⍝ Simple macro processor for bf: movl←'l=[-/<+/>] ' ⍝ move left ⍺ cell positions ("/" replicates.). mac movl, '2l 1l 0l' ⍝ move left 2 1 0 (the last of which will hang BF). [-<<+>>] [-<+>] [-+] mac'a=KO a=OK a' ⍝ subsequent defns replace previous ones. OK mac'a=K (a=O a)a' ⍝ inner block defns shadow outer ones. OK mac'a=OK b=a a=KO b' ⍝ a expanded at b defn time. OK mac'a=KO b=\a a=OK b' ⍝ a expanded at b dref time. OK mac'O=? b=\\\OK b' ⍝ O not expanded. OK mac'a=K b=(a=O a) ba' ⍝ inner defn is local to block. OK ⍝∇ mac Back to: code Back to: Workspaces