unify←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1              ⍝ Unification of expressions.

    uni{                       ⍝ unify exprs.
        dis←⌽⍺⍺ disagree⌽⍺ ⍵    ⍝ vector of disagreement pairs.
        0=⍴dis:⍺                ⍝ none: finished.
        var valpairochkdis  ⍝ select first pair.
        newvar subs val        ⍝ derive subs function.
        (new)new ⍵          ⍝ retry after substitution.

    disagree{                  ⍝ disagreement pairs.
        varsisvar¨⍵            ⍝ terms are vars?
        vars≡1 1:(~≡/⍵)/⊂⍵∩⍺⍺   ⍝ both: dis-pair if distinct.
        1∊vars:,⊂(vars⍳1)⌽⍵     ⍝ one var: var-value pair.
        0∊≡¨⍵:⍬ chk≡/⍵          ⍝ matching atomic terms: ignore.
        ≡/⍴¨⍵:↑,/,∇¨↓⍉↑⍵        ⍝ conformable: compare sub-terms.
        err 5                   ⍝ otherwise: length error.

    pair←⍺∘∇{                   ⍝ first disagreement pair.
        dups←{⍵∊⊂⊃⍵}⊃¨⍵         ⍝ duplicate variables.
        1=+/dups:⊃⍵             ⍝ first pair not duplicated: done.
        ⍺⍺ dups/⍵               ⍝ unify duplicate values.

    subs{                      ⍝ substitute [⍵⍵/⍺⍺] ⍵.
        isvar ⍵:(⍵≡⍺⍺)⊃⍵ ⍵⍵     ⍝ variable: subs if match.
        ↑∇¨/(⍳×|≡⍵),⊂⍵          ⍝ substitute atom-wise.

    occurs{                    ⍝ var ⍺⍺ occurs in value ⍵.
        isvar ⍵:⍺⍺≡⍵            ⍝ variable: check match.
        1∊↑∇¨/(⍳×|≡⍵),⊂⍵        ⍝ check value atom-wise.

    ochk←{⍺ ⍵ chk~⍺ occurs ⍵}   ⍝ occurs check.
    chk←{⍵:⍺ ⋄ err 11}          ⍝ error unless ⍵.
    err←'Can''t unify'∘⎕SIGNAL  ⍝ error function.
    isvar←∊∘⍺∘⊂                 ⍝ check for var.

    ↑⍺ uni/⍵                    ⍝ unified expression.


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