous redo.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 then  was  the  time 
    A B C D←'<'commit A B C D           ⍝ Undo redo before that.
   ⍕A B C D                             ⍝ show current state.
 now  is  the  time 

    commit¨⍳10                          ⍝ commit 10 transactions.
    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ 10 items in undo stack.
0 10
    '↑'commit 4                       ⍝ cut to ...

    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ ... 4 items.
0 4
    '!'commit 0                         ⍝ clear history
    commit¨ 1 2 3                       ⍝ commits
    ⍕'⊃'commit '∘'                      ⍝ most recent undo/redo (Kai)
3 ∘
    '<'commit 4                         ⍝ undo
    '⊃'commit '∘'                       ⍝ most recent undo/redo
2 4
    '!'commit 0                         ⍝ clear history
    '≠'commit¨ 1 2 2 3 3 3 4            ⍝ avoid duplicates
    '?'commit 0                         ⍝ only 4 commits
0 4

⍝ The following example shows that the space overhead of history is small.

    a b c d e f g h i j←rand¨⍳10        ⍝ ten large variables.

    '!'commit 0                         ⍝ initialise history.

    wsused←{                            ⍝ WS bytes used.
        _←⍺⍺ ⍵

          commit         a b c d e f g h i j    ⍝ commit vars.

    2000>|commit wsused a b c d e f g h i j     ⍝ committing unchanged vars ...
    2000>|commit wsused a b c d e f g h i j     ⍝ ... consumes little workspace
    2000>|commit wsused a b c d e f g h i j     ⍝ ... consumes little workspace

⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝  This version uses a limited size vector for history ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝

    UndoRedoV←{⎕ml←0                    ⍝ Derive undo/redo fn (vector history)
        ⍺←⊢                             ⍝ default: commit values.

        pop←{(⊃⍵)(1↓⍵)}                 ⍝ pop top vector item.
        psh←{(⊂⍺),⍵}                    ⍝ push ⍺ to vector ⍵.

        1≡⍺ 1:⍺⍺{                       ⍝ monadic commit: push new hist record.
            size←⍺.(max⌊1+⍴undo)        ⍝ max size of undo vector.
            ⍺.undo←size↑⍵ psh ⍺.undo    ⍝ push new undo record.
            1:⍺.redo←⍬                  ⍝ discard redo history.

        '!'≡⍺:⍺⍺.(redo undo max←⍬ ⍬ ⍵)  ⍝ initialize history vectors.

        '?'≡⍺:,↑⍴¨⍺⍺.(redo undo)        ⍝ query history vectors.

        '<'≡⍺:⍺⍺{                       ⍝ undo:
            0=⍴⍺.undo:⍵                 ⍝ no more undo: state unchanged.
            ⍺.redo←⍵ psh ⍺.redo         ⍝ push current state on redo vector.
            ⊃last ⍺.undo←pop ⍺.undo     ⍝ pop last state.

        '>'≡⍺:⍺⍺{                       ⍝ redo:
            0=⍴⍺.redo:⍵                 ⍝ no more redo: state unchanged.
            ⍺.undo←⍵ psh ⍺.undo         ⍝ push current state on undo vector.
            ⊃next ⍺.redo←pop ⍺.redo     ⍝ pop last state.

        '↑'≡⍺:⍺⍺{                       ⍝ resize undo vector.
            ⍺.max←⍵                     ⍝ set new undo vector size limit.
            ⍺.(undo←(⍵⌊⍴undo)↑undo)     ⍝ truncate undo vector.
            1:⍺.redo←⍬                  ⍝ remove redo records.


    '!'commitV 4                ⍝ history limited to 4 records.

      ⍕commitV¨⍳10              ⍝ commit 10 transactions.
    '?'commitV 0                ⍝ last 4 items in undo vector.
0 4

    '<'commitV ¨10+⍳2           ⍝ undo last two changes.
10 9

    '?'commitV 0                ⍝ lengths of redo and undo vectors.
2 2

    '<'commitV ¨12+⍳4           ⍝ only first 2 undos take effect.
8 7 15 16

    '?'commitV 0                ⍝ sizes of redo and undo vectors.
4 0

    '>'commitV ¨16+⍳3           ⍝ redo 3 transactions.
14 13 12

    '?'commitV 0                ⍝ sizes of redo and undo vectors.
1 3

    '↑'commitV 2                ⍝ reduce history size.

    '?'commitV 0                ⍝ sizes of redo and undo vectors.
0 2

⍝∇ UndoRedo

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