zip←{↓⍉↑⍵}          ⎕ml<2
Suggested  by  Peter  Donnelly, [zip] takes an N-vector of M-vectors and returns
the transpose: M-vector of N-vectors. It is named after a functional programming
idiom, which returns a list-of-pairs from a pair-of-lists.

          zip'ABCDEFGHIJKLM' 'abcdefghijklm'                ⍝ zip vectors.
     Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm

          disp pairs

          disp zip pairs

          disp zip¨pairs

          disp zip¨zip pairs

          disp zip zip¨ pairs

cat←{↑,/⍵}          ⎕ml<2
[cat] concatenates the items in a vector (or higher rank array). It differs from
enlist (∊), in that the concatenation occurs only at the top level of the array.

          disp pairs

          disp cat pairs

          disp cat¨pairs

          disp cat cat pairs


          disp pairs

          disp zip cat pairs

          disp cat¨zip zip¨pairs

Technical note:

Notice  that  [cat] applies _mix_ rather than _first_ to its reduction. This has
the advantage of allowing it to accommodate higher rank arrays.

          disp mat
    │┌→───┬────┐ │┌→───┬─────┐│┌→───┬───┐ │
    ││blue│moon│ ││blue│suede│││blue│sky│ │
    │└───→┴───→┘ │└───→┴────→┘│└───→┴──→┘ │

          disp cat mat
    ↓red │pepper│red │letter│red │alert│
    │blue│ moon │blue│suede │blue│ sky │

          disp zip mat
    ↓ ┌→──┬────┐  │  ┌→──┬────┐  │┌→──┬────┐ │
    │ │red│blue│  │  │red│blue│  ││red│blue│ │
    │ └──→┴───→┘  │  └──→┴───→┘  │└──→┴───→┘ │

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