UndoRedo{⎕ML←1                         ⍝ Derive undo/redo function.
    ⍺←' '                               ⍝ default: commit values.
    ' '≡⍺:⍺⍺.(redo undo←⍬(undo))      ⍝ commit of new history record

    '≠'≡⍺:∇⍣(⍵≢⊃⍺⍺.undo,⊂⍵ ⍬)⊢⍵         ⍝ commit only if state ⍵ has changed.

    '!'≡⍺:⍺⍺.(redo undo←⊂⍬)             ⍝ initialize history stacks.

    '?'≡⍺:0{                            ⍝ size of redo and undo stacks.
        ⍵≡⍬:⍺                           ⍝ empty: 0
        (⍺+1)∇⊃⌽⍵                       ⍝ otherwise: 1+length of tail.
     }¨⍺⍺.(redo undo)                   ⍝ accumulates stack size in ⍺.

    '<'≡⍺:⍺⍺{                           ⍝ undo:
        ⍬≡⍺.undo:⍵                      ⍝ no more undo: state unchanged.
        ⍺.(redo←⍵ redo)                 ⍝ push current state on redo stack.
        ⊃last ⍺.undo←⍺.undo             ⍝ pop undo stack.

    '⊃'≡⍺:⍺⍺.(undo redo){⍺≡⍬:⍵ ⋄ ⊃⍺}¨⊂⍵ ⍝ latest committed values (or ⍵)

    '>'≡⍺:⍺⍺{                           ⍝ redo:
        ⍬≡⍺.redo:⍵                      ⍝ no more redo: state unchanged.
        ⍺.(undo←⍵ undo)                 ⍝ push current state on undo stack.
        ⊃next ⍺.redo←⍺.redo             ⍝ pop redo stack.

    '↑'≡⍺:⍺⍺.undo←⍵{                    ⍝ truncate undo stack to ⍵ items.
        ⍺=0:⍬                           ⍝ 0 items: empty stack.
        head tail←⍵                     ⍝ first and remaining items.
        head{⍺ ⍵}(⍺-1)tail            ⍝ first cons (⍺-1) take of tail.
    }⍺⍺.undo                            ⍝ undo stack.


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