packZ←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                          ⍝ Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression.

    cmp←{                                   ⍝ Compression.
        compress←{                          ⍝ compress source string.
            fm next dict←⍵                  ⍝ index, next code, dict.
            fm=⍴srce:⍺ dict                 ⍝ done: code vector and dictionary.
            to dext codefm{                ⍝ extended dictionary:
                ⍵≡⍬:(⍺-1){⍺ ⍵ ¯1}{          ⍝ leaf of dictionary tree:
                    ⍵≥maxdict:⍬             ⍝ dictionary full: no change,
                    ⍵,leaf                  ⍝ otherwise: extend tree,
                }next                       ⍝ ... with next code.
                ⍺=⍴srce:⍺ ⍵,⊃⍵              ⍝ end of string: stop.
                posn←1+alph⍳⊂⍺⊃srce         ⍝ next item from input string.
                to sub code(⍺+1)posn⊃⍵   ⍝ examine subtree.
                tree(sub)@posn⊢⍵          ⍝ update dictionary tree.
                to tree,(code=¯1)code,⊃⍵   ⍝ value from dictionary.
            }dict                           ⍝ extend dictionary.
            (⍺,code)to(next+1)dext        ⍝ ⍺-accumulated output string.

        decode←{                            ⍝ dictionary decode.
            1↓↑{⍵[⍋⍺]}/↓⍉↑⍬{                ⍝ sorted dictionary entries.
                ⍵≡⍬:⍬                       ⍝ null leaf: finished.
                code subs(⊃⍵)(1↓⍵)         ⍝ code value and subtrees.
                strings←⍺∘,¨alph            ⍝ extended strings.
                (code),↑,/strings ∇¨subs ⍝ enlisted tree.

        maxdict←2*|⍺                        ⍝ |⍺ is max code width in bits.
        shape←⍴⍵                            ⍝ save shape.
        alph←∪srce←,⍵                       ⍝ source vector and "alphabet".
        leaf←{⍬}¨alph                       ⍝ new tree leaf.
        root←¯1,,∘leaf¨⍳⍴alph               ⍝ dictionary of "root" strings.
        bool←{1=((⌊1+2⍟⌈/⍵,1)/2)⊤⍵}         ⍝ boolean matrix result.
        minpos maxneg←1 ¯1×2⍟1⌈⍴alph        ⍝ ⍺-domain.

        codes dict←⍬ compress 0(alph)root  ⍝ codes vector and final dictionary.

        ⍺≥minpos:shape(bool codes)alph      ⍝ +ive ⍺: compressed output.
        ⍺≤maxneg:decode dict                ⍝ -ive ⍺: final dictionary.
        '⍺ too small'⎕SIGNAL 11             ⍝ data-loss would occur.

    exp←{                                   ⍝ Expansion.
        shape←0⊃⍵                           ⍝ shape,
        codes(2⊥1⊃⍵),0                     ⍝ code vector and
        dict←,∘⊂¨2⊃⍵                        ⍝ initial dictionary.
        shape(0⍴1⊃⍵){                      ⍝ initial output string.
            indx dict←⍵                     ⍝ code index and  dictionary.
            indx=¯1+⍴codes:⍺                ⍝ all codes done: finished.
            code nextcodes[indx+0 1]       ⍝ current and next code word.
            strgcodedict                  ⍝ next output string.
            dentstrg,1↑nextdict,⊂strg     ⍝ new dictionary entry.
            (⍺,strg)(indx+1)(dict,⊂dent)   ⍝ ⍺-accumulated output string.
        }0 dict                             ⍝ initial index and dictionary.

    ⍺←12 ⋄ ⍺=0:exp ⍵ ⋄ ⍺ cmp ⍵              ⍝ expand or compress.


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