redblack{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                   ⍝ Red-black trees.

    ins←{                               ⍝ tree ⍺ with key=val ⍵.        [ins]
        ⍺≡0:base ⍵ 1(0 0)               ⍝ null: new <red> node and path.
        ((nxt _)red subs)(key _)←⍺ ⍵    ⍝ parts of node.
        nxtkey:donered subs         ⍝ match: new value, long path.
        node path←⍺ ∇ search ⍵          ⍝ natch: search subtrees.
        2≠⍴path:node path               ⍝ not grandparent: continue.
        p cpath                        ⍝ parent and child sides.
        ~node isred p:node path         ⍝ parent black [insB]: no change.
        node isred-p:node insRR p       ⍝ uncle red [insRR]:
        p=c:node insRBo p               ⍝ C is P's outer child [insRBo]:
        (node rotp sub p)insRBo p      ⍝ C is P's inner child [insRBi]:
    }                                   ⍝ t p ← t ∇ k v

    insRR←{                             ⍝ red uncle.                    [insRR]
        gflip ⍺                        ⍝   [G] → <G>
        ug flip sub ⍵                  ⍝   <U> → [U]
        base u flip sub-⍵               ⍝   <P> → [P]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ p → t p

    insRBo←{                            ⍝ C is outer child.             [insRBo]
        gflip ⍺                        ⍝   [G] → <G>
        pg rot-⍵                       ⍝       ⌽ G-P
        done flip p                     ⍝   <P> → [P]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ p → t p

    get←{                               ⍝ value for key ⍵ from tree ⍺.
        ⍺≡0:                            ⍝ key not in tree: no value.
        (nxt val)_ subs←⍺               ⍝ next key, value and subtrees.
        nxt≡⍵:val                       ⍝ match: value from tree.
        ((>/⍋↑⍵ nxt)subs)∇ ⍵           ⍝ search subtree.
    }                                   ⍝ v ← t ∇ k

    rem←{                               ⍝ remove key ⍵ from tree ⍺.
        ⍺≡0:done 0                      ⍝ null: key not in tree.
        (nxt _)red(lft rgt)←⍺           ⍝ node key and subtrees.
        ~nxt≡⊃⍵:bal ⍺ ∇ search ⍵        ⍝ no match: search subtrees.
        0≡lft:bal rgt rep red           ⍝ no left subtree: replace with right.
        0≡rgt:bal lft rep red           ⍝ no right subtree: replace with left.
        kvleft rgt                     ⍝ two subtrees: right-successor node.
        sub pathrgtkv               ⍝ right subtree with successor removed.
        bal(kv red(lft sub))(1,path)    ⍝ replaced with successor's key=val.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ k _ → t p

    left←{                              ⍝ left-most key=val in subtree ⍵.
        kv _(lft _)←⍵                   ⍝ key=val and left subtree.
        0≡lft:kv                        ⍝ no left node: successor key.
        ∇ lft                           ⍝ examine left subtree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t → kv

    rep←{                               ⍝ repaint deleted node's child. [rep]
        ⍵:done ⍺                        ⍝ red X: [C]                    [repR]
        ⍺≡0:dblk 0                      ⍝ child null: [[∘]]             [repBB]
        inf red subs←⍺                  ⍝ child non-null.
        red:done inf 0 subs             ⍝ child red: <C> →  [C]         [repBR]
        dblk ⍺                          ⍝ child blk: [C] → [[C]]        [repBB]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    bal←{                               ⍝ double-black balancing.       [bal]
        sub path←⍵                      ⍝ subtree and path to new child.
        2≠⍴path:⍵                       ⍝ not parent: continue.
        dir dblkpathׯ1 1              ⍝ direction and 0 => double-black.
        dblk≠0:⍵                        ⍝ not double black: continue.
        sub isred dir:sub balR dir      ⍝ red sibling: [balR]
        sub balB dir                    ⍝ blk sibling: [balB]
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t p → t p

    balR←{                              ⍝ sibling red                   [balR]
        p0flip ⍺                       ⍝   [P] → <P>
        p1p0 rot-⍵                     ⍝       ⌽ P-S
        p2flip p1                      ⍝   <S> → [S]
        Pinf Pred Psubsp2              ⍝ new parent node.
        N S←⍵ wise Psubs                ⍝ [[N]] and [S]
        N_ pathN balB ⍵                ⍝ sibling now black: [balB]
        P_subs←⍵ wise N_ S              ⍝ new subtrees.
        (Pinf Pred P_subs)path          ⍝ balanced tree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    balB←{                              ⍝ sibling black                 [balB]
        near far←⍺∘isred¨⍵×1,¨¯1 1      ⍝ nephew colours.
        nearfar:⍺ balBbb ⍵             ⍝ both nephews black: [balBbb]
        far:⍺ balB_r ⍵                  ⍝ far nephew red: [balB_r]
        ⍺ balBrb ⍵                      ⍝ far nephew black: [balBrb]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    balBbb←{                            ⍝ both nephews black            [balBbb]
        pred←⍺ isred ⍬                  ⍝ parent colour.
        p0←⍺ flip sub ⍵                 ⍝   [S] → <S>
        pred:done flip p0               ⍝   <P> → [P]
        dblk p0                         ⍝   [P] → [[P]]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    balB_r←{                            ⍝ far nephew red.               [balB_r]
        colr←{kv _ lr←⍺ ⋄ kvlr}      ⍝ ⍵-coloured tree ⍺.
        pred←⍺ isred ⍬                  ⍝ parent colour.
        p0←⍺ colr 0                     ⍝   (P) → [P]
        p1p0 rot-⍵                     ⍝       ⌽ P-S
        p2p1 flip sub ⍵                ⍝   <f> → [f]
        p3p2 colr pred                 ⍝   (S) → (P)
        done p3                         ⍝ balance resolved.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    balBrb←{                            ⍝ far nephew black              [balBrb]
        p0←⍺ flip sub ⍵                 ⍝ [S] → <S>
        p1p0 rot∘⍵ sub ⍵               ⍝     ⌽ S-n
        p2p1 flip sub ⍵                ⍝ <n> → [n]
        p2 balB_r ⍵                     ⍝       [balB_r]
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t p

    root←{                              ⍝ root:
        0≡⊃⍵:0                          ⍝ null tree: done.
        (inf _ subs)_←⍵                 ⍝ tree and path.
        inf 0 subs                      ⍝ root: black - rule [I].
    }                                   ⍝ t ← ∇ t p

    fmt←{                               ⍝ formatted tree ⍵.
        null←↑,↓'[∘]'                   ⍝ format of null.
        ⍵≡0:null                        ⍝ null tree: null format.
        (key val)red subs←⍵             ⍝ node info.
        l rred⊃'[]' '<>'               ⍝ colour: [black] <red>
        key_val←↑,/⍕¨l key'='val r      ⍝ formatted key=value
        fmts←{⊖⍵}\'┌└'{                 ⍝ hang subtrees by ┌─ ─┐ branches.
            0 0≡⍴⍵:⍵                    ⍝ null: done.
            mask←∧\' '=⊃↓⌽⍉⍵            ⍝ mask of leading blanks.
            ⍉⌽↑(⊂⌽⍺,mask/'│'),↓⌽⍉⍵      ⍝ subtree suspended by branch.
        }¨{⊖⍵}\∇¨subs                   ⍝ formatted subtrees.
        dent←' '⊣¨key_val               ⍝ subtree padding.
        pads←{↓↑,/dent,⊂⍵}¨fmts         ⍝ left-padded subtrees.
        ↑↑{⍺,(key_val,'┤'),⍵}/pads     ⍝ formatted tree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t → [-;]

    vec←{                               ⍝ vector of key=value pairs.
        0≡⍵:⍬                           ⍝ null tree: null vector.
        key_val bal(lft rgt)←⍵          ⍝ node info and subtrees.
        (lft),(key_val),∇ rgt        ⍝ left_vec, key=val, right_vec.

    chk←{                               ⍝ tree statistics.
        0=≡⍵:(0≡⍵)0 0 0,⍬ 1 1           ⍝ null: ok size dep ht range blks isblk.
        (key _)red subs←⍵               ⍝ parts of node.
        blk←~red                        ⍝ black node.
        stats(⍺+1)∇¨subs               ⍝ subtree stats.
        oks ss ds hs ks bs bks←↓⍉↑stats ⍝ oks sizes deps hghts keys blks reds.
        keys←↑key{⍺,(⊂⍺⍺),⍵}/ks         ⍝ subtree key ranges.
        okK←{⍵≡⍳⍴⍵}⍋↑keys               ⍝ left keys << key >> right keys.
        okRblk∨∧/bks                   ⍝ check rule [R].
        okB←=/bs                        ⍝ check rule [B].
        okokKokRokB∧∧/oks            ⍝ subtree ok.
        kr←⌽2⍴¯1⌽keys                   ⍝ key range.
        blksblk+⌈/bs                   ⍝ black count increment.
        ht sz←1+(⌈/hs),+/ss             ⍝ tree height and size.
        dp←⍺++/ds                       ⍝ total depths.
        ⍺>0:ok sz dp ht,kr blks blk     ⍝ subtree stats.
        ok sz(⌊0.5+dp÷sz)ht             ⍝ root: ok size mean_depth height.
    }                                   ⍝ ok size tot_dep ht rng blks blk ← ∇ t

    search{                            ⍝ search subtree ⍺ for key ⊃⍵.
        inf red(lft rgt)←⍺              ⍝ parts of node.
        dir←1-2×>/⍋↑⊃¨inf ⍵             ⍝ search direction: ¯1 1
        _ nxtdir wise lft rgt          ⍝ nxt subtree to search.
        sub pathnxt ⍺⍺ ⍵               ⍝ new subtree & path.
        subsdir wise lft sub rgt       ⍝ new subtrees.
        (inf red subs)(dir,path)        ⍝ new node and extended path.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t (t ∇ k v → t p) ∇∇ k v → t p

    rot←{                               ⍝ ⍵-rotation of node ⍺.
        Ninf Nred Nsubs←⍺               ⍝        N   →   L_
        (Linf Lred Lsubs)R←⍵ wise Nsubs ⍝       ⌿ \     / \
        ll lr←⍵ wise Lsubs              ⍝      L   R  ll   N_
        N_Ninf Nred(wise lr R)       ⍝     / \         / \
        Linf Lred(wise ll N_)         ⍝   ll   lr     lr   R
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t

    sub{                               ⍝ apply ⍺⍺ to subtree ⍵ of tree ⍺.
        inf red subs←⍺                  ⍝ node info and subs.
        lft rgt←⍵ wise subs             ⍝ right subtree is target.
        sub←⍺⍺ rgt                      ⍝ operation on right subtree.
        inf red(wise lft sub)         ⍝ reassembled tree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t (∇ t → t) ∇∇ dir → t

    isred←{                             ⍝ colour for subtree ⍺, path ⍵.
        inf col(lft rgt)←⍺              ⍝ (possibly null) node colour and subs.
        ⍵≡⍬:col                         ⍝ colour of (possibly null) node.
        (⊃⌽(⊃⍵)wise lft rgt)∇ 1↓⍵       ⍝ examine left or right subtree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ p → red

    wise←{(2×⍺)↑3⍴⍵}                    ⍝ parameterise direction.
    flip←{kv b lr←⍵ ⋄ kv(~b)lr}         ⍝ flip colour of node ⍵.
    done←{⍺ ⍵}∘0 0 0                    ⍝ node with long path.
    base←{⍺ ⍵}∘⍬                        ⍝ new child: node with null path.
    dblk←{⍺ ⍵}∘(,0)                     ⍝ double black node.

    op←⍺⍺{f←⍺⍺ ⋄ ⊃⎕CR'f'}0              ⍝ operand label.

    '∪'≡op:rootins ⍵                 ⍝ insert/replace value in tree.
    '~'≡op:rootrem ⍵ 0               ⍝ remove key=value from tree.
    '⍎'≡op:⍵ get ⍺                      ⍝ search for value for key.
    '⍕'≡op:fmt ⍵                        ⍝ formatted tree.
    '∊'≡op:vec ⍵                        ⍝ vector of key=value pairs.
    '?'≡op:4↑0 chk ⍵                    ⍝ tree stats: ok size mean_depth height.


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