wrapnote←{⎕ML←1                         ⍝ Wrap text paragraphs in note vector.
    ⍺←⎕PW                               ⍝ by default: wrap to print width.
    0::'bad note'⎕SIGNAL 11             ⍝ catchall for unexpected note format.
    split←{{1↓¨(1,1↓⍵∊nls)⊂⍵}' ',⍵}     ⍝ partition at newline.
    join←{¯1↓↑⍺{⍺,⍺⍺,⍵}/⍵,⊂''}          ⍝ collect with ⍺-separator.
    jrgt←{fm=≢⍵}                        ⍝ line justified right?
    jlft←{' '≠⊃⍵}                       ⍝ line justified left?
    pics←{1∊'┌┬┐├┼┤└┴┘│─'∊⍵}            ⍝ line contains box-drawing chars?
    and{(⍺⍺ ⍵)∧⍵⍵ ⍵}                   ⍝ test combiner.
    test←~∘pics and jlft and jrgt       ⍝ test for flowtext.
    first←{(1+⍵⍳0)⊃⍵}∘(≢¨)              ⍝ length of first non-blank line.
    spill←{⍵∨¯1⌽⍵}                      ⍝ include next item to right.
    list←{squeeze dehyph' 'join ⍵}      ⍝ first enlist, then
    fold←{split to wrap ⍵}              ⍝ re-wrap paragraph.
    dehyph←{(~spill'- '⍷⍵)/⍵}           ⍝ re-join hyphen-separated words.

    nls←⎕UCS 13 133                     ⍝ version-proof newlines.
    nl←⊃nls∩⍵                           ⍝ newline separator.
    to fm←2↑⍺,first 1↓split ⍵~'─'       ⍝ to and from notes width.
    vexsplit ⍵                         ⍝ line_vector notes to vec-of-vecs.
    text←0,1↓spill test¨vex             ⍝ mask of lines of flowtext.
    segs←1,1↓¯1⌽0 1⍷text                ⍝ partition at start of flowtext.

    vtrim nl join↑,/(segstext){        ⍝ re-collect lines of notes.
        0=⊃⍺:⍵                          ⍝ no flowtext here: continue.
        flow rest(1 0=⊂⍺)/¨⊂⍵          ⍝ separate flowtext from the rest.
        vexfold list flow              ⍝ refold paragraph.
        wrpto wrap' 'join vex          ⍝ re-re-wrap text.
        newsplit to justify wrp        ⍝ justify.
        new,rest                        ⍝ re-collect segment.
    }¨segsvex                          ⍝ for each flowtext segment.


test script

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