attrib←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                         ⍝ Function/operator attributes.
                                            ⍝ left arg: n d t i r c s ∇ ⍝ ⍋ ^.
    ⍺←'⍋d^t  n  ⍝'                          ⍝ date-time-sorted: date name comment.
                                            ⍝ late binding => no name clashes.
    names lines sntx time ids sizes←{       ⍝ function attributes.
        (⊂↓⍵){⍺,⍵                           ⍝   names,
        }(⊂⎕NR¨↓⍵){⍺,⍵                      ⍝   lines,
        }(1 1 0 1/↓⍉↑,↓⎕AT ⍵){⍺,⍵           ⍝   syntax, time, user-ids,
        }⊂⎕SIZE ⍵                           ⍝   sizes.
    }⎕FMT↑⍵                                 ⍝ matrix of names.

    sxfmt←{                                 ⍝ syntax formatter.
        ∊'⍴⍺∇⍵'{                            ⍝ rslt larg func rarg,
            '⍴'=⍺:(1 ¯1⍳⍵)⊃'⍴←' '{⍴←}' ''   ⍝ rslt explicit, shy, none,
            '⍺'=⍺:(2 ¯2⍳⍵)⊃'⍺' '{⍺}' ''     ⍝ larg required or optional,
            '∇'=⍺:⍵⊃'∇' '(⍺⍺∇∇)' '(⍺⍺∇∇⍵⍵)' ⍝ function or operator,
            '⍵'=⍺:(⍵≠0)/'⍵'                 ⍝ rarg or niladic.
        }¨0 1 2 1⊃¨⊂⍵                       ⍝ syntax of function.

    comment←{                               ⍝ first comment.
        0=⍴⍵:''                             ⍝ no comments: give up.
        1≠≡⊃⍵:''                            ⍝ derived function: give up.
        mask←~≠\''''=⊃⍵                     ⍝ mask of unquoted chars.
        linemask\mask/⊃⍵                   ⍝ first line with strings blanked.
        ~'⍝'∊line:∇ 1↓⍵                     ⍝ no comment: try following lines.
        (∨\line='⍝')/⊃⍵                     ⍝ comment from line.

    cols←{                                  ⍝ format columns:
        join←{↑⍺{⍺,⍺⍺,⍵}/⍵}                 ⍝ ⍵'s interspersed with ⍺.
        nfmt←{(-2⌈⍴⍵)↑'0',⍵}∘⍕¨             ⍝ number formatter.
        'n'=⍵:names                         ⍝ name of function or oper,
        'd'=⍵:{'-'join nfmt 3↑⍵}¨time       ⍝ date of fix yyyy-mm-dd,
        't'=⍵:{':'join nfmt 3↑3↓⍵}¨time     ⍝ time of fix   hh:mm:ss,
        'i'=⍵:ids                           ⍝ id of fixer,
        'r'=⍵:⍕,[0.5]{0⊃⍴⍵}¨lines           ⍝ number of rows,
        'c'=⍵:⍕,[0.5]{1⊃⍴↑⍵}¨lines          ⍝ number of cols,
        's'=⍵:⍕,[0.5]sizes                  ⍝ workspace footprint.
        '∇'=⍵:sxfmt¨sntx                    ⍝ function syntax,
        '⍝'=⍵:comment¨lines                 ⍝ first line comment,
        ⍵                                   ⍝ decoration character.

    sort←{                                  ⍝ sorted accumulated rows:
        collect←{0 ¯1↓↑,/⍵,⊂,[0.5]sizes}    ⍝ collect cols.
        smask←⍺∊'⍋^∧'                       ⍝ mask of sort ctrl chars.
        ~1∊smask:collect ⍵                  ⍝ no sort chars: finished.
        xcols(~smask)\⍵                    ⍝ ctrl-expanded cols
        scols(¯1⌽smask)/xcols              ⍝ sort column(s).
        vcols(~smask∨¯1⌽⍺∊'^∧')/xcols      ⍝ visible column(s).
        (collect vcols)[⍋↑,/scols;]         ⍝ sorted char matrix.

    ⍺ sort↑∘cols¨⍺~'⍋^∧'                    ⍝ concatenate and sort columns.


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