/ Max extends the Min language with type, lists and local definitions.          
/ Call Max from APL by typing:                                                  
/      max''                                                                    
/ Lists are constructed with:                                                   
/   The null list '[]', pronounced "null",                                      
/   Infix operator ':', pronounced "cons", the list constructor.                
/ Informally, cons hitches an item on to the front of the list that follows.    
/ Cons binds to the right in the same way as APL, with a binding strength less  
/ than that of function application.                                            
    a = 0 : +0 : []             / Lists are constructed with cons and null,     
    a                           / and displayed in bracketed form.              
    b = [2,+2]                  / The display form may be used for input,       
    c = [a,b]                   / and lists may be nested.                      
    c                           / A list of lists.                              
    (0:1:[]) : (2:3:[]) : []    / Alternative construction.                     
    [                           / Expressions                                   
·   ·   [0,1],                  / ·   may be                                    
·   ·   [2,3]                   / ·   ·   input over                            
·   ]                           / ·   ·   ·   several lines.                    
/ We can use cons in function argument patterns to deconstruct lists.           
    h (x:y) = x                 / Head.                                         
    h [3,1,4]                                                                   
    t (x:y) = y                 / Tail.                                         
    t [3,1,4]                                                                   
    t (h c), h (t c)            / ',' separates compound statements.            
[1], [2,3]
    j []    z = z               / Join of two lists.                            
    j (x:y) z = x : j y z                                                       
    j [1,2,3] [4,5,6]                                                           
/ Max  includes  Min  as  a  subset, so definitions may combine list and natural
/ number expressions. This function is the sum total of a list of numbers:      
    s []     = 0                / Sum total of list of natural numbers.         
    s (0:y)  = s y                                                              
    s (+x:y) = +(s(x:y))                                                        
    s [1,2,3,4,5]                                                               
    l [] = 0                    / Length of list.                               
    l (x:y) = +(l y)                                                            
    l [[],[],[],[]]             / Length of list of lists.                      
    l [l,l,l]                   / Length of list of functions.                  
/ Max is a strongly typed language. Following an expression with :: displays its
/ type.                                                                         
    3 ::                        / The type of a natural number is "num".        
    [1,2,3] ::                  / List of natural numbers.                      
    + ::                        / Succ is a function from num to num.           
    s ::                        / Type of function Sum defined above.           
    l ::                        / Type of function Length.                      
    j ::                        / Type of function Join.                        
    [l,l,l] ::                  / List of functions.                            
/ Following  ::  with a type expression, declares the type of an object. For ex-
/ ample, Map applies its function first argument to each item of its list second
/ argument. It is similar to APL's primitive operator: each.                    
    m :: (⍺→⍵)→[⍺]→[⍵]          / Map.                                          
    m f []    = []              / Function mapped over null is null.            
    m f (h:t) = f h : m f t     / Function of head, cons map function tail.     
    m + [0,1,2,3]               / map succ over a list of numbers.              
    m (j [0]) [[1],[2],[3]]     / map join [0] over a list of lists.            
/ Fold  applies  its function first argument to successive pairs of items in its
/ list  third  argument.  The  second argument is an identity for the null list.
/ This  version  which folds from the right, is similar to APL's primitive oper-
/ ator: reduce.                                                                 
    f :: (⍺→⍵→⍵)→⍵→[⍺]→⍵        / Fold right.                                   
    f g i []    = i             / Fold of null is identity.                     
    f g i (h:t) = g h (f g i t) / function of head with fold of tail.           
    f j [] [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]  / Fold join of a list of lists.                 
/ '.'  pronounced  "where",  introduces  a definition local to its preceding ex-
/ pression.                                                                     
    [x,x] . x=[1,2]             / List of x's where x is a list of numbers.     
    [y,y] . y=[x,x] . x=[1,2]   / List of y's where y is a list of x's where ...
/ Local definitions may be entered on following lines where indentation enhances
/ the legibility of the function:                                               
    r :: [⍺]→[⍺]                / Reverse of list.                              
    r = f []                    / Reverse uses an auxiliary function: f,        
    .   f x []    = x           / whose first argument: x is an accumulator     
    .   f x (y:z) = f (y:x) z   / for the reversed list.                        
      r [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]     / reverse list.                                 
    m r [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]     / map reverse over list.                        
/ Local definitions may be nested:                                              
    b c                         / Expression: b applied to c.                   
    .   b x = a (a x)           / b local to expression.                        
    .   .   a = +               / a local to b.                                 
    .   c = + a                 / c local to expression.                        
    .   .   a = 0               / a local to c.                                 
    ~~m                         / Retain only the Map function.                 
/ Radix n decode of list of digits:                                             
    r :: #→[#]→#                            / Radix n Decode.                   
    r n = d                                 / auxiliary decode function.        
    .   d [ 0] =  0                         / decode [0] → 0.                   
    .   d [+i] = +i                         / decode [i] → i.                   
    .   d ( 0:j:k) = d (j:k)                / ignore leading 0.                 
    .   d (+i:j:k) = c n (i:j:k)            / carry base to next column.        
    .   .   c   0  (i:j:k) = d (i:j:k)      / carry 0: done.                    
    .   .   c (+m) (i:j:k) = c m (i:+j:k)   / carry 1 → add base to next col.   
    r 2 [1,0,1,0,1,0]                       / binary decode.                    
    d [1,2,3]                               / decimal decode.                   
    .   d = r (+9)                                                              
    r h [2,0]                               / hex decode using                  
    .   h = r 8 [2,0]                       /   oct decode.                     
/ Max's evaluation is lazy, so lists may be of infinite length.                 
    z . z=0:z                   / Infinite list of Zeros.                       
    n = q 0                     / The Natural numbers.                          
    .   q i = i : q(+i)                                                         
    t :: #→[⍺]→[⍺]              / First i items Taken from list.                
    t 0    y     = []           / zero take: null.                              
    t (+i) (x:y) = x : t i y    / (i+1)th take: head cons i'th take.            
    d :: #→[⍺]→[⍺]              / First i items Dropped from list.              
    d 0    y     = y            / zero drop: original list.                     
    d (+i) (x:y) = d i y        / (i+1)th drop: i'th drop of tail.              
    t 4 (d 3 n)                 / Section from natural numbers.                 
/ Zipwith:                              / A dyadic map function.                
    z :: (⍺→⍵→∊)→[⍺]→[⍵]→[∊]            / Zip lists with function.              
    z f []    []    = []                / both lists null: null,                
    z f []    (x:y) = []                / first list null: null,                
    z f (a:b) []    = []                / second list null: null,               
    z f (a:b) (x:y) = f a x : z f b y   / heads cons zipped tails.              
    z (l.lxy=[x,y]) n [3,1,4,1,5,9]     / sequence zipped with index.           
    z r n n                             / Zip with replicate:  {⍵⍴⍵}¨⍳⌊/⍬       
    .   r 0 a = []                      / Replicate :: #→⍺→[⍺]                  
    .   r (+i) a = a : r i a                                                    
/ Combinators facilitate "tacit" definition:                                    
    b f g x = f (g x),    b ::          / Compositor.                           
    c f g x = f x g,      c ::          / Permutator.                           
    s f g x = f x (g x),  s ::          / Distributor, a.k.a. "Hook".           
    i = c t n                           / Tacit defn: first ⍵ natural numbers.  
    i 9                                 / ⍳9                                    
    m i n                               / Infinite sequence of sequences.       
    r [1,2,3]                           / Infinite Repetition of list items.    
    .   r = s j r                       / Tacit definition of repeater.         
    .   .   j []    z = z               / Join of two lists.                    
    .   .   j (x:y) z = x : j y z                                               

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