⍝ Decimal from hex:

    dec'abcd'                           ⍝ decimal equivalent of hex number.

    dec'abc' 'def'                      ⍝ nested.
2748 3567

    dec' abc def '                      ⍝ blank-separated
2748 3567

    dec 2 2 2 2⍴'0123456789abcdef'      ⍝ higher rank.
  1  35
 69 103
137 171
205 239

    0 1 dec¨⊂'fffe'                     ⍝ unsigned and signed interpretation.
65534 ¯2

    1 dec hex ¯3 to 3                   ⍝ round trip signed numbers.
¯3 ¯2 ¯1 0 1 2 3

    0 dec hex ¯3 to 3                   ⍝ non-round trip if unsigned.
253 254 255 0 1 2 3

    hex dec'Dead' 'Beef'                ⍝ accepts upper case A-Z.

    ⍕hex dec'2B∨~2B'                    ⍝ non-hex chars interpreted as 0s.

    dec 8 6 5⍴16↓⎕av                    ⍝ ditto
43981 978944      0  0      0 0
   18 214375 561152 10 773615 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0
    0      0      0  0      0 0

    ws←{(⎕ucs ⍺),⍵}                     ⍝ white-space char ⍺
    hex dec'aa',32 ws'bb',9 ws'cc',160 ws'dd',10 ws'ee',13 ws'ff'

    dec'f'                              ⍝ scalar arg (JD)
    16⍟ dec '1',254/'0'                 ⍝ large number: 16*254
    16⍟ dec '1',5103/'0'                ⍝ too-large number: 16*255
11::Too big

⍝∇ dec hex to

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