⍝ ⎕path-aware ⎕nc:

    (temp←⎕ns'').ncpath←99              ⍝ temp space

    ncpath'ncpath'                      ⍝ ncpath is a function
    temp.⎕nc'ncpath'                    ⍝ ncpath is a variable in temp
    temp ncpath'ncpath'                 ⍝ no ncpath function in temp
    ncpath↑'ncpath' 'rows'              ⍝ rows is an operator
3 4
    n1 n2←'#.ncpath_test_ns'∘,¨'12'     ⍝ names of two temp spaces.
    _←n1 n2 ⎕ns¨⊂''                     ⍝ make temp spaces.
    r1 r2←⍎¨n1 n2                       ⍝ refs to temp spaces.

    r1.⎕fx,⊂'aaa←{⍺⍺ ⍵}'                ⍝ ns1:  aaa is op.
    r1.⎕fx,⊂'bbb←{(⍵)} '                ⍝       bbb is fn.

    r2.⎕fx,⊂'aaa←{(⍵)} '                ⍝ ns2:  aaa is fn.
    r2.⎕fx,⊂'bbb←{⍺⍺ ⍵}'                ⍝       bbb is op.

    sv_path←⎕path                       ⍝ save ⎕PATH.

    ⎕path←n1,' ',n2                     ⍝ search n1 then n2
    ncpath 3 3⍴'aaabbbccc'              ⍝ aaa is op, bbb is fn.
4 3 0
    ⎕path←n2,' ',n1                     ⍝ search n2 then n1
    ncpath 3 3⍴'aaabbbccc'              ⍝ aaa is fn, bbb is op.
3 4 0
    ⎕path←sv_path                       ⍝ restore ⎕PATH.
    _←⎕ex↑n1 n2                         ⍝ remove temp spaces.

⍝∇ ncpath rows

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