path←{                          ⍝ Shortest path from/to ⍵ in graph ⍺.
    graph(fm to)←⍺ ⍵            ⍝ graph and entry/exit vertex vectors
    fm{                         ⍝ fm is the starting-from vertex
        ⍺≡⍬:⍬                   ⍝ no vertices left: no path
        ∨/to∊⍺:⍬(⊃∘⍵){          ⍝ found target: path from tree:
            ⍵<0:⍺               ⍝ root: finished
            (⍵,⍺)∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵         ⍝ accumulated path to next vertex
        }1↑⍺∩to                 ⍝ found vertex ⍺
        nextgraph[⍺]∩¨⊂⍸⍵=¯2   ⍝ next vertices to visit
        back←⊃,/⍺+0×next        ⍝ back links
        wave←⊃,/next            ⍝ vertex wave front
        (wave)back@wave⊢⍵    ⍝ advanced wave front
    }¯2+(⍳⍴⍺)fm                ⍝ null spanning tree


test script

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