quzzle←{⎕IO ⎕ML←1                                       ⍝ A hard, simple puzzle.
    extend←{⍝ extend shortest path
        (Fin)<p←1⍳⍨(Fin=0)NPath=⌊/(Fin=0)/NPath:0     ⍝ select min path to extend
        (Target)=+/NPath[p]≥(Fin>0)/NPath:0            ⍝ shortest paths found ?
        n←⊃¯1↑pPath                                    ⍝ last node in selected path
        ∇ delpath p,↑,/p next¨↑,/n moves¨Tiles          ⍝ extend this path
    moves←{⍝ possible moves for a tile. ⍺:Node index, ⍵:tile id
        ⍵,¨((,1 ¯1∘.×1,1+2⊃Shape)((,'_'⍪'∣',ShapeState[⍺;]){∧/((⍵=⍺⌽⍺⍺)/⍺⍺)∊⍵,' '})¨⍵)/'←↑→↓'
    next←{⍝ add state at next level. ⍺:Path ID, ⍵:tile,direction
        ' '=t←⊃⍵:0                                      ⍝ nothing to add
        yState[⊃¯1↑⍺⊃Path;]                            ⍝ state before ...
        x←' '@(=∘t)y                                    ⍝ and ...
        (((,1 ¯1∘.×1,2⊃Shape)['←↑→↓'⍳2⊃⍵]⌽,t=y)/x)←t    ⍝ after move
        0=n(1∊n)×1⍳⍨nState∧.=x:0×(addnode x)addpath ⍺ ⍵ ⍝ new state: append node and path
        ⍺∊i←⍸n∊¨Path:0                                  ⍝ node already in current path
        0∊⍴i:0×n addpath ⍺ ⍵                            ⍝ node not in any path
        NPath[⍺]≥¯2+⌊/Path[i]⍳¨n:0                      ⍝ shorter path to node exists
        (n addpath ⍺ ⍵)modpath¨i                        ⍝ modify existing paths
    addnode←{⍝ add a new node ie unique state. ⍵:new state
        (⍬⊃State)←State⍪⍵                               ⍝ state
        i←⍵[(i,(1+⍴⍵)-(i←2⊃Shape),1)[Target]]⍳⊃Tiles    ⍝ tile in an end corner?
        ENode,←i×i≤⍴Target                              ⍝ end node
        NMoves,←⌊/⍬                                     ⍝ min nr of moves to node
        ⊃⍴ENode                                         ⍝ node number
    addpath←{⍝ add a new path ⍺:node ⍵:(path nr to append to)(move tile,direction)
        p m←⍵ ⋄ e←⍺⊃ENoden←⊃⍴pPath
        (e>0)(eFin)n(Fine)NPath,0:0               ⍝ path to corner already found
        Path,←⊂(pPath),⍺                               ⍝ full path
        Moves,←⊂(pMoves)m                             ⍝ moves
        Fin,←⍺⊃ENode                                    ⍝ completed if node is a corner
        NPath,←n                                        ⍝ nr of moves for path
        NMoves[⍺]⌊←n                                    ⍝ min path length for node
        ⊃⍴Path                                          ⍝ new path index
    modpath←{⍝ modify path with shorter sub-path. ⍺:shortest path index, ⍵:path to modify
        ⍺=0:0                                           ⍝ cancel this action
        (ix⍳¯1↑⍺⊃Path)=⍴x←⍵⊃Path:⍺                     ⍝ mark longer full path to delete
        (⍵⊃Path)←(⍺⊃Path),ix                           ⍝ mod path
        (⍵⊃Moves)←(⍺⊃Moves)i↓⍵⊃Moves                   ⍝ mod move sequence
        (⍵⊃NPath)←¯1+⊃⍴⍵⊃Path                           ⍝ mod path length
    delpath←{⍝ delete path(s) ⍵: path indices
        ~0∊i←~(⍳⍴Path)∊⍵:0                              ⍝ nothing to delete
        Path∘←i/Path                                    ⍝ del paths
        Moves∘←i/Moves                                  ⍝ del moves
        NPath∘←i/NPath                                  ⍝ del path lengths
        Fin∘←i/Fin                                      ⍝ del complete path indicators
    ⍺←⍳3 ⋄ Target←,⍺
    Tiles(∪,⍵)~' ' ⋄ Shape←⍴⍵                          ⍝ tile labels
    Path←,⊂,1 ⋄ Moves←,⊂1 2⍴' ' ⋄ NPath←,0 ⋄ Fin←,0     ⍝ paths and moves
    State(1,⍴,⍵)⍴⍵ ⋄ NMoves←,0 ⋄ ENode←,0              ⍝ nodes, states, nr-moves, Solution
    xextend 0                                          ⍝ solve
    ∧/Fin=0:'There are no solutions'
    i←⊃∨/{i\n=⌊/n(iFin=⍵)/NPath}¨⍳⍴Target             ⍝ best solutions
    x←'Top-right' 'Bottom-left' 'Bottom-right'[Target[i/Fin]] ⍝ display
    xx,[0.5](⊂'in ')(⍕¨i/NPath),¨⊂' moves'


test script

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