Tree  structures can be represented in APL in many ways. Two popular methods are
to  use  array  nesting,  or "TreeView"  style depth and leaf vectors. Functions
→tview←  and  →tnest←  swap between these two styles and →tfmt← takes the nested
representation and renders it as an indented character matrix suitable for disp-
lay in the session.

We  can represent a tree as a vector where, at each level, the first item is the
tree  node  and  subsequent items are sub-trees. Leaves are identified by having
depth=1. For example, the following tree:

          hot               cold
       ┌───┴───┐         ┌───┴───┐
      tea    coffee     milk    beer

... might be represented thus:

    nested←'drink'('hot' 'tea' 'coffee')('cold' 'milk' 'beer')

    disp nested                             ⍝ Nested format.
│     ││hot│tea│coffee│││cold│milk│beer││
│     │└───┴───┴──────┘│└────┴────┴────┘│

    disp tview nested                       ⍝ TreeView format.
│0 1 2 2 1 2 2│┌─────┬───┬───┬──────┬────┬────┬────┐│
│             ││drink│hot│tea│coffee│cold│milk│beer││
│             │└─────┴───┴───┴──────┴────┴────┴────┘│

      display tfmt nested                   ⍝ Indented format.
↓drink         │
│·   hot       │
│·   ·   tea   │
│·   ·   coffee│
│·   cold      │
│·   ·   milk  │
│·   ·   beer  │

      nested ≡ tnest tview nested           ⍝ Full circle

See also: tnest tview tfmt span dft BST trav

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