APL/D Source Code:


trip←{⎕IO ⎕ML←1 0                       ⍝ Trip from/to ⍵ in network space ⍺.

     0=⍺.⎕NC'graph':⍺{                   ⍝ source not compiled for this space.
         ⎕←'compiling graph ...'         ⍝ explain slight delay.
         (compile ⍺)trip ⍵               ⍝ try again with compiled graph.

     access←⍺.((1=≡¨labels)/labels)      ⍝ access via station entrances.

     legs←{                              ⍝ start and end station indices.
         hits←∨/⍵⍷↑access                ⍝ stations containing supplied string.
         best←1+⊃⍋↑⍴¨hits/access         ⍝ best (tightest) fit.
         best⊃0,hits/⍳⍴hits              ⍝ index of chosen station.
     }¨⍵                                 ⍝ for each leg of the journey.

     0∊legs:'Can''t find: ',↑{           ⍝ misspelled station name:
         ⍺,' or ',⍵                      ⍝ (one or more stations)
     }/(0=legs)/⍵                        ⍝ give up :-(

     find←⍺.graph{⍺⍺ path ⍺ ⍵}           ⍝ find one leg of the route.
     route←↑{⍺,1↓⍵}/2 find/legs          ⍝ suggested route via all points.

     labels←⍺.labels[route]              ⍝ labels for all legs of route.

     masks←1 2=⊂≡¨labels                 ⍝ masks of stations and stops.
     stats stops←masks/¨⊂labels          ⍝ station and stop labels.

     zip←{↓⍉↑⍵}                          ⍝ transpose vector-of-vectors.
     cat←{↑,/⍵}                          ⍝ concatenate   ..      ..
     pad←{↓↑⍵}                           ⍝ pad vectors with blanks.

     slabs←cat¨zip pad¨zip stops         ⍝ aligned stop labels.
     ↑(stats,slabs)[⍋⍋2⊃masks]           ⍝ merged stations and stops.


compile←{⎕IO ⎕ML←1 0                    ⍝ Compile graph from ⍵.source.

     zip←{↓⍉↑⍵} ⋄ cat←{↑,/⍵}             ⍝ transpose/concatenate vec-of-vecs.

     lines stats ctrls←zip zip¨{         ⍝ first pass: source → line sections.
         vecs←{↓⎕FMT↑⍵}                  ⍝ normalise source to vector-of-vectors.
         rcom←{(∧\~'//'⍷⍵)/⍵}            ⍝ remove comments '// ···' from line.
         rbls←{(∨/¨' '≠⍵)/⍵}             ⍝ remove blanks lines: ''  '' ···
         segt←{(' '≠⊃¨⍵)⊂⍵}              ⍝ segment at non-blank first column.
         trim←{(∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}{⌽⍺⍺⌽⍺⍺ ⍵}    ⍝ remove blanks, fore and aft.
         tupl←'+↓∊'{⍺(trim ⍵~⍺⍺)(⍺⍺∩⍵)}  ⍝ tupl: (line stat ctrl).
         tups←{(⊂trim⊃⍵)tupl¨1↓⍵}        ⍝ tuples: tupl tupl ···.
         tups¨segt rbls rcom¨vecs ⍵      ⍝ line segments.

     seqs←{(⍳¨⍵)+0,+\¯1↓⍵}               ⍝ sequence of sequences.
     csids←{⍵\¨seqs+/¨⍵}'+'∊¨¨ctrls      ⍝ stations marked as cross-tracks.
     stops←zip¨zip lines stats csids     ⍝ subway stops.
     plats←{↓⍵∘.,'^∨'}¨stops             ⍝ platform for each direction.
     slist←{⍵[⍋↑⍵]}∪cat stats            ⍝ sorted station list.
     verts←slist,∪cat cat plats          ⍝ graph vertices.
     platx←{↓verts⍳↑⍵}¨plats             ⍝ platform indices within graph.
     statx←{2/¨verts⍳⍵}¨stats            ⍝ station indices within graph.
     linex←{(∪⍵)⍳⍵}⊃¨lines               ⍝ line indices per segment.
     rests←'↓∊'∘∊¨¨ctrls                 ⍝ restrictions: 1-way sects and forks.

     plinks←cat¨2{                       ⍝ platform-to-platform links / section.
         links((ow fk)_)←zip ⍺ ⍵         ⍝ directions and restrictions.
         rev←{⌽⍵}\                       ⍝ reverse second pair.
         oway←{⍺:1↑⍵ ⋄ rev ⍵}            ⍝ one-way section.
         fork←{⍺:⌽zip rev ⍵ ⋄ zip ⍵}     ⍝ fork.
         ow oway fk fork links           ⍝ ⍺←→⍵ links.
     }/¨zip¨zip platx rests              ⍝ pairwise for each line section.

     clinks←((∪linex)=⊂linex)/¨⊂plinks   ⍝ link sections collected by line.

     llinks←cat↑{                        ⍝ connected sections for all lines.
         next←⍺~⍵                        ⍝ next section, duplicates removed.
         clash←↑∪zip∩⌿↑zip¨next ⍵        ⍝ incompatible directions.
         diffs←⍉¯1 1∘.×-/clash           ⍝ vertex index differences.
         avecs←↑+/,diffs×clash=⊂next     ⍝ adjustment vectors.
         (next+avecs),⍵                  ⍝ connected line subsections.
     }/¨clinks                           ⍝ for each section of each line.

     slinks←cat zip¨zip cat¨statx platx  ⍝ (stat plat) ··· links.
     elinks←0 1∘.⌽slinks                 ⍝ station-platform each-way links.
     nlinks←{⍵[⍋↑⍵]}∪(,elinks),llinks    ⍝ combined network-wide links.
     ⍵.graph←↑{(⍺≠¯1⌽⍺)⊂⍵}/zip nlinks    ⍝ network graph.

     stags←2/⌽¨2↑¨∪cat stops             ⍝ (stop line) label pairs.
     slabs←cat¨zip¨zip(⊂4 1↑¨⊂'')stags   ⍝ indented stop labels.
     ⍵.labels←slist,slabs                ⍝ station/stop labels.

     1:shy←⍵                             ⍝ shy result: namespace ref.


path←{                      ⍝ Shortest path from/to ⍵ in graph ⍺.
     graph←⍺                 ⍝ ⍺ is graph vector.
     fm to←⍵                 ⍝ starting and target vertex(ices).
     tree←¯2+(⍳⍴⍺)∊fm        ⍝ initial spanning tree.
     free←{(¯2=tree[⍵])/⍵}   ⍝ free vertices in ⍵.
     ⍬{                      ⍝ path accumulator.
         ⍵<0:(⍵=¯2)↓⍺        ⍝ root or unvisited vertex: finished.
         (⍵,⍺)∇ ⍵⊃tree       ⍝ otherwise: prefix previous (parent) vertex.
     }{                      ⍝ find partial spanning tree:
         ⍵≡⍬:¯1              ⍝ no vertices left: stitched.
         1∊to∊⍵:1↑⍵∩to       ⍝ found target: finished.
         next←free¨graph[⍵]  ⍝ next vertices to visit.
         back←↑,/⍵+0×next    ⍝ back links.
         wave←↑,/next        ⍝ vertex wave front.
         tree[wave]←back     ⍝ set back links in tree.
         ∇∪wave              ⍝ advance wave front.
     }fm                     ⍝ from starting vertex.


ed←{                    ⍝ Edit source for subway ⍵.
     _←'→'⍵.⎕ED'source'  ⍝ edit source.
     _←⍵.⎕EX'graph'      ⍝ force recompilation by removing: graph,
     _←⍵.⎕EX'labels'     ⍝ and vertex labels.


test←{                                  ⍝ Run test script: no news => good news.
     ⍺←0                                 ⍝ default: don't show progress.
     ⍵≡'':⍺ ∇ ⎕NL 2                      ⍝ null: test all scripts.
     2=⍴⍴⍵:⍺ ∇↓⍵                         ⍝ matrix: each row is a script.
     2=≡⍵:⍺ ∇¨⍵                          ⍝ nested: test each script.

     tag scr←{                           ⍝ name and content of script.
         ⎕PATH←''                        ⍝ isolate test.
         6::{'' ''}⎕←'No test.',⍵        ⍝ value error:: display message.
         ⍵(⍎⍵)                           ⍝ name and content.

     exec←{⎕ML←0                         ⍝ execute script lines in tmp space.
         0=⍴⍵:⍺                          ⍝ no more, finished.
         ⎕←show⊃⍵                        ⍝ show expression.
         exp←unc⊃⍵                       ⍝ uncommented first line.
         ''≡exp~' ':⍺ ∇ 1↓⍵              ⍝ ignore blank line.
         1∊'←{'⍷unq exp:⍺ ∇ dfn ⍵        ⍝ make local dfn.
         '←'∊unq exp:⍺ ∇ asgn ⍵          ⍝ make local var.
         act←tmp{6::0 0⍴'' ⋄ ⍺⍎⍵}exp     ⍝ actual result.
         ⎕←show act                      ⍝ show result.
         ok rem←act check 1↓⍵            ⍝ check against expected result.
         (⍺∧ok)∇ rem                     ⍝ check remaining script.

         act←↓tmp.⎕FMT ⍺                 ⍝ actual result,
         exp←(⍴act)↑⍵                    ⍝ expected result,
         act≡exp:1,⊂(⍴act)↓⍵             ⍝ match: continue.
         dexp dact←dots¨exp act          ⍝ dots for spaces in,
         ⎕←tag,⊂dexp'→'dact              ⍝ display of differences.
         0,⊂(⍴act)↓⍵                     ⍝ and continue.

     dfn←{                               ⍝ fix temp dfn.
         raw←unq∘unc¨⍵                   ⍝ raw code
         depth←+\{⊃⌽-⌿+\'{}'∘.=⍵}¨raw    ⍝ {}-nesting depth per line.
         lines←1++/∧\×depth              ⍝ no of lines in defn.
         _←tmp.⎕FX↑lines↑⍵               ⍝ fix dfn in temp space.
         ⎕←show↑1↓lines↑⍵                ⍝ show dfn body.
         lines↓⍵                         ⍝ continue with remaining lines.

     nest←{⎕ML←0                         ⍝ split line vector,
         nl←⊃2↓⎕TC                       ⍝ at nl char into,
         1↓¨(1,⍵=nl)⊂nl,⍵                ⍝ vector of char vecs.

     dots←{⎕IO←0                         ⍝ replace ' ' with '·' in diff display.
         sx←⎕AV⍳' '                      ⍝ index of space.
         to←(sx↑⎕AV),'·',1↓sx↓⎕AV        ⍝ [·/ ]⎕av
         ↑{(⎕AV⍳⍵)⊃¨⊂to}¨⍵               ⍝ translated value.

     asgn←{_←tmp⍎⊃⍵ ⋄ 1↓⍵}               ⍝ assign local name.
     unq←{(~≠\''''=⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵}           ⍝ unquoted chars.
     unc←{(∧\'⍝'≠unq ⍵)/⍵}               ⍝ uncommented line.
     show←⍺∘{↑⍺/↓⎕FMT ⍵}                 ⍝ show progress.

     tmp←##.(⎕NS ⎕NL 3 4 9)              ⍝ tmp space for evaluation.
     ''≡scr:ok←0                         ⍝ bad script name.
     2=≡⍵:ok←1 exec scr                  ⍝ vector of vectors: go ahead,
     1:ok←1 exec nest scr                ⍝ split line vector.


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