test←{                                  ⍝ Run test script: no news => good news.
    ⍺←'q' ⋄ Alpha←⍺                     ⍝ default: don't show progress
    (1<≢⍺)∧'e'∊⍺:'e'(⍺~'e')∇¨⊂⍵         ⍝ edit 'n run: edit first, then run
    0=⎕NC'⍙⍙⍙':⍺{⍙⍙⍙←⍬ ⋄ ⍎'⍺ test ⍵'}⍵  ⍝ initialised been-here-before list: ⍙⍙⍙
    2=⍴⍴⍵:⍺∘∇¨~∘' '¨↓⍵                  ⍝ matrix: each row is a script
    2=|≡⍵:⍺∘∇¨⍵                         ⍝ nested: test each script
    (⊂⍵)⍙⍙⍙:ok←1 ⋄ ⍙⍙⍙,←⊂⍵             ⍝ been-here-before: skip else continue
    All←{('_'≠⊣/⍵)⌿⍵}' ',⍨scripts.⎕NL 2 ⍝ list of non-hidden scripts
    'e' ''≡⍺ ⍵:⍺ ∇(10⌊≢All)All         ⍝ edit max 10 scripts
    ⍵≡'':⍺ ∇ All                        ⍝ null: test all scripts
    1∊⍺∊'Ee':'→'scripts.⎕ED ⍵           ⍝ 'e'test ... => edit script
    1∊⍺∊'Ll':⍵                          ⍝ 'l'test ... => LIB
    ext(1++/∧\~⊃⎕STATE'⍙⍙⍙')(86⌶)     ⍝ external-to-test execute
    tmpext'⎕NS ⎕NL 3 4 9'              ⍝ tmp space for evaluation
    tmp.Alpha←⍺                         ⍝ handy when script calls test

    tag scrscripts.{                   ⍝ name and content of script
        2=⎕NC ⍵:⍵(⍎⍵)                   ⍝ var: name and content
        ⊂0/⎕←'Can''t find scripts.',⍵   ⍝ undefined: complain
    tag≡'':ok←0                         ⍝ bad script name

    ⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕RL←0 1 16807               ⍝ local envt for test fn

    exec←{                              ⍝ execute script lines in tmp space
        0=⍴⍵:⍺                          ⍝ no more, finished
        oqt⊃⍵:⍺ ∇(nljn/2↑⍵),2↓⍵         ⍝ accumulation of multi-line char vects
        ⎕←show⊃⍵                        ⍝ show expression
        expunc⊃⍵                       ⍝ uncommented first line
        ':'=⊃exp~' ':⍺ ∇ 1↓exp ctrl ⍵   ⍝ :keyword processing
        ''≡exp~' ':⍺ ∇ 1↓⍵              ⍝ ignore blank line
        1∊'←{'⍷unq exp:⍺ ∇ dfn ⍵        ⍝ make local dfn
        act←{                           ⍝ actual result
            disp(1<|≡⍵)⊢⍵              ⍝ boxed if nested
        }{                              ⍝ raw result:
            0::(⍕⎕EN),'::',(⊃⎕DM)~'⍎'   ⍝ show error number and message
            85::↑0↑1↓⍵                  ⍝ shy/no result: ok
            ']'≡⊃exp~' ':tmp ucmd exp   ⍝ ]user command:
            ⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕RL←1 1 16807       ⍝ reset for ##.test case
            1(tmp.(85⌶))exp             ⍝ execute expr in tmp space
        ok remact check 1↓⍵            ⍝ check against expected result
        (⍺∧ok)rem                     ⍝ check remaining script

    ucmd←{                              ⍝ ]user command:
        cmd←'''',⍵,''''                 ⍝ quoted for 85⌶
        1(⍺.(85⌶))'⍺ ⎕SE.UCMD',cmd      ⍝ result from UCMD processor

    check←{                             ⍝ check expected vs. actual result
        act←↓tmp.⎕FMT ⍺                 ⍝ actual result
        exp(act)↑⍵                    ⍝ expected result
        clipped←{⍵[;⍳⎕PW⌊⊃⌽⍴⍵]}         ⍝ clipped at screen width
        lfts←{(∨⌿∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}            ⍝ left shift of char matrix
        match←{≡/lfts∘↑¨⍺ ⍵}            ⍝ match aligned results
        act match exp:{                 ⍝ match: continue
            ⎕←clipped showexp          ⍝ show (indented) result
            1,⊂(act)↓⍵                 ⍝ ok; skip result lines
        }⍵                              ⍝ from remainder of script
        '∘'∊Alpha:∘                     ⍝ stop to examine exp vs act
        ⎕←clipped showact              ⍝ show (exdented) wrong result
        dexp dact←↑¨dots¨¨exp act       ⍝ dots for spaces in
        ⎕←⎕FMT tag,⊂dexp'→'dact         ⍝ display of differences
        _ed act                        ⍝ optional script editing
        0,⊂(act)↓⍵                     ⍝ and continue

    ctrl←{                              ⍝ :If :Else :End[If] :Return[If]
        ko←⍺⍳':' ⋄ ks(ko↓⍺)⍳' '        ⍝ keyword offset and size
        kwksko↓⍺                      ⍝ keyword
        ':Return'≡kw:0/⍵                ⍝ Return: skip rest of script
        ix←{⌊/(~∘' '∘unc¨top)⍳⍵}      ⍝ index of
        top←{                           ⍝ top-level lines
            sigs←3↑¨~∘' '¨⍵             ⍝ line signatures
            hits←':If' ':En'∘.≡sigs     ⍝ :If and :End[If] lines
            tops←{⍵∧¯1⌽⍵}2>-⌿+\hits     ⍝ mask of top-level lines
            tops\tops/⍵                 ⍝ without inner ctrl structs
        End←':End' ':EndIf'             ⍝ either spelling
        skip←{(¯1+⍵ ix End)↓⍵}          ⍝ skip to :End
        ':Else'≡kw:skip ⍵               ⍝ Else: skip to :End
        (kw)End:⍵                     ⍝ End: continue
        truetmp⍎∘⊢ksko↓⍺              ⍝ bool result (⍎∘⊢ for kind colouring)
        ':ReturnIf'≡kw:(~true)/⍵        ⍝ :ReturnIf true: return else continue
        ':If'≡kw:{true:⍵                ⍝ :If true: carry on
            end←⍵ ix End,⊂':Else'       ⍝ Else or End offset
            tailend↓⍵                  ⍝ remainder of script
            tail⊣⎕←showtail            ⍝ continue

    dfn←{                               ⍝ fix temp dfn
        rawunqunc¨⍵                   ⍝ raw code
        depth←+\{⊃⌽-⌿+\'{}'∘.=⍵}¨raw    ⍝ {}-nesting depth per line
        lines←1++/∧\×depth              ⍝ no of lines in defn
        _tmp.⎕FX↑lines↑⍵               ⍝ fix dfn in temp space
        ⎕←show↑1↓lines↑⍵                ⍝ show dfn body
        lines↓⍵                         ⍝ continue with remaining lines

    ed←{                                ⍝ script correction with 's' option
        ~1∊Alpha∊'Ss',¯3:0              ⍝ nope: continue
        actual←'UnexpectedValue'        ⍝ caption for editor
        script←'##.scripts.',tag        ⍝ name of script variable
        qt←{'''',⍵,''''}                ⍝ aa → 'aa'
        tfn←,⊂actual,'←edit ',actual    ⍝ tradfn waits for edit
        tfn,←⊂'⎕ed',⍕qt¨actual script   ⍝ edit scripts
        edit←+ ⋄ ⍎(⎕FX tfn),' ⍵'        ⍝ localise, fix and execute edit fn
    dots←'·'@(' '=⊢)                    ⍝ dots for blanks in diff display
    unq←{(~≠\''''=⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵}           ⍝ unquoted chars
    oqt←{⊃⌽≠\''''=unc ⍵}                ⍝ line has open quote
    unc←{(∧\'⍝'≠unq)/⍵}               ⍝ uncommented line
    und←{(0=-⌿+\'{}'∘.=⍵){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵}      ⍝ un-dfn-ed line
    nls←⎕UCS 13 133                     ⍝ version-proof newlines
    nest←{1↓¨(1,⍵∊nls)⊂' ',⍵}           ⍝ split line vector at nl char
    nljn←{⍺,(nls),⍵}                   ⍝ nl-join of char vectors
    then{(⍵⍵⍣(⍺⍺ ⍵))}                 ⍝ conditional function application
    bkt←{↑⍵{⍺,⍺⍺,⍵}/⍺}                  ⍝ ⍺-bracket
    show(1∊⍺∊'Vv',1)∘{↑⍺/↓⎕FMT ⍵}      ⍝ verbose: show progress
    sname←'scripts.',⍵                  ⍝ script name
    ⎕←show(-⎕PW)(⎕PW⍴'⍝'),' ',sname    ⍝ show script name if verbose
    stamp←{timestamp'dfns','.dws ',⍺}   ⍝ timestamp for overnight batch jobs
    ⎕←⍵ stamp('⎕'∊Alpha)⊢0 0⍴0         ⍝ optional display of script name
    1:ok←1 exec{1=≡,⍵}then nest scr     ⍝ shy result of executed script


test script

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