⍝ Hexadecimal from decimal:

    hex 1234 5678
    2 hex 1234 5678
    4 hex 1234 5678
    8 hex 1234 5678
    hex ¯3 to 3                             ⍝ hex of signed ints,
    hex 57005 48879

    ⍕↑{⍵,hex ⍵}¨¯1 1∘.×,⍉¯1 0∘.+2*0 8 16 32     ⍝ Nicolas' test.
          0  00               
         ¯1  ff               
       ¯255  01               
       ¯256  ff00             
     ¯65535  0001             
     ¯65536  ffff0000         
¯4294967295  00000001         
¯4294967296  ffffffff00000000 
          0  00               
          1  01               
        255  ff               
        256  0100             
      65535  ffff             
      65536  00010000         
 4294967295  ffffffff         
 4294967296  0000000100000000 

⍝ Check the examples from the notes:

    hex 12 34 56                            ⍝ convert to hex.
    hex 12 34 56                            ⍝ (result is nested).
    hex 100×⍳6                              ⍝ larger numbers.
    hex 100000×⍳4                           ⍝ even larger numbers.
    hex 4 5⍴⍳20                             ⍝ array of numbers.
    4 hex 4 5⍴⍳20                           ⍝ specify width.

    dec'3e8'                                ⍝ convert to decimal.
    dec'3E8'                                ⍝ upper case A-Z is OK, too.
    dec hex 2 4 5⍴⍳40                       ⍝ convert both ways.
 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40

    hex (1 2 3)(100 200 300)                ⍝ nested array.

    dec hex (1 2 3)(100 200 300)            ⍝ full circle.
│1 2 3│100 200 300│

⍝ hex of negative integers returns 2's complement or "unsigned" hex number:

    hex ¯3 to 3                             ⍝ hex of negative numbers.

    hex ¯1+2*53                             ⍝ biggest number
    hex 2*113                               ⍝ too-big number
11::Too big

⍝∇ hex dec to

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