⍝ Multi-line D-input:

⍝ Din uses quote-quad input/output. For testing, we modify copies of
⍝ the function to input from variable ∆i and output to variable ∆o.

    ∆in←{(∆i↓⍨←1)⊢⍵,⊃∆i}        ⍝ input from buffer         ⍝
    qp←'⍞⊣⍞←' '∆in'∘subs        ⍝ subs quote-quad prompt    ⍝
    _←⎕fx qp ⎕cr'din'           ⍝ modify copy of function.  ⍝

    ∆i ←⊂''
    ∆i,←⊂'      ⍝ blank lines'
    ∆i,←⊂'      ⍝ and comments'
    ∆i,←⊂'0:⍵   ⍝ preserved'
    ∆i,←⊂'⍵ ⍵'

    dots ⎕cr din'dup'           ⍝ input of regular dfn.
·         ⍝ blank lines 
·         ⍝ and comments
·   0:⍵   ⍝ preserved   
·   ⍵ ⍵                 


    ∆i←⊂'⍵ ⍵}'

    ⎕cr din'dup'                ⍝ single line input.
dup←{⍵ ⍵}

    ∆i←⊂'2+3'                   ⍝ single line input.



    ∆i ←⊂'{'           ⍝·   {
    ∆i,←⊂'⍵ ⍵'         ⍝·   ·   ⍵ ⍵
    ∆i,←⊂'∘{'          ⍝·   }∘{
    ∆i,←⊂'⍵ ⍵'         ⍝·   ·   ⍵ ⍵
    ∆i,←⊂'0'           ⍝·   }0
    din''              ⍝ multi-line expression.
│0 0│0 0│


    ∆i ←⊂'f←{'         ⍝·   f←{         ⍝ comments
    ∆i,←⊂'⍵ ⍵'         ⍝·   ·   ⍵ ⍵     ⍝ removed
    ∆i,←⊂'∘{'          ⍝·   }∘{
    ∆i,←⊂'⍵ ⍵'         ⍝·   ·   ⍵ ⍵
    ∆i,←⊂'{'           ⍝·   }{
    ∆i,←⊂'⍺⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵'     ⍝·   ·   ⍺⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵
    ∆i,←⊂''            ⍝·   }

    ⍎'din'''' ⋄ 0 0⍴0'          ⍝ multi-line derived fn:

│┌─────┬─┬─────┐│{⍺⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵}│
││{⍵ ⍵}│∘│{⍵ ⍵}││         │
│└─────┴─┴─────┘│         │

⍝∇ din dots subs

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