packD←{                                 ⍝ Pack char array to boolean vector.

    (⎕IO ⎕ML)←1 3                       ⍝ the environment
    key←↑,/{↓(⍳⍵)∘.>⍳⍵}¨⍳23             ⍝ generate the keys (up to 276), they
                                        ⍝ start with ones and end with zeros.
    cmp←{                               ⍝ compress:
        dt←,⍵ ⋄ k←1,¨key                ⍝ vectorise items, separators to keys
        u←{⍵{⍺[⍒⍵]}{+/⍵=dt}¨⍵}∪dt       ⍝ sort uniques according to frequencies.
        uq←,⍉(8⍴2)⊤¯1+(u),⎕AV⍳u        ⍝ shape then uniques fit to eight bits.
        rk←,(4⍴2)⊤⍴⍴⍵                   ⍝ rank fits in four bytes

        sh←⍬{                           ⍝ shape is a trickier one
            0∊⍴⍵:⍺                      ⍝ all done?
            n←1+⌊2⍟1⌈↑⍵                 ⍝ how many bits are needed for representing the integer?
            q(,(5⍴2)n),,(n⍴2)⊤↑⍵      ⍝ n should fit to five bits (2*2*5 -> 4GB dimensions supported ;) )
            (⍺,q)∇ 1↓⍵                  ⍝ add binarised figure to the result

        rk,sh,uq,∊k[udt]               ⍝ join the result with binarised data

    unc←{                               ⍝ uncompress:
        rk←2⊥4⍴⍵                        ⍝ rank's easy

        (sh x)←⍬ 4 rk{                  ⍝ shape needs more treatment
            (s n r)←⍺                   ⍝ deliver args
            r=0:s n                     ⍝ all done: return shape and offset
            q←2⊥5⍴⍵                     ⍝ how many bits?
            d←2⊥q⍴5↓⍵                   ⍝ -> dimension length
            (s,d)(n+q+5)(r-1)(q+5)↓⍵   ⍝ next

        n←1+2⊥8⍴x↓⍵                     ⍝ how many uniques?
        u←⎕AV[1+,2⊥⍉n 8⍴(n×8)(x+8)↓⍵]  ⍝  -> make the list
        dt(x+8×n+1)↓⍵                  ⍝ rip the data part
        pdt≤¯1↓0,dt                    ⍝ binary partitioner (first 1's)
        shu[keypdt]                  ⍝ reconstruct

    ⍺←1 ⋄ ⍺=1:cmp ⍵ ⋄ unc ⍵             ⍝ which way to go?


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