wsreq←{                         ⍝ WS required to execute expression ⍵.
    -/{                         ⍝ max padding difference for exprs '⍬' and ⍵
        (⍎'{(',⍵,')}'){         ⍝ subject expr ⍵ embedded in dfn operand
            ⎕SIGNAL 0:          ⍝ clear previous ⎕DM
            1::(1↑⍵),⍺          ⍝ wsfull:: explore lower range (lo .. mid)
            (⍺,1↓⍵)⊣⍺⍺ ⍺⍴' '    ⍝ eval ok: explore upper range (mid .. hi)
        }{                      ⍝ binary search for WS FULL failure point:
            mid←⌊+/⍵÷2          ⍝ mid point of range
            mid=1↑⍵:mid         ⍝ convergence: maximum packing value
            ∇ mid ⍺⍺ ⍵          ⍝ explore upper else lower range
        }0 ⎕WA                  ⍝ starting with maximum range
    }¨'⍬'⍵                      ⍝ calibration and subject expressions.


test script

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