⍝ Index of notes in space ⍵:

    ↑{('a'=⊃∘⊃¨⍵)/⍵}notes index':'          ⍝ matrix of "a" entries from index.
│abacus                   │┌─────┐                                   │
│                         ││mayan│                                   │
│                         │└─────┘                                   │
│absolute zero            │┌────┬──────┐                             │
│                         ││invr│ratsum│                             │
│                         │└────┴──────┘                             │
│abstraction              │┌───┬───────────┬──────┬──────────┬──────┐│
│                         ││avl│composition│dfspan│earthlings│humour││
│                         │└───┴───────────┴──────┴──────────┴──────┘│
│accumulator              │┌─────────┬─────────┬────┐                │
│                         ││factorial│fibonacci│list│                │
│                         │└─────────┴─────────┴────┘                │
│addition                 │┌──────┐                                  │
│                         ││colsum│                                  │
│                         │└──────┘                                  │
│adjacency matrix         │┌──────┐                                  │
│                         ││Graphs│                                  │
│                         │└──────┘                                  │
│adjacent 1s              │┌─────┐                                   │
│                         ││xtabs│                                   │
│                         │└─────┘                                   │
│aide-mémoire             │┌───────┐                                 │
│                         ││refcard│                                 │
│                         │└───────┘                                 │
│align text               │┌────┬───────┐                            │
│                         ││just│justify│                            │
│                         │└────┴───────┘                            │
│alternant                │┌───┐                                     │
│                         ││alt│                                     │
│                         │└───┘                                     │
│ambivalent               │┌─────┐                                   │
│                         ││ambiv│                                   │
│                         │└─────┘                                   │
│ancestor space           │┌───────┬──┐                              │
│                         ││refpath│up│                              │
│                         │└───────┴──┘                              │
│anti-gravity             │┌───────┐                                 │
│                         ││malaise│                                 │
│                         │└───────┘                                 │
│applicative              │┌───┐                                     │
│                         ││joy│                                     │
│                         │└───┘                                     │
│apportionment            │┌─────────┐                               │
│                         ││apportion│                               │
│                         │└─────────┘                               │
│arithmetic-geometric mean│┌─────┐                                   │
│                         ││limit│                                   │
│                         │└─────┘                                   │
│array, nested            │┌────┬──────┬──────┬───┐                  │
│                         ││disp│easter│enlist│int│                  │
│                         │└────┴──────┴──────┴───┘                  │
│assembler                │┌────┐                                    │
│                         ││baby│                                    │
│                         │└────┘                                    │
│assignment               │┌─────────┬──────┬─┐                      │
│                         ││apportion│assign│X│                      │
│                         │└─────────┴──────┴─┘                      │
│assignment, destructive  │┌──────┬───────┬───┬──────┬─────┐         │
│                         ││alists│hexdump│sam│select│wpath│         │
│                         │└──────┴───────┴───┴──────┴─────┘         │
│assignment, indexed      │┌────┬──────┬─────┐                       │
│                         ││maze│select│wpath│                       │
│                         │└────┴──────┴─────┘                       │
│association list         │┌──────┬───┐                              │
│                         ││alists│mns│                              │
│                         │└──────┴───┘                              │
│astronomy                │┌─────┐                                   │
│                         ││mayan│                                   │
│                         │└─────┘                                   │
│at operator              │┌──┐                                      │
│                         ││at│                                      │
│                         │└──┘                                      │
│attributes               │┌──────┐                                  │
│                         ││attrib│                                  │
│                         │└──────┘                                  │
│autoformat               │┌────┐                                    │
│                         ││test│                                    │
│                         │└────┘                                    │

    1 disp notes index '?'          ⍝ no hits: null result.
││ │┌⊖┐││
││ ││ │││
││ │└⊖┘││

    ⍕{'see ',⍵}\↑{1↓¨('→'=⍵)⊂⍵}∘{'→',⊃⍵}¨notes index'≡'     ⍝ alias entries.
 AGM                      see arithmetic-geometric mean  
 balanced tree            see binary search tree         
 BFS                      see breadth-first search       
 BST                      see binary search tree         
 CPS                      see continuation-passing style 
 data compression         see compression                
 DFS                      see depth-first search         
 EIS                      see enclose-if-simple          
 FFT                      see Fast Fourier Transform     
 FRE                      see Function Results Edition   
 GCD                      see greatest common divisor    
 HCF                      see greatest common divisor    
 HHKB                     see Happy Hacking Keyboard     
 IDN                      see International Day Number   
 imaginary numbers        see complex numbers            
 JITS                     see Just-In-Time-Subtraction   
 LCM                      see least common multiple      
 line list                see line vector                
 line-drawing characters  see box-drawing characters     
 LZW                      see Lempel-Ziv-Welch           
 MST                      see minimum spanning tree      
 mutual recursion         see recursion, mutual          
 nested array             see array, nested              
 network                  see graph                      
 Phi                      see golden mean                
 read-eval-print loop     see REPL                       
 recursion, mutual        see mutual recursion           
 RLE                      see run-length encoding        
 spaces                   see blanks                     
 TAO                      see Total array ordering       
 Ø                        see golden mean                

⍝∇ index ltov lcase dxb notes

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